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GME - EndGame part 4: The Saga Continues

GME - EndGame part 4: The Saga Continues
This is an extension of my DD series on GME. If you haven’t read them and have time, they will provide some background on my previous predictions, some of which have already come true. In this post, I’ll share my thoughts on what I think is going on, plus some tips to manage your positions and exits.
TL;DR: Shorts are in but likely want to get out. And they want to get out at the best price possible. See tips for managing positions.

Previous Important Posts

  • EndGame Part 1 (DTC Infinity) covered the short positions, the float, and potential snowball impacts of increasing prices, and argued that part of the reason that shorts haven’t closed was that it was pretty much impossible for shorts to close
  • EndGame Part 2 covered Cohen, fair market cap analysis, and potential investors, in which I talked about the amazing mid-to-long term potential for GME.
  • HEY SEC, if you’re reading please read this one - After the Citron tweet, I shared this fan fiction on what looked like blatant market manipulation by shorts on the day of the tweet, and offered some education on strengthening your position. This one got buried and is worth reading.
  • EndGame Part 3 covered the gamma squeeze, potential shady tactics by MMs, and some tips for staying safe.

What’s happening with the price?

We’re still gamma squeezing

Many media outlets are reporting this as a “short squeeze”. They’re only partially right, as if Melvin isn’t lying they’ve already been squeezed out.
However, the reality is so far we’ve been Gamma squeezing - repeatedly - and some shorts have been casualties along the way.
See this post for a deeper explanation, but the essence of it is that market-makers have to buy shares to hedge the calls they sell. The more calls people buy, the more shares they MMs have to hedge with. As I explained in part 1, GME has ultra low liquidity, i.e. there’s waaaay fewer actively traded shares than what shorts need to buy to cover with, and then when you get lots of people buying calls and shares in the hot new stock it just removes more availability from the market.
As a result, when MMs buy shares to hedge, it moves the price of the underlying up. Combine that with the buying pressure of people piling into a stock climbing 100% a day, shorts getting liquidated, and it’s a perfect storm.
Today, GME closed at $347 (before the after market selloff, but i’ll get to that soon).
320 calls were added yesterday. Similarly, when 115cs were added we squeezed to >115 in two days. Same story with 60c’s etc.
Remember this commentary from EndGame part 3 on Friday’s price action:
Notice how the stock dropped from a high of $75 on Friday to below 60 - the highest expiring SP for the 1/22 options, and stayed tight in range for the rest of the day. Now, for compliance reasons, MM are required to be neutral by EOD, so 20 minutes before close, MMs had to buy back all their short positions, which led to the strong close above 60.
All this led me to believe that the real fair market price for GME was above $65. Without the market makers interference, GME would have closed higher.
Now, what happened today? We opened at $351, more than double the previous close of $145 and after the morning profit taking, we squeezed to a high of $372 as MMs furiously tried to hedge the 320 calls they sold you the day before for peanuts.
See, the thing is, Kenny G doesn’t like to lose money. The magical method Citadel’s market makers make money, is that they sell you call giving you the right to buy shares at a certain price, say $320, for the nice price of $10/share (for example). Now, as long as Citadel’s MMs can buy all the shares they have to give to you for less than $320, that $10 is free money. However, when the underlying moves too fast, the MMs have to buy shares for more than $320, and Kenny G does not like that.
Today was a shock to the MMs that sold all the 320cs yesterday. A six-sigma event after a six-sigma event after a six-sigma event. Yet again, within days (a day?) of offering new, higher strikes - every call option ever sold was in the money, before they had a chance to adequately hedge.
So, just as on Friday, if the price got too high above $320, market makers dug into their bag of tricks to start selling it off. (People taking profits here helped too.) However, multiple times, when GME went below $300, MMs took their opportunity to hedge the 1/29 calls. So, just as before, we traded in a tight range around the highest strike.
My conclusion from this action the first time was that GME’s fair price was being actively suppressed, and it proceeded to 5x in the next few days. There’s a possibility we’re in a replay and will see more upward movement on delta hedging alone.
The point of this is: I think shorts are feeling the squeeze, for sure, reporting massive mark-to-market losses. But I believe the shorts are still in.

Shorts are still in

As of Wednesday morning, Ortex was estimating a short interest of 65M shares, down from 71M shares the day before.
If you’ve read my Part 1 (DTC Infinity), you’ll hopefully recall my thesis that there are actually less than 24M shares available, and therefore that it would be nigh impossible for shorts to close. Since then a slew of new investors have piled in to buy and hold GME, from little guys like us to big-ass-whales like Blackrock increasing their holdings to 13% of GME.
So what? I think the available shares for shorts to buy are down to under 20M, and they have to buy 65M shares to close. Shorts have barely begun to cover. We’ve only been increasing the cost of their exits!
Now, let’s talk about Melvin Capital. I loved watching Chamath defend retail investors and argue against the institutional leveraged shorting that got us here in the first place, but I also learned something interesting that helped me understand how the 140% short interest had in the first place, and how the unwinding may go.
At 2:10 Chamath saysGabe Plotkin is one of the giants of our era, but at the end of the day, what happens is that his trades are copied by umpteen other hedge funds that follow along
This tells me 2 things:
  • A lot of hedge funds (likely Maplelane, D1, Viking, Point72, and more) followed each other into this short. Much like retards like us get behind good DD shared in the open, these institutional retards got together with their cigars and golf clubs behind closed doors and decided together to go in together against GME.
  • If Melvin is really out, it’s unlikely the other funds are going to want to stay in, lest they be compared poorly to Melvin if GME continues to go against them. The other shorts want out.
Chamath also tells us that prime brokers (the brokers that hedge funds use) are seeing “the biggest 4-day degrossing from hedge funds they’ve ever seen”.
Again, the problem is - there just aren’t enough shares. Shorts have dug themselves a massive grave by shorting more shares in existence and continuing to short while Cohen grabbed up 9M shares, institutions added to their positions, and retail traders piled in.
For boomers like this tard that can’t understand why the price is so high - go back to Econ 101, supply and demand bitch.

It’s costing shorts incredible $ to hold their positions

Here’s all the ways shorts are losing money.
  • They pay borrow fees to loan the stock. At one point today, the GME stock borrow fee hit 250% for new borrows. At $300/share that’s $2/day. That doesn’t sound like much right? What if you shorted at $50?
  • The short position on GME has ballooned to $25BN from a low of $1B. The borrow fees are applied to the latest closing price, not the price you shorted at.
  • Funds are paying interest fees on the margin they are using for the short
  • And oh yeah, GME’s up like 800% in 5 days.

Dirty tactics continue

At this point, I think “THEY” have figured out that gamma squeezes are absolutely destroying hedge funds. So what do they do?
    • This is insane. Funds, prime brokerages, and market makers all stood to lose money so they disabled trading of GME due to "volatility". Citadel invests in Melvin capital. Then brokerages shut down buying!
  • Brokerages down
  • Options not loading
  • Restrict retail trading on GME
    • I’m seeing reports that retail buyers not allowed to hold more than 100 GME options now
  • This is a direct defense against more gamma squeezes and an attack on retail investors, giving institutions a distinct advantage.
  • HEY Shortsellers Enrichment Corporation - how is it ok for Citron to buy thousands of puts minutes before their tweet and how is it ok for prime brokers to give hedge funds 10-100x leverage, but the little guys can’t have more than 100 options total?
    • Personally, I don’t really do 100s of options all at once but now I really want to. Fuck this.
  • More short ladder attacks. Look at after-hours trading on GME - a rapid short ladder attack during low-volume trading in order to bring the price down.
  • If you use stop losses on GME and leave them on, you will get stop-loss hunted.

Ripple effects of the squeeze
  • These hedge funds that are short GME, are also short other equities like BBBY, AMC, etc.
  • These hedge funds are also long other shares with leverage, so the ONLY way they’re staying alive and not covering their shorts, is that they’re reducing their long leverage. This means selloffs in the broader market as they have to shore up their margin requirements against the massive short squeezes in their portfolios.

I believe we’re at a tipping point

  • I don’t believe shorts have really covered yet. They have defended by getting capital infusions and reducing their long leverage. I.e. they have begun liquidating long positions.
  • If GME climbs more, they will be forced to cover and liquidate.

