top 10 best actors in the world 2020

top 10 best actors in the world 2020 - win

Why Altria ($MO) LEAPs may have HUGE asymmetric upside 🚀🚀🚀

TL;DR: vaping, marijuana, Michael Burry, low as fuck IV, hugely under-valued company 🚀🚀🚀
\Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. This is not investment advice. All information stated in this post is my own opinion, and some information may be unknowingly inaccurate or outdated. Please do your own due diligence before investing your money. I currently hold a long position on various Altria LEAPs.**
Nicotine products have been in continuous use in North America for thousands of years [1]. Upon the arrival of the Spanish to the New World, tobacco use spread rapidly throughout the globe, becoming hugely popular not only across Europe, but also in far-flung Asia and the Ottoman Empire. The only comparable product to conquer the world so thoroughly is the ubiquitous, similarly addictive, mighty coffee bean.
By the 1900's, smoking had become a huge commercial enterprise. Glitz and glam surrounded the tobacco industry. All of your Grandmother's favorite actors smoked [2]. Many high schools had smoking lounges for the students (of course, your Nana still regularly snuck out behind the bleachers to have a private puff with the quarterback). Nicotine use was a normal and accepted part of life.
We are all, of course, familiar with the rest of the story. Studies came out showing just how damaging cigarette usage was on the human body. Campaigns were begun, laws were enacted, and Big Tobacco became Public Enemy #1 [3]
Fast forward to today. For the past few decades, despite decreasing cigarette volumes, the tobacco industry has remained immensely profitable. Big players in the cigarette industry have been able to compensate for declining cigarette volumes by raising prices. Cash flows from cigarette smoking have never been higher. Yet looking at the stock market performance of the tobacco industry over the past 5 years, you would think that the industry was on life support.
No company has lately fared worse than Altria ($MO). Despite growing income at a 5.9% CAGR since 2017 amid a backdrop of stabilizing declines in cigarette consumption [4], the company's stock remains 45% off its 2017 high. Much of the underperformance can be attributed to investors losing confidence in the company's management after a series of questionable investment decisions, including taking a 35% stake in JUUL, a 45% stake in Chronos (a Canadian marijuana company), and a 10% stake in Anheuser-Busch.
These investments have performed poorly over the past few years. High-profile teen deaths from illicit THC vaping products were widely linked to JUUL usage by our sensationalist media [5], causing Altria to write-down its initial $12B investment in JUUL to a value of only ~$2B today. The bubble in the marijuana stock market popped in 2018, causing a 30% reduction in the value of Altria's Chronos stake. And the rise of the craft beer industry has continued to weigh on the profitability of Anheuser-Busch.
Despite the short-term pitfalls, I will argue that it is reasonable to believe that Altria has positioned itself very well for the future. And with all of these factors weighing down the stock over the past few years, I believe $MO is ripe for a turnaround.
I have a 2023 price target for $MO of $90 which, given the low IV Altria enjoys, implies a 30x (3,000%) return on MO Jan 