Things to be careful about

As you can see, this is no easy win. In addition to the suggestions I wrote about in this post, here’s some things to be careful about.
  • There are threats to halt trading. Shares are safe, they do not expire. Calls can be destroyed by tactics like buying halts.
  • Be careful about swapping ITM calls for OTM calls: it can be tempting to trade-up your options for higher return, but be mindful of the delta impact. You may actually be driving the sale of shares by MMs when you don’t mean to. For example, if you sell a .5 delta call for 2 .2 delta calls, that’s net reduction of 10 shares that MMs have to hold long as leverage.
  • Be careful about being short any calls this week: Not only do you limit your upside (which is dumb in the prospect of a squeeze), you could end up in a nightmare scenario. A call that ends OTM on Friday could end up ITM after hours if you didn’t sell it, and you may get assigned while the underlying continues to go up. Close spreads if your short legs are deep ITM unless you want to risk early assignment and high hard-to-borrow fees.
  • There are a few other dirty tactics shorts can play. I’m not specifically going to share them here because I don’t want to give the ideas circulation, but
    • Choose your own limit sells based on personal sell points. Don’t copy others and don’t try to be memey. Make your own decisions.
    • Stop sharing your positions publicly. I know this is anti-wsb, and I think sharing them is great for this community, but in the case of GME it’s an attack vector for you.
  • Be careful of holding weeklies until expiration. Remember the multiple trading halts? What if trading gets halted on Friday at 2pm and doesn’t resume for the rest of the day? All your 1/29 calls would expire worthless. Depending on your broker and your cash positions, maybe even your ITM ones. Roll (or sell, if you’re taking profits) your weeklies well before expiration.
  • Be careful about buying on margin. Brokers are rapidly increasing margins. If you bought on margin with 2:1 leverage, and the stock went up 100%, you’d be in margin call even without a margin change. If the broker moves margin against you, you’ll get to margin call faster.
  • Don’t bet more than you can afford to lose. I’ve been in GME long enough to know that just when you think going up is a sure thing (remember last Monday with the short sale restriction?), you can be surprised by a new trick. If you bet it all on weeklies all at once, you may not be able to recover from being wrong on the timing. Consider longer expiry or spreading your purchases out. I’ve held through multiple 30-40% drawdowns in the underlying; and held through a 50% drawdown today, so you need to be ready for the volatility.
  • Watch out for stop loss hunts. It’s common practice for shorts to hunt for stop losses for cheap shares. If you’ve set a stop loss, be really sure about it.
  • Don’t sell on dips. You’re only helping the shorts. If you need to sell to take profits, sell when it’s heading up. Sell high, not low retards.
  • Save dry powder to buy on dips. Dips manufactured by shorts are buying opportunities. Take advantage of folks with paper hands to capture shares at low points. GME has incredible daily volatility. Set a low limit buy and just wait for the order to fill. Have patience when buying.
This is not financial advice; do your own DD. I’m holding over $1M in shares and calls. I AM NOT SELLING WHEN THE BUYING MARKET HAS BEEN REMOVED. YOU ARE BOUND TO NOT GET A FAIR MARKET PRICE.
Update New ortex data shows 51M short interest. So the covering has begun.
Update 2: what you are seeing in the price drops is likely the gamma squeeze in reverse. People are rightly selling their short term calls, so MMs are selling shares they bought to hedge. That drives the price down, which then causes more de-hedging. This is all a manufactured selloff by elimination of ability of people to buy the equity and should absolutely be investigated. It's very likely the big boys knew the buying restriction was coming and started the selloff last night.
Update 3: getting angrier by the minute. Reviewing the volume and price action and shorts bought in volume at the absolute bottom. This mothefucker, Steve Cohen, who bailed out Melvin and previously accused of insider trading is now GLOATING after this blatant trick
submitted by FatAspirations to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

My Options Overview / Guide (V2)

Greeting Theta Gang boys and girls,
I hope you're well and not bankrupt after last week. I'm just now recovering mentally myself. I saw a few WSB converts and some newbies asking for tips, so here you go. V2 of my Options guide. I hope it helps.

I spent a huge amount of time learning about options and tried to distill my knowledge down into a helpful guide. This should especially be useful for newbies and growing options traders.
While I feel I’m a successful trader, I'm not a guru and my advice is not meant to be gospel, but this will hopefully be a good starting point, teach you a lot, and make you a better trader. I plan to keep typing up more info from my notebook, expanding this guide, and posting it every couple months.
Any feedback or additions are appreciated
Per requests, I added details of good and bad trades I made. Some painful lessons learned are now included. I also tried to organize this better as it got longer.
Here's what I tell options beginners:
I would strongly recommend buying a beginner's options book and read it cover to cover. That helped me a lot.
I like this beginner book:
Helpful websites:
Don't trade until you understand:
Basics / Mechanics
General Tips and Ideas:
Profit Retention / Loss Mitigation
Trade Planning & Position Management Tips
-Advanced Beginner-
Trading Mechanics, Taxes, Market Manipulation
-Intermediate / Advanced Strategies (work in progress)-
You’ll notice many of these strategies inverse one another.
Options Strategy Finder
This website is great for learning about new strategies, you’ll see many links to it below.
Short Strangle / Straddle
Iron Condor and Iron Butterflies
Long Condor (Debit Call Condor)
Short Condor (Credit Call Condor)
Reverse Iron Condor
Advanced Orders

I’m not a financial adviser, I'm actually an engineer. I’m not telling you to invest in a specific stock/option or even use a specific strategy. I’ve outlined and more extensively elaborated on what I personally like. You should test several strategies and find what works best for you.
I'm just a guy who trades (mainly options) part-time for financial gain and fun. I don't claim to be some investing savant.
submitted by CompulsionOSU to thetagang [link] [comments]

UFC 258 Fight Predictions

Hello everyone!
I apologise sincerely for the delay in predictions this week, I had a lot happening, Blood tests for glucose levels and such, a Job interview, overall not feeling super well, but I didn't want to let you guys down.
This is a fun card, not an amazingly stacked card, but a fun one, and an end to the question "Can two team mates destroy each other in the Octagon?".
(c) - Champ
(D) - Debut
FLS - Fight Lose Streak
FWS - Fight Win Streak
NS - No Streak
(#x) - Rank in Division
Lets go!
Women’s Flyweight
Gillian Robertson (#13) (9-5-0, NS) v Miranda Maverick (8-2-0, 6 FWS) - This is an incredible match up. Robertson is a savage, one of the most underrated and dangerous submission artists in the division who hasn’t really gotten a strong hold on climbing the ranks. Regardless of her record, she has an excellent ground game, she works incredibly hard to get the fight to the ground, and when she does, she instantly works for a submission position, and most of the time, that works and her opponents succumb to pressure and present their neck or limb. Now, a lot of her opponents are aware of the threats on the ground and now work to avoid and defend takedowns, and thus keep the fight on the feet. This is key for Maverick, and I firmly believe that Maverick can quickly outpower Robertson, she’s an incredibly physically strong fighter who has great power in her hands, and being so young in her career. She has made great strides in her career since her debut in Invicta in which she dominated most of her fights. She has pretty effective striking, and she throws leather when needed, but most of her best work is done on the ground, she’s a very good submission artist and even though she’s probably not going to force the fight to the ground against a great grappler like Robertson, she would know how to get out of submission positions and work back to the feet. I love Robertson, she’s an animal, but she’s relatively one dimensional, and I love what I see in Miranda. So, another hype train i'm gonna ride for a little longer…
Maverick via KO R2
Gabe Green (9-3-0, NS) v Philip Rowe (D) (7-2-0, 7 FWS) - This is a great fight between two newcomers, Green had a fantastic debut against Rodriguez, and even though he did lose, he did manage to put on an incredible performance, he even came in as a late replacement so this wasn’t a full camp performance and yet he still landed 120 plus strikes, and he ate shots from Daniel Rodrigeuz for 15 minutes, it was a beautiful, violent fight. I love how Green fights, he has an interesting defensive shell and he gives off a lot of different looks that allowed him to land a few decent shots on Rodriguez. Green will no doubt look a little bit different this time around because he has had a full camp and is more prepared for this fight. Rowe has turned around his career since his two back to back losses at the start of his professional career. Nothing but submissions and knockouts on his record, but in regards to this fight, he has one major advantage and that’s his reach, he’s very long, and has a 7.5 inch reach advantage, if he can avoid the pressure of Green (and Green is the type of fighter to push forward nonstop), and maybe take the fight to the ground, I can see Rowe getting a slick submission in, because from what I can see when it comes to Green’s chin, it’s pretty damn solid. So the best bet for Rowe in my opinion is to take it to the ground, and slip in a choke.
Rowe via Sub R2
Ricky Simon (17-3-0, 2 FWS) v Brian Kelleher (22-11-0, NS) - Any fight that has Ricky Simon in it, sign me up to watch it end to end because Simon is a specimen. I could easily copy and paste what i wrote about Simon when he fought Pirrello, but this time it’s a little bit different, it’s at featherweight and he will no doubt be carrying more mass, exuding more energy when he throws punches, or slams opponents, and that’s a bit dangerous when coming against someone who has fought in Featherweight beforehand in Kelleher, but the skillset and the power will still be there, i’m just weary about his cardio, Simon has excellent cardio at Bantamweight, but at Featherweight that’s a whole different question. Simon is incredible at creating pressure and throwing everything he has into every round, wild striking, vicious wrestling and a non-stop pace that is as exhausting for us as it is for his opponent, and that’s a good thing. Simon is facing a very durable and experienced, well rounded fighter in Kelleher though. Kelleher has an interesting array of techniques, with his signature, most mastered technique being a guillotine, but his stance (a somewhat blocky wrestling/striking hybrid) allows him to stand firm, defend any takedowns and throw hard, and with Kellehers proclivity to takedown and wrestle, his stance also allows him to dip and level change effortlessly, he’s a very good wrestler as well so he has a huge variety of weapons he can use to defeat Simon, but honestly, i’m still riding a Simon hype train, and I feel like by the time Kelleher throws something, Simon would be somewhere else, out of view and attacking, Simon is fast, durable, exceptionally well rounded and always entertains. Lets go Simon!
Simon via UD
Catchweight (140)
Andre Ewell (17-6-0, 2 FWS) v Chris Gutierrez (15-3-2, NS) - This is an interesting match up. Ewell is someone who a lot of people kinda overlook because of how talent rich the division is, but if there’s one thing you need to keep an eye out for with Ewell, it’s his volume, he just throws, and throws, and throws. He is a kickboxer at heart, and his length and range allow him to adjust his style of attacking to fit the situation. He can keep at bay aggressive fighters by hitting then evading, he can push forward relatively aggressively, but he’s somewhat smart about his range whenever he strikes. His left straight is by far his best weapon, but he does have one flaw, and that is he looks maybe too loose on the feet at times, if you look at the Jonathan Martinez fight, you’ll notice that he was milliseconds away from being cleanly hit by Martinez’s super fast kicks, you can’t take that risk when you fight someone like Gutierrez. Gutierrez is a powerful striker, everything he throws is just… dangerous, and sharp, and has the shortest travel time from Point A to B, it’s pretty awesome to watch him get loose in the octagon, landing heavy leg kicks, body kicks, combo’s, anything really, The way he methodically dismantled Morales was beautiful, those leg kicks were powerful, landing in the same spot over and over again. Gutierrez landed 36 leg kicks in that fight I believe. He had a gameplan and he followed it through. He will need to do the same to disable the aggression from Ewell, chop at those legs, bring Ewells hands lower than they sometimes already are, then target the head. That’s what I feel like will happen.
Gutierrez via KO R3
Women’s Strawweight
Polyana Viana (11-4-0, NS) v Mallory Martin (7-3-0, NS) - Odd little tidbit I noticed, this is the second Strawweight fight of 2021, both the Bantamweight and Flyweight divisions have way more fights, so i’m glad Strawweight is getting a little bit of love. Viana is a great submission artist, she’s always looking for the fight to go to the ground so she can work her magic, Viana is like a snake on the ground, always finding the better positions to fire off a few submission attempts, and whilst her striking isn’t exactly clean or effective, that threat of being knocked out is always going to be there. Martin has a solid stand up game, she’s got decent striking and mixes her attacks very well, and I strongly feel that she will want to keep this fight standing otherwise she’s going to get outworked on the ground. I’m not too sure about who is going to win this fight though, if it goes to the ground Viana has a solid chance of getting the win, but Mallory is a tough striker to beat, and I’m not too sure if Viana will want to risk a striking exchange. This could be a methodical, boring fight, i’m not too hype about this fight, but overall i’ll be leaning on Martin to win.
Martin via UD
Dhiego Lima (15-7-0, 3 FWS) v Belal Muhammad (#15) (17-3-0, 3 FWS) - An incredible match up to start this event. Lima is a super tough fighter, and whilst he hasn’t had a finish in quite a while, he still puts on pretty decent performances. Recently his performances haven’t been super good, throwing but not landing, grappling seems to be his main weapon, but with how inactive Lima has been, and how sporadic his fighting timeline has been, it’s pretty hard to see too many positives in comparison to the rise that Belal Muhammad has had in recent years. Muhammad is an animal at the moment, his style makes it very difficult to take him on, or even read him. He has two major threats for most of his opponents, his wrestling and his powerful, crashing right hand. He typically dips to level change but then launches that right hand. His wrestling is incredible and he is quite controlling when it comes to the ground game. Everything about Belal is something I like to see in a developing fighter. I can see Lima getting hit brutally over and over with those power right hands, then taken down and eventually submitted.
Muhammad via Sub R3
Rodolfo Vieira (7-0-0, 7 FWS) v Anthony Hernandez (7-2-0, NS) - A very interesting fight, and it’s always good to see an undefeated heavy favourite put his streak on the line. Vieira is a submission specialist, not a submission artist, a specialist, that’s a whole different level of whoa. Over 100 grappling bouts, multiple gold medals and tournament wins, Vieira is one of the most accredited grapplers that the UFC has at the moment, that’s still young and still has a chance to show off his striking, but holy crap he’s a solid grappler… he won 5 championships in 3 years, that’s not only impressive, but on a whole different level of skill. He’s called the Black Belt Hunter for a reason and well, Hernandez is going to go to sleep if he’s not careful. Hernandez has had a rough time in the UFC, and i’m hoping they’re giving him this fight not to beef up Vieira, but to give Hernandez an excuse to stay in the UFC. Hernandez has had some decent wins in his career, but most of those wins were in LFA. In the UFC he hasn’t been too successful, his recent loss against Holland kinda showed me that he isn’t great at being pressured, and if Vieira pushes forward, works hard for a takedown and absolutely dominates from there, I don’t see Hernandez getting the upper hand on the ground, he has a punchers chance but I mean… Vieira is a phenom at the moment, a rare addition to the UFC and i’m on the train, first class tickets!
Vieira via Sub R1
Main Card
Julian Marquez (7-2-0, NS) v Maki Pitolo (13-7-0, 2 FLS) - It’s a shame that 2020 was a horrible year for Pitolo. Marquez is coming back from a 2 year hiatus, after suffering a heavy loss at the hands of Alessio Di Chirico, or as we now probably call him, the Hype Train Derailer. Marquez is a powerhouse, he explodes and lands incredibly hard, he has insane power in his hands and everything he does has that extra oomph that you can probably hear in a full arena. Marquez however is somewhat one dimensional with his style, he loves to strike, he loves chaos and hates order, and that’s going to be dangerous for Pitolo because numerous times we’ve seen Pitolo succumb to pressure. Pitolo is a mad man, don’t get me wrong, he has insane striking, he’s wild, a showman and someone who you really want to see fight for a while, but he can’t go one on one against Marquez and think “i’ll just go wild”, he needs to keep Marquez pushing him for the first round, see where the cardio holds up (I don’t think Marquez has much cardio because of how explosive he is), and then start attacking him in the second or third, but again, it’s hard for me to tell how good a returning fighter is cardio wise, so this is a very rough prediction. I’m leaning on the Cuban Missile Crisis to win this one though.
Marquez via KO R1
Bobby Green (27-11-1, NS) v Jim Miller (32-15-0, NS) - Green is lowkey one of my most favourite fighters, the amount of work he does in the octagon is pretty impressive, especially when you watch his fight against Vannata, that fight will go down as a classic I can assure you. Green has gorgeous boxing, he’s incredibly crisp and fast with his punches, and he has his wrestling to add even more frustration and drain his opponents of their gas. Green had one set back during 2020 and that was against the incredibly talented Thiago Moises. Green has every skill that one would need to succeed in the UFC, especially with his crisp boxing and head movement, he’s going to be a dangerous fighter for Miller who has a more grapple heavy approach. Miller has had some significant wins over his very extensive career, recently submitting Clay Guida, Roosevelt Roberts and Jason Gonzalez to name a few, Miller is a dangerous, dangerous grappler, he can strike though but not to great efficiency, he mostly uses his striking to set up a takedown, where he does his most effective work. Miller is on a rough run at the moment, ever since losing to Anthony Pettis, or even prior to that against Poirier, he hasn’t really strung together any major streaks, a win here and there, but nothing to great significance, and since this is the Lightweight division we’re talking about, significance is important. I have Green in this fight, he can keep this fight on the feet, keep at a distance and keep striking, he’ll win this one.
Green via UD
Kelvin Gastelum (#11) (16-6-0, 3 FLS) v Ian Heinisch (#15) (14-3-0, NS) - This is going to be beautiful. Gastelum has incredible boxing, he’s the only one that gave Israel Adesanya trouble on the feet by using his beautiful pressure and interesting hopping technique that got him into range. Gastelum is on a losing streak but he has faced incredibly tough challenges. He went to war with Adesanya, he fought a highly technical bout against Till and has now lost to the submission artist in Hermansson. He is now facing the wild and explosive Ian Heinisch, which is going to be a brutally tough fight because Heinisch is pretty damn aggressive and has explosive takedowns that come with his explosive strikes, overall, Heinisch is an explosive dude and a perfect matchup for a methodical and tactical boxer like Gastelum. Heinisch is someone who is always improving, so there’s no doubt that what you saw in 2020 will be what you get in 2021 and more. That makes me wonder what his game plan will be, whether he will come in with a wrestling heavy approach to negate the power that Gastelum has on his feet, or if he’ll be incredibly aggressive and keep Gastelums back glued to the fence. Either way, Heinisch is going to be unpredictable, and I think it will be a true test of what Gastelum can accomplish if he can handle Heinisch. This is a great fight, one that I don’t want to overtalk this fight because well, it’s hard predicting a fighter on a losing streak, to win, i’ve done that one too many times (Michael Johnson being the most recent one) and it didn’t turn out how I expected… So this is a risky prediction, but War Gastelum!
Gastelum via KO R2
Co-Main Event
Women’s Flyweight
Maycee Barber (#9) (8-1-0, NS) v Alexa Grasso (12-3-0, NS) - An interesting fight to say the least. Barber is coming off a heavy loss and a horrible injury to her knee, so there’s a lot of variables coming into this fight. Barber has always been an incredibly aggressive and tough fighter, she pushes forward, launching punch after punch that can overwhelm her opponents, she put away Robertson very effectively, bloodied up Cifers and destroyed Aldrich. She’s no doubt still a prospect and if she can get past Grasso then that certifies her prospect status in the Flyweight division. The one thing i'm worried about is her knee… It was probably her first ever injury and that would hang on your mind for quite a while. Barber is going to have to get past the excellent boxing of Grasso if she is to win this one though, and that’s going to be pretty tough. Grasso has made her rounds in the UFC before, facing pretty much every up and comer that the UFC threw at her, Grasso is yet to get a solid winning streak going and her main weakness seems to be her ground game, She doesn’t have the best takedown defence, nor the best defensive submissions, her main style is her boxing, and if she can avoid the ground with Barber and keep the fight on the feet, I can see Grasso getting the upper hand. But Barber is a solid, solid prospect and one minor setback isn’t going to hurt her. Barber is still a very promising fighter and i’m gonna lean on her a little bit longer.
Barber via UD
Main Event
Welterweight Championship bout
Kamaru Usman (c) (17-1-0, 16 FWS) v Gilbert Burns (#4) (19-3-0, 6 FWS) - A fight that we all needed to see. Every match up has happened but this one. Usman is an athletic freak, he’s one of the most durable and strongest welterweights in the division right now, his wrestling is incredible, his striking is somewhat great, his cardio is neverending, and he has defeated the best the welterweight division has to offer, all but one. So many people think Usman is boring, the whole footstomp meme is everywhere this week and whilst it’s a good chuckle, I feel like some people are sleeping on the potential that this guy has. There is so much story behind this fight, training partners, Usman leaving his own gym to train with Wittman (which is a pretty great substitute), we might see a change in style from Usman, because I highly doubt he will wrestle with Burns considering Burns is one of the best BJJ practitioners in the welterweight division. I feel like Usman will try to trade hands with Burns, or at least grapple against the fence but not on the ground. Burns is one of the most improved fighters of the division, he was mostly a submission artist but in the last year or two, we have seen him become far more comfortable on the feet, and that throws off a lot of his opponents. His ability to change and adapt, and include striking to his skillset is second to none the best change I have seen in a fighter. It’s kinda like when Gaethje finally learnt to become patient and we saw an upgrade to Gaethje’s skill set. This is what is happening to Burns at the moment, we are seeing a newborn striker who carries significant power and isn’t afraid to show it. This is a super tough fight to predict. Both fighters have a solid chance of winning… but I feel like Usman will be holding onto that gold a little longer. I’m feeling a little ballsy with this prediction.
Usman via KO R4
And that's it!
Again, sorry for the late predictions, been a stupid crazy week.
f you wish to support me please message me and i can provide details on how you can do so.
If you would like to follow me on twitter, you can find me @Slayer_Tip or if you want, add me on discord and we can have a super friendly chat about all things MMA: Slayertip#7013
Lets have a fun discussion down below, let me know if you agree/disagree with my picks :)
But for now, have a beautiful week, take care of yourselves :)
submitted by Slayer_Tip to mmapredictions [link] [comments]

[This Quest is Bullshit] - Chapter 75: Headaches

[This Quest is Bullshit] - Chapter 75: Headaches
New? Start here!
“So,” Eve started as she led her companions through the broad thoroughfares of Pyrindel, “how much did you bet on me?”
“Not much,” Wes replied, disappointment in his voice. “Odds were eighteen to one against you, and the bookies only carry a hundred silver in these earlier. Only let me wager five.” He grinned. “Still cleaned him out, though.”
Eve shook her head. “Shame. Doubt I’ll ever get odds that good again.”
Preston snorted. “You beat a tournament favorite so bad the Archbishop herself had to intervene. If you’re not predicted to win every match until the finals those bookies are drunk.”
Wes exhaled. “I’m still disappointed none of you bet on me.”
“I bet against you,” Eve said, “but that was with Preston. None of the bookies were close enough when you stepped up.”
“And I’m glad they weren’t,” Preston added. “You technically lost, remember?”
“Only technically,” Wes replied. “And now I don’t have to fight through a whole tournament to make an impression. I’d count that as a win.”
“That’s exactly what a loser would say,” Eve teased.
“No, I’m pretty sure losers say ‘ramtshit, I demand a rematch!’” Wes gave his best Roric impression.
“What even is a ramt?” Preston asked.
Eve shrugged. “Hells if I know. And I actually feel a bit sorry for him.”
Preston raised an eyebrow. “Sorry for him, or sorry for his muscles?”
Eve ignored him. “I mean, imagine traveling all this way, grinding up to level sixty-three, and being named one of the tournament favorites, just to be paired against me in round one. It’s really not fair.”
“Feeling humble tonight, are we?” Wes chuckled.
Eve flashed a grin. “It’s not my fault I’m so great.”
Preston rolled his eyes. “I’m just curious what they’re gonna do for your next match. There’s a reason we had to wait an hour for the bout after yours. Divine Intervention isn’t cheap.”
“Really? It looked an awful lot like a fancy version of your Ayla’s Ward.”
The healer nodded. “That’s because it pretty much is. Divine Intervention is a tier 5 upgrade to Ayla’s Bulwark, which is a tier 4 upgrade to Ayla’s Ward. Get me to level a hundred and I can start doing it too. That doesn’t answer the question though. Archbishop Callandria can’t keep using it every time you fight, both for Mana reasons and because if she casts it too soon it’d end the bout unfairly and if she casts it too late your opponent dies. Roric’s lucky she was as quick as she was today.”
“Maybe they’ll schedule me for the end of the day? At least that way the next match won’t be delayed while the Archbishop recovers her Mana.”
Preston continued, “That still leaves her with the task of deciding your matches before you even land a blow. You saw how pissed Roric was today, and even if it’s the only way to keep your opponents alive, if you fight through the whole tournament like this, there will always be a question of whether you truly deserved to win.”
“So what am I supposed to do?” Eve asked. “Just kill ‘em in the ring?”
“Well, no,” the Caretaker answered. “But you might consider toning down the Mana Rush a bit. You just need enough Strength to trigger Cheat Death; you don’t need to wipe out their entire bloodline from the annals of history.”
“That doesn’t seem quite fair,” she argued. “How am I supposed to know how much Strength is enough? What if Roric had a defensive skill I didn’t know about? Too little Strength and I could just outright lose the match.”
Wes snorted. “Mana Rush isn’t fair. Asking you to rein it in is absolutely reasonable.”
Preston nodded. “Would you rather your opponents wind up dead? Or maybe the tournament officials will disqualify you like they did Wes.”
“I doubt that,” Eve said. “The competitors knew Cheat Death wasn’t perfect when they signed up, and I’m not a threat to the spectators, the coliseum, and Pyrindel itself.”
“Hey,” Wes protested, “I only burned the enchantments a little.”
“Oh, you mean the enchantments put there to stop wayward spells from murdering audience members? The ones specifically stopping your fire from burning the arena to a crisp? Those enchantments?” Eve laughed. “Well as long as it was only a little.”
When can I try? Art, who’d been thus far quietly reading the thoughts of passersby, joined the conversion. I wanna fight!
Preston patted him on his feathered head. “The tournament is for humans, Art. I don’t think it’d be fair to let a Trellac enter.”
But Eve’s not human! Art insisted. And Wes is only half human.
Wes rubbed his temples. “Do… do I want to know what the other half is?”
Half idiot! The hatchling cheerfully sent.
Wes frowned. Preston snorted. Eve cackled.
After several moments of belly-shaking, tear-welling laughter, the Defiant finally managed to collect herself enough to address Wes and Preston’s questioning looks. “What? You’re not the only one who can teach him things.”
“And you went with ‘half human, half idiot’?”
“Hey,” Preston said with a slight smile of his own, “at least you’re not a full idiot.”
Eve affectionately ruffed the feathers atop Art’s head. “Flawless timing, kid. Excellent work.”
The Trellac replied with a simple wave of pure emotional pride, not enough to actually influence anyone else’s own state of mind, but plenty to understand his meaning.
“Now let’s get you back to the suite,” Preston said as the palace gates came into view. “I’m sure Reginald will want to hear all about today’s fights.”
“And while we’re at it—” Eve paused to flag down a passing page to request a cask of ale and a few plates of food as they stepped into the lavish hall— “I think a celebration is in order.”
Preston raised an eyebrow. “A celebration? It’s only round one.”
“Sure, but there’s still a few days before round two, and we have one decisive win and one… whatever Wes did to celebrate.”
The fire mage shrugged. “Good enough for me. And mine was definitely a win. I just won so hard the arena couldn’t handle it.”
Eve patronizingly patted him on the back. “Whatever you tell yourself so you don’t go crying into your massive signing bonus with Hard Company.”
“I’ve already told you, I’m not signing with Hard Com…” Wes exhaled. “You know what? Maybe a celebration is in order. Just so I have an excuse to drink enough ale to forget your Hard Company jokes.”
“Now that’s more like it.” Eve opened the door to her suite, leading the way into the luxurious bedchamber. “The night is young, the food is free, and the ale will flow just like the bad jokes.”
“I hope not,” Preston said. “The ale’s supposed to go into your mouth, not out from it.”
“Yeah,” Wes agreed, “let’s not have one of those nights.”
Eve opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off when a knock rang out at the chamber door. But a moment later, a procession of liveried servants marched in with several trays of roast meats, hearty stews, and buttery fish, as well as the all-important small keg. Eve didn’t even wait for them to leave before pouring herself a tankard.
“A toast,” she called, “to beating the tournament itself.”
Wes fetched himself a glass, raising it to the air. “Cheers to that. It’s absolute ramtshit, but cheers to that.”
“To ramtshit!” Preston added.
Eve grinned, taking a swig before echoing the sentiment.
“To ramtshit!”
Eve awoke the next morning feeling like ramtshit.
The trouble, she’d learned, with being a Manaheart, is that in order to experience any level of intoxication, she had to completely overwhelm her body’s ability to convert the alcohol into Mana. The process, however, left her needing to drink a truly unreasonable amount of water to stave off the morning after, a task she’d failed miserably the prior night.
At least with a bit of food and water her Ethereal Metabolism would have her right as rain sooner rather than later. After a moment spent rubbing her aching temples, the reason for her abrupt awakening reasserted itself.
Eve! Art’s sending overshadowed the polite yet unceasing knocking at her door. The silly man wants to talk with you.
Grumbling something about waking her up being anything but silly, Eve forced herself to her feet and crossed the bedchamber, caring little for the wrinkled state of the clothes she’d slept in. She yanked open the door to reveal Art accompanied by Wes, Preston standing in the antechamber, both looking far too alert given last night’s festivities. No doubt Preston had a few Lesser Healing-sized holes in his Mana pool.
In front of them all stood Charles, his fist poised to knock yet again at the wooden door.
“What do you want?” Eve half spoke half grunted.
The Steward dropped into his customary, unnecessarily extravagant bow. “Your excellency,” he greeted. “Lord Traft, military advisor to her majesty Queen Elric, has requested I arrange a meeting with you. I believe he wishes to discuss a potential defensive alliance with the people of New Burendia. What time might I let his lordship know you’re available?”
Eve froze. “I um…” She dragged the syllable out, her sluggish mind racing to summon any excuse to avoid negotiating treaties for her nonexistent kingdom. From behind the still-bowing Steward, Wes and Preston glared at her.
It was only as her belly began to loudly rumble that Eve’s pounding head managed to form some semblance of an idea. “I’m sorry,” she said in the haughtiest voice she could conjure her tired state, “but I simply cannot make plans on an empty stomach. Would you be so kind as to fetch me a loaf of bread to break my fast?”
“A loaf of bread.” The Steward nodded. “Of course, your excellency. I am at your service.” With that, he turned on his heel and swung open the front door, vanishing into the ostentatious hallway.
Eve grinned. “That oughta keep him busy for a while.”
“That was cruel,” Preston said flatly. “You’re gonna get him killed.”
“Nah, more likely he finds out the oven’s broken so he has to go into town, buys the bread, then finds the queen herself also wants bread this morning so he gives it to her, and she loves it so much she gives him a promotion and he forgets all about Lord Traft and his meeting with me.”
Wes stared at her. “That’s… an oddly specific prediction.”
Eve shrugged. “That or something else equally ridiculous but ultimately harmless. Even the bakeries I’ve burned down didn’t actually hurt anybody. Charles’ll be fine.”
“Alright,” Preston backed down, “but you’d better tip the poor man in gold when he inevitably comes back empty-handed after scouring every oven in Pyrindel for your bread.”
“Sounds fair.” Eve nodded. “He deserves it too, if only for dealing with nobles all day.”
“Nobles and you,” Wes added. “You’re high on his list of headaches too, you know.”
“Sure am,” Eve chimed, “but I’m number one on your list of headaches.”
“That you are, Eve.” Wes patted her on the back. “That you are.”
“Speaking of headaches…”
“Yeah, yeah.” She didn’t even need to finish her sentence for Preston to understand her meaning, lifting a hand to channel golden radiance across the room.
Eve shuddered under Ayla’s invasive judgement, both of the self-inflicted damage she’d done in the name of last night’s celebration, and of the fool’s errand she’d just gifted the hapless Steward. Even as her hangover vanished and the goddess’s light faded, a shadow of guilt remained.
She shrugged it away. Her life’s quest really hadn’t hurt anybody so far, she thought. Why should it start now? It wasn’t as if she’d sent the defenseless Steward into a dungeon, or anything. He might return a bit scraped up, a bit exhausted from chasing shadows all over town, but otherwise, Eve was sure that Charles would come out unharmed.
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UFC 257 Fight Predictions

Hello, once again. Ya'll are seeing me a lot this week huh?
So, I need to preface this prediction with a very, very quick apology... A horrible start to the year for me, and I'm very sorry for that, I know a lot of you come here to read this in hope that you make some money, and i've always tried to make that possible, but there have been some disgustingly hard fights to predict these past two events, and this week is definitely not any different. THERE WILL BE CONTROVERSIAL PICKS THIS EVENT
So, with that said, please... don't hate me over my picks, you know that i'm never 100% accurate, you know i've had shit predictions in the past, you can check all of my predictions on Tapology here Nothing but full disclosure, i don't like hiding shit from you guys, you're all my family.
Onto the fights!
(D) - Debut
(c) - Champ
FLS - Fight Lose Streak
FWS - Fight Win Streak
NS - No Streak
(#x) - Rank in Division
Lets go!
Amir Albazi (13-1-0, 2 FWS) v Zhalgas Zhumagulov (13-4-0, NS) - A fun and interesting scrap to start the first PPV of 2021. Albazi made a statement when he fought Malcolm Gordon, he looked sharp, and the moment he landed that single leg takedown it was practically over for Gordon. I highly suspect he will have a similar game plan coming into this fight, throw some strikes, land some of them to get his opponent to think of the strikes, then go for a takedown. Once the fight goes to the ground then it’s all Albazi. Zhumagulovv is a very fast moving fighter who utilizes a lot of in and out movement that kind of lures his opponent into swinging, in which he most of the time goes for a counter. One of the tendencies I've seen on Zhumagulov’s side is that his striking is always a colliding force. He’s never jabbing at range, he’s always slamming his way in, which makes me think that Albazi will be using that to his advantage, duck an overhand and go for the takedown. This is of course all guess work but based on each fighter's patterns, it makes sense that Albazi would want to take the fight to the ground. I’m leaning on Albazi on this one.
Albazi via UD
Nik Lentz (30-11-2, 2 FLS) v Movsar Evloev (13-0-0, 13 FWS) - Another interesting fight. Lentz is a very experienced Featherweight who has faced some tough fighters, including Charles Oliveira twice, he has never fought in the top rankings yet and I don’t think he ever will, but his ability to keep coming back for fights and putting on impressive performances is testament to his love of fighting, and we all love to see that. Lents hasn’t really made a stamp in the UFC other than his record (13-8-1). He is fairly well rounded with a relative inclination to wrestle, most of his fights involve him grinding out a win. He isn’t necessarily exciting, but he does have a heavy workload. Evloev is coming in as a late replacement, but honestly that shouldn’t matter, Evloev is a fucking animal and regardless of his small frame, he has power in his wrestling, he has excellent, near endless cardio and he’s just overall a dominant fighter. He destroyed Grundy, Barzola and Choi with effortless ease. Evloev is a problem. Very short analysis for him as he is a late replacement.
Evloev via UD
Andrew Sanchez (12-5-0, NS) v Makhmud Muradov (24-6-0, 13 FWS) - Sanchez looked very good against Turman last year, he maintained a solid amount of pressure, showed some upgrades to his striking capabilities, looked insanely loose and powerful, and for a fighter that has a tendency to wrestle and grind out his opponent, if he can continue doing what he did in that fight, against Muradov, then he’s going to surprise some people. That slick one-two knockout was beautiful and exactly what Sanchez needed to make a statement. I can see Sanchez doing his best to pressure and wrestle, grind down Muradov and tire him out, because I doubt he’ll be willing to strike with someone who is as sharp on the feet as Muradov. Muradov is a very loose boxer who just floats in the octagon. His jab is gorgeous and he seems to utilize a lot of feints in order to set up those punches. Muradov sort of starts slow, which isn’t a bad thing in this case because he’s landing shots and finding his range at the same time, he’s a fairly technical fighter and I don’t think Sanchez is going to have an easy time on the feet against Muradov. The only way I see Sanchez winning is if he just wrestles and shuts down the striking game of Muradov. I love Muradov, I like what I see and I feel like he will be the far better striker in this fight, and well, Sanchez doesn’t have a super good chin so... As long as it doesn’t go to the ground, Muradov has this.
Muradov via KO R2
Light Heavyweight
Khalil Rountree Jr (8-4-0, NS) v Marcin Prachnio (13-5-0, 3 FLS) - I had no idea Rountree was back. Rountree had some time in the spotlight thanks to his power and now his slight adjustment to his striking ability, having trained with the best Muay Thai trainers in the world, but it has been a long time since we’ve seen him fight and having followed his social media a little bit, it looks like he’s getting some solid work in, so if there’s one thing i'm ready for, it’s a more durable Rountree, someone who will be more patient but also have the same impact and explosiveness after setting everything up. Now, i’m not sure if he’s going to come in looking like a Muay Thai fighter, but what I am fairly confident about is he’s going to fire off those chin seeking missiles and put insane pressure on Prachnio, and I mean, I don’t think Prachnio can handle big punches anyway because he’s been knocked out 3 times in a row over the span of 2 and a bit years. Prachnio seems to be fed to the wolves in this fight, and honestly i’m not sure if he can handle the pressure and power of Rountree. He has 3 fights in the UFC, all 3 fights he lost in the first round by KO. He is going to have to figure something out because if he loses this fight, he’s not coming back to the UFC. He will need to wrestle or something. I can’t analyse or see what he’s good at simply because there was no highlight moment in his UFC career to look back to. I’m leaning heavily on Rountree on this one. Lets go War Horse!
Rountree Jr via KO R1 (bonus points for head kick?)
Women’s Bantamweight
Sara Mcmann (#9) (12-5-0, NS) v Julianna Pena (#8) (9-4-0, NS) - I don’t know who fights less, McMann or McGregor. McMann is a fairly decent fighter who has faced the gauntlet of fighters that the UFC has to offer, and at times lost. Recently she has shown signs of slowing down, not throwing as much volume as she used to and just not having that same cardio she had that made her a relatively dominant fighter back in the day, and i mean, she’s 40 years old, there’s no doubt more signs of slowing down to come. McMann is a profoundly good wrestler, she’s highly technical and has great pressure, but she’s not a good grappler, I know that sounds confusing, but whilst she’s an elite wrestler, she doesn’t have the know how to avoid submissions and if she’s facing a BJJ practitioner she’s in trouble. Fortunately, Pena is only a somewhat decent submission artist, she’s more well known for her pressure and her wrestling, but with not many memorable performances, it’s hard to look back at certain fights in awe. Most of her performances have somewhat been similar, a lot of pressure, some octagon control, decent striking and much better wrestling, but can a wrestler of Pena’s capabilities out wrestle a former olympic level wrestler? I’m not sure, what I am somewhat sure of is that Pena is going to look for a submission if the fight goes to the ground, that’s her opening and if McMann takes her down, Pena will be firing off submission attempts in order to sway the offensive from McMann. I got Pena on this one. Pena via Sub R3
Brad Tavares (17-6-0, 2 FLS) v Antonio Carlos Junior (10-4-0, 2 FLS) - This is an entertaining one. Tavares is almost always looking for a violent fight, he’s an absolute savage who is wild with his strikes and throws everything into them. Don’t let his two fight losing streak fool you, despite losing to Israel Adesanya, who is the current Middleweight champ, and Edmen Shahbazyan, who is one hell of a prospect, Tavares is still a tough cookie to crack, he’s fairly methodical with his striking, he doesn’t necessarily throw/land much volume but almost all of his punches land significantly. He is very much a dangerous foe on the feet, which is why Carlos Junior is a great fight for Tavares. Carlos Junior is a very, very good grappler who will almost do anything to take the fight to the ground, since he’s not a super good striker, but what skill he has when it comes to fighting, especially grappling and submission skills, he has mastered. He’s going to be looking for a takedown early on, whilst both fighters are dry, he has more of a chance to submit Tavares in the first two rounds than the third, and that’s what I'm predicting at the moment, but can he handle the bombs of Tavares? This is what makes predicting some of these fights hard. I’m leaning on Junior on this one. Very controversial, I know, but this year has been full of crazy fights so far.
Junior via Sub R2
Arman Tsarukyan (15-2-0, 2 FWS) v Nasrat Haqparast (12-3-0, NS) - This is a tough one. Tsarukyan has made a name for himself for his tough durability, highly technical skillset and his insane debut against Islam Makhachev. Tsarukyan is a machine, he has excellent cardio, a bottomless pit of energy, and he doesn’t give his opponent any time to sit down on their punches and initiate their gameplan, he’s always throwing something, disrupting the pattern and taking no risks with going into a brawl. Tsarukyan is in my opinion as perfect of a fighter as you can get in terms of durability and skill, he’s smart and constantly changes targets with his strikes. He kept Ramos guessing as he was picking him apart, it was absolutely masterful the way he did it. Haqparast brings one thing to this fight that is dangerous for Tsarukyan, and that’s his powerful boxing. Haqparast is an excellent boxer who isn’t wild, is incredibly sharp with his strikes and makes sure to land at a high proficiency. He needs to initiate, he needs to pressure and cut off the octagon from Tsarukyan's excellent movement. This is a fucking amazing fight and I’ve been a fan of both fighters since they’ve started, but at the moment, i’m leaning fairly heavily on Tsarukyan winning this one, his cardio is going to be too much for Haqparast, he’s going to do what he did against Ramos, keep at range, hit Haqparast on a mid-step, everything looks great. This is a great fight, one that cannot be missed.
Tsarukyan via UD
Main Card
Women’s Strawweight
Marina Rodriguez (#9) (12-1-2, NS) v Amanda Ribas (10-1-0, 5 FWS) - Rarely do I ever get excited for a women’s fight, mostly because of its horrible roster, but holy hell is this fight one that you need to see. Rodriguez is great at one thing, and that’s relentless pressure. She’s always throwing punches, always moving forward and once she gets close, she works great in the clinch, because of her solid Muay Thai base I feel like that’s where she’s most comfortable, she’s going to want to rush forward, close the distance and pin Ribas against the cage and work very close from there. Hopefully she’s worked on her takedown defence a little bit because Ribas is a genius level grappler and has incredible trips and takedowns. Ribas is riding a wave of hype and rise to fame right now, she’s the queen of Fight Island and for a very good reason. The way she destroyed Paige Vanzant in near effortless fashion was beautiful. But, she does have one big issue, and that’s her striking, whilst she does throw volume, that’s mostly pressure volume, she is still quite easy to hit if her opponent holds their ground and pushes forward. Ribas dictates her fights though, she’s excellent at maintaining pressure in the grappling department and once the fight goes to the ground we see an excellent display of positional changes and ground and pound. This is a great fight but I only see this going down the following way. Marina tries to rush forward and go into a clinch position, Ribas lands a trip or a lateral drop or something, then works from the ground. That’s what I can see happening at the moment. Again, crazy sport, anything can happen (See Lazzez as a recent example of crazy hype trains being derailed).
Ribas via Sub R2
Ottman Azaitar (13-0-0, 13 FWS) v Matt Frevola (8-1-1, NS) - This is a great fight, that’s going to end in someone going to sleep. Azaitar has blown me away. 11 of his 13 fights have ended in the first round in devastating fashion, he is a walking nuclear submarine and each of his punches holds the power of a nuclear warhead, it’s insane how fast and explosive he is, and also how accurate. Everything he throws, is with the intent to shut the lights off and put his opponent away. That’s all I can say about him, it’s simple, watch him strike, watch his aggression, watch his attitude, he’s a freakishly powerful striker. Frevola though isn’t someone to accept a fight knowing he’s going to be in danger, he’s the type to accept a fight to put on a phenomenal show. Frevola is an excellent, well rounded fighter who puts on an incredible pace and has a wrestling advantage over Azaitar from what I can see. But it’s kinda like trying to catch a skunk, you know that fucker can be stinky but you gotta get close to get a hold of him, it’s a dangerous and gross job but someones gotta do it. Frevola, if he chooses to wrestle, is going to eat some heavy, heavy shots upon entry and i’m not too sure if his chin can withstand the power of Azaitar, one clean uppercut upon entry and it would be an interesting yet unknown result until it happens. War Azaitar!
Azaitar via KO R1
Women’s Flyweight
Jessica Eye (#6) (15-8-0, NS) v Joanne Calderwood (#8) (14-5-0, NS) - HERE WE GO EVIL HERE WE GO! WOOF WOOF! Sorry, every time Eye fights, that video appears in my head and I can't help but laugh sadly. Eye is definitely an interesting fighter who only fought for the title because she gently defeated her other opponents. Her performances have been… somewhat okay? Like, nothing too exceptional, some volume punches, some grappling but really, zero highlights worth mentioning. That isn’t to say that she’s not tough because she is going to fight until the fight is over, she’s not one to be too timid, she’s pretty vicious when she wants to be, but she has always had setbacks and I just feel like this is going to be another setback. Calderwood is violence when she wants to be, not violent, but violence incarnate. She’s got absolutely gorgeous knees and can tough it out with the best of them. Her loss against Jennifer Maia was a surprise to pretty much everyone and kinda showcased an issue that Calderwood has always had, and that’s her ground game, she's very vulnerable on the ground with no wherewithal on how to avoid submissions. Fortunately for her, Eye doesn’t know what a submission is, so I expect this fight to stay on the feet, with Calderwood putting in the more work, especially in the clinch, in fact that’s where I see the majority of the damage coming in from, knees and elbows in the clinch. Anyway, I got Calderwood on this one, but this is Eye we’re talking about, she could pull something off here.
Calderwood via UD
Co-Main Event
Dan Hooker (#5) (20-9-0, NS) v Michael Chandler (D) (21-5-0, 2 FWS) - Oh boy. Ohhhh boy, I don’t know where to start with this one. If you’re not excited for this fight then get the fuck out of the MMA world, we don’t need ya. Hooker is a warrior in every sense of the word. I can say so many good things about Hooker, I can go on all day, but let’s get down to business. Hooker is a phenomenal kickboxer, his long limbs allow him to attack at range effectively, his knees up the middle are effective at stopping opponents from looking for takedowns and everything he throws is effective and super well timed. Look at his fight against Poirier, he might look violent and wild but everything he throws is methodical and is to set up another set of combos. Hooker only somewhat fails against heavy wrestlers, as Poirier in the later rounds has shown us, even basic holds and positions are enough to slow down Hooker, and Poirier isn’t even a wrestler. Hooker is a savage, and according to interviews, he’s going to look different, and fight more smart, which makes sense because Chandler is a mixed bag of chaos. Chandler is a very long awaited debuting fighter coming off a very successful career in Bellator. Now, for those fortunate enough to never have watched Bellator, like us Aussies, then you probably aren’t super aware of Chandler, I wasn’t until maybe mid last year, and I can only relate him to one other UFC fighter that we all know and love, Gaethje. His style reminds me so much of Gaethjes, he swarms his opponents, his pressure, pace, and consistency with his actions are insane. Some argue that he’s past his peak but we won’t know that until he fights Hooker, but holy shit what a tough fight for Hooker. Chandler is a wrestler at heart, he’s very good at finding takedowns, whether its through chain wrestling or switching targets, he’s dangerous on the ground, with great top pressure. And I feel like that’s where he’s going to find success. This is a striker v wrestler at heart, but this is also one of the most highest calibre MMA fights that we might see this year. I gotta go with my NZ brother on this one. I know in previous conversations I was talking about Chandler winning via UD, but Hooker… something about him just makes me go “dudes gonna win this one”. Maybe i'm crazy, but i’m also confident, somewhat. Chandler is going to surprise us all, isn’t he?
Hooker via KO R3
Main Event
Dustin Poirier (#1) (26-6-0, NS) v Conor McGregor (#11) (22-4-0, NS) - It’s time guys. Now, just a warning, I have some stupid hot takes here, no one here is gonna like them, unless you actually like them. Poirier has made incredible improvements to his skills and capabilities over the span of the years, and since his fight against Pettis, he has shown nothing but violence and determination to get that belt. Poiriers boxing is fucking gorgeous, the way that he sets everything up, the way he reads his opponent, the way he changes target on the fly, body, head, body, head, giving his opponent very little time to defend or adjust is absolutely masterful and if he can do the same to McGregor, then holy shit. Poirier in my opinion is the best boxer in the division at the moment, even with Conor being there. Now, I only say that because Conor hasn’t been super active, and when he has been active, he has either been wrestlefucked, or not Conor at all, ill expand on that later. Poirier has something to fall back on if his striking isn’t as effective as he wants it to be, and that’s his wrestling ability, if he can maybe push Conor back against the cage, and do a Khabib on him and grind him out, then that’s going to be big. McGregor On the other hand, has always been an outstanding fighter, he’s revolutionary with his striking, but recently his performances have been… interesting to say the least. Looking back on his Cerrone fight, I didn’t see a McGregor that we all knew, it was a… crazy McGregor, it wasn’t his style, it wasn’t that patient, long stance left hand sniper that we all love. See, the issue I have with McGregor is that he’s a wild card, he’s obviously a dangerously sharp counterboxer, but does he still have it? And has Poirier developed a solid game plan? These are questions I can’t answer directly, but I can only speculate, and even then I don’t know what the fuck to say. Going forward, Poirier will get hit, going backwards, Poirier will get hit, he either needs to make this absolutely filthy and dirty to win, or wrestle, that’s the two only ways I see him winning. Otherwise, Conor is going to win. Honestly guys, it’s a coin flip. I’m probably going to get this wrong, so that’s the biggest warning i can give, but i’m going with Poirier on this one, it’s… not going to end in my favour, I know, and that’s on me. So, the safest bet would be McGregor via KO in the first 3, but my personal prediction?
Poirier via KO R4
And that's it!
Again, im not a prediction god, those of you that read all of mine every week know that for certain lol.
As with every Poirier fight, after the event i'll be donating 50 USD to the Good Fight Foundation. Gotta love Poirier for that.
If you wish to support me please message me and i can provide details on how you can do so.
If you would like to follow me on twitter, you can find me @Slayer_Tip or if you want, add me on discord and we can have a super friendly chat about all things MMA: Slayertip#7013
Lets have a fun discussion down below, let me know if you agree/disagree with my picks :)
But for now, have a beautiful week, take care of yourselves :)
submitted by Slayer_Tip to mmapredictions [link] [comments]

r/nba thinks Vegas is overrating Warriors/Hawks, underrating Lakers/Rockets in latest Win Totals projections

On Thursday, I posted about the Win Totals league, where nba members can predict the records of each team this upcoming season.
Analyzing the predictions of the people that have signed up and made projections thus far, there are some interesting places where opinions differ quite substantially from the odds-makers at BetOnline:
The Top 5 Overrated Teams According to nba
  1. Golden State Warriors (nba predicting 5.9 fewer wins than Vegas)
  2. Atlanta Hawks (nba predicting 3.7 fewer wins than Vegas)
  3. New Orleans Pelicans (nba predicting 3.1 fewer wins than Vegas)
  4. Detroit Pistons (nba predicting 2.9 more fewer wins than Vegas)
  5. New York Knicks (nba predicting 2.8 more wins than Vegas)
The Top 5 Underrated Teams According to nba
  1. Los Angeles Lakers (nba predicting 4.5 more wins than Vegas)
  2. Houston Rockets (nba predicting 2.7 more wins than Vegas)
  3. Milwaukee Bucks (nba predicting 2.5 more wins than Vegas)
  4. Denver Nuggets (nba predicting 2.3 more wins than Vegas)
  5. Memphis Grizzlies (nba predicting 1.7 more wins than Vegas)
Here is the full set of data so far. Seems like folks think the Pacers and Heat are well-rated.
TEAM nba Average Vegas O/U Difference
los-angeles-lakers 52 47.5 4.5
houston-rockets 38.2 35.5 2.7
milwaukee-bucks 53.5 51 2.5
denver-nuggets 46.8 44.5 2.3
memphis-grizzlies 33.2 31.5 1.7
boston-celtics 47.2 45.5 1.7
dallas-mavericks 44.0 42.5 1.5
los-angeles-clippers 47.7 46.5 1.2
washington-wizards 33.7 32.5 1.2
oklahoma-city-thunder 24.7 23.5 1.2
philadelphia-76ers 45.4 44.5 0.9
toronto-raptors 43.3 42.5 0.8
utah-jazz 41.9 41.5 0.4
indiana-pacers 39.5 39.5 0.0
miami-heat 44.5 44.5 0.0
portland-trail-blazers 40.3 40.5 -0.3
san-antonio-spurs 29.1 29.5 -0.4
orlando-magic 31.4 32 -0.6
charlotte-hornets 24.8 25.5 -0.7
sacramento-kings 27.3 28.5 -1.2
phoenix-suns 37.9 39.5 -1.6
cleveland-cavaliers 19.8 21.5 -1.7
minnesota-timberwolves 26.6 28.5 -1.9
chicago-bulls 27.5 29.5 -2.0
brooklyn-nets 43.5 45.5 -2.0
new-york-knicks 19.7 22.5 -2.8
detroit-pistons 20.6 23.5 -2.9
new-orleans-pelicans 32.4 35.5 -3.1
atlanta-hawks 31.8 35.5 -3.7
golden-state-warriors 32.6 38.5 -5.9
It'll be interesting to see how this changes up until tip-off as more projections come in. I'll be sure to post an end-of-season recap to see how we performed as a unit.
submitted by kilo22 to nba [link] [comments]

Which team NCT 127 and WayV are on during Rooftop Fight. Let's take a look of NCT's biases in Dream!

2021 came, the year all Nctzens anticipated for THE ROOFTOP Fight! If you have no idea what rooftop fight is, take a look if my recent post covering the issue.
The thing is, Dream is ready and Nctzens made their bets. Polls were prepared and choices are made. Even SM is ready which is suprising because the content is now scheduled and it will be in NCT Dream's yourube channel. But for today we are covering an importsnt question, who do you think NCT 127 and WayV members root for deep down? Which teams are they in? And does your bias roots for also your Dream bias? Lets find out. As usual we go from oldest to youngest.


Taeil is a pacifist in the nature, the unofficial maknae of Dream probably closest to Haechan because of 127 and clearly has a huge soft spot for Haechan. But recently he filmed It's Awkward but its okay series with Jeno who happens to be another pacifist in the nature just like Taeil! As you can guess it was a bit awkward since both of them are introverts but clearly they hit it off well. Although his pacifist nature and the old man he is, he advices all Dreamies to not fight and prays for all of their health. However he just can't help but be sliiightly biased towards Jeno and Haechan.


While Markyong is the son and father duo, offically THAT duo, I also think that Taeyong has a cute little soft spot for Jisung, the maknae of whole Nct. Sure Markyong bonds over many things like for their passion for music, dance and writing lyrics even though they are absolutely worst at explaining... Yeah they can make eye contact and think they should look out for each other because there is a lot coming with diffrent units. They make breakfast together, jump to the pools and do face masks... They kill on the stage together and work on many unreleased songs and they bond over struggles of being a leader for their unit... BUT Taeyong just can't help but also root for Jisung, the ultimate maknae. His leader instincts take the control and looks over for the youngest. In the end Taeyong roots for Mark and Jisung, probably the ones that will lose first... Taeyong I am sorry but your love for your kids will not help you win this bet.


Well Johnny is a man with suprises. He roots for Na Jaemin, the man who is as passionate as him in photography and the owner of this catch phrase 'Sexyy' which Johnny approve. This pair bonded over in It's Awkard but it's okay series and showed a great chemistry and proved they are a hilarious duo indeed. Their bond continued to grow in Work it promotions. Despite the similarities Na Jaemin and Johnny shares like their perfect english vocabulary we can't forget Mark Lee. No Johnny can't forget him because this duo is iconic. Mark Lee who is a permenanet guest in JCC, Mark Lee whom Johnny just can't help but tease lovingly. Although we know Mark has absolutely no chance at winning this fight, Johnny just rootes for him so that he can tease him for losing in the most Johnny way ever, meaning protectively. Like how a brother does to his little sibling...


Chenle as the biggest fanboy of Nct 127 previously promised to cover for Yuta if he is busy in future! Knowing all choreographies of nct 127 and remembering them even better than original members, with his passion of rap and nearly stealing Markyong's main rapper position Yuta and Chenle were a pair destined to happen. On the other hand Yuta bonded with Mark for a long time ago and this time he is shameless with his affection. From threatening people if they ever hurt Mark in HSR and ultimately resulted for his screentime to be cut to teasingly start "Don't overreact Mark" catchphrase and clowning his farts their relationship evolved something more affectionate and loving. Now we are seeing Yuta absolutely dote on him and hug him every possible time. With that it's safe to say Yuta is on team Chenle and Mark!


There is no suprise Doyoung is on team Jeno after he announced that Jeno is officially his son and his favourite dreamie and Jeno returning the favour by telling Doyoung is his favourite nct member. However Renjun climbes the top of Doyoung's bias list very fast, after bonding over an Awkard meeting which created an iconic series, pair also did many vlives proving their chemistry. However the real reason why Doyoung %100 supports Renjun is obviously because Renjun is his successor. Renjun will do what Doyoung couldn't do and that's beating Lee Haechan. Doyoung is known to lose to Haechan in everything. And I mean everything... And the solution is crystal clear to Doyoung. It relies on Haechan's scary, you g and ruthless friend Renjun who is most probably the only one that can challenge Lee Haechan. Well Doyoung got Renjun's back so we will see how this plan will end up! While we can never know who Doyoung would root since he is an unpredictable person we are absolutely sure that there is no chance Doyoung roots for Haechan.


I am pretty sure this didn't came with a suprise since Kun not only adopted Chenle but also spoiled him like there is no tomorrow and showed his bias without even regretting. These Chinese duo is known with their cute bickering but also faking care of each other and sharing cute stories. Despite being in completely diffrent units and mostly in diffrent countries it never stopped them to share their affection towards each other. You can see how Kun stays back for Chenle in recording diaries, in his radio show and Chenle constantly mentioning Kun in his Weibo and Bubble. Based on all these evidences I will say Kun is a hardcore Chenle biased!


Ten and Mark has known each other for years, debuting together and now in SuperM. They are also one of the pairs that never lost connection even though they both had diffrent and packed schedules. Ten letting Mark use his Netflix account, their wholesome moments in JCC and 90s Love promotions it's clear these foreign swaggers cherish each other very much. But Mark isn't the only one Ten has an amazing chemistry with. During Work It promotions Ten hyping Jaemin with his own catchphrase and Jaemin's affectionate himself hugging Ten passionately clearly shows how also this duo missed each other. That's why Ten is on team Mark and Jaemin, his younger brothers who he missed a lot!!


Jaehyun is infamous with his neutral unreacting face. While people may think it's cold actually Jaehyun loves all dreamies so much saying they are closer than expected. So he chooses to stay neutral and enjoy the show while he surely roots whoever wins because his competitive ass doesn't let him do otherwise. But can you blame him? Who should he needs to root? His other half Mark or his former roommate Haechan? His favourite younger member Chenle or his awkward pair Jisung? Or should he root for Renjun and Jeno whom take a lot of pictures together? In the end he loves all dreamies and he will root for the winner. You can say Jaehyun is a man with smart choices, there is absolutely no losing for him.


Winwin who dodges every affection from NCT members suprisingly only affectionate to Mark and Chenle. While I do not know his reasons and I am just guessing maybe because he relates Mark with that affection and how Chenle is just adorable and his young Chinese brother, it's clear that Winwin bias them.


While Jungwoo showed a quite great chemistry with Mark he decided to scrap that plan with his It's Awkward but It's Okay series partner Chenle. They both decided to not rely on Mark to communicate with each other and promised to play basketball. On the other hand he and Jaemin goes way back, especially in their trainee days which is clear by how Jungwoo can freely tease Jaemin and work well. To put it blatantly Jungwoo is team Chenle, Jaemin and he is a passionate supporter of them in every way.


Lucas and Mark, the same age friends that got close with each other very fast in 2018, made a great iconic vlive with full of laughter. Till this date Nctzens still miss that vlive. Luckily they were able to meet with each other with SuperM and now Resonance where we can still see the great chemistry they have. However Lucas is also close with Renjun who is his other Chinese friend and is strong enough to carry Lucas. While Renjun impressed all Nctzens who underestimated his strength with that stunt it also made everyone painfully aware with his capabilities. And Lucas is a man who respects that, he is team Mark and Renjun.


Xiaojun is China line biased and jt shows! He did instagram lives with Renjun and Chenle often and joined their lives as well. You can see how they are comfortable with each other because they joke and tease so freely. Watching their lives feels like a sitcom show where you thirdwheel to very close friends. Xiaojun just has that energy when he is with Renjun and Chenle. He is just so carefree with them you can't help but stupidly smile at them. With that I will say Xiaojun is team Renjun and Chenle!


While Hendery is already a friendly guy he particularly gets along well with Jisung and Chenle who are goofy enough. Their first Vlive was very comfortable and they mentioned how they don't feel awkard with each other despite they met new. Hendery also mentioned how he wants to get close to them so with that I conclude thag Hendery is team Chenle and Jisung!


Yangyang roots for Renjun and Haechan who are ironically their biggest enemies, but it's simply because Renjun is his best friend in nct. As expected from China line, they have a great chemistry and their lives are even funnier than normal who are equally savage. On the other hand Yangyang also expressed his wish to get closer with Haechan and in 90s Love promotions we can tottaly see that! So Yangyang roots for Renjun and Haechan who both have high rate of survival. Safe to say Yangyang has solid bets!


So Sungchan who just debuted with Nct has mentioned several times how he appreciated Haechan and is comfortable enough to tease him which takes a lot of courage. There is no need to deny he is Haechan biased but also he is unexpectedly close with Jisung. He constantly mentioned him as a person who he wants to get close and because of his age he feels comfortable with him. That makes me think Jisung is Sungchan's biaswrecker which means Sungchan is either team Haechan or Jisung!


Shotaro who is the new Nct member, very shy but cute but also very comfortable with Jisung who is most probably his dream bias. In a nct content where Jisung and Taeil introduces new members to Nctzens with some healthy tips, Shotaro looks more comfortable than ever. Thinking how they are also close in age it's safe to assume that Jisung is Shotaro's dream bias.


And with that we finished NCT's biases in Dream and who they root in this rooftop fight! Luckily SM announced they will release the rooftop fight and I am so excited. We will see how close our predictions come and also I will end this series with one last post that means next in our series which will be posted after the video...
Rooftop Fight Analysis... Who winned and why? Where did our predictions go wrong?
Stay tuned
submitted by DooOooT-dOOoOOt to kpopthoughts [link] [comments]

Extensive list of "improvement notes" I used to climb from Silver to Plat with Yuumi

I recently climbed to Plat for the first time playing nothing but Yuumi, and wanted to share some notes I compiled along the way. Ever since high Silver, after each game, I would try to think hard about mistakes I made, going back to watch the replay if necessary. If anything stuck out, I would make an "improvement note" in a text file. These really added up after a while, and I have pasted the entire list below. Those closer to the top are more recent. There may be a few typos here and there -- feel free to ask if you don't understand something.

Hope at least some of these are useful to fellow Yuumi fans!
submitted by Runic_Bistro to yuumimains [link] [comments]

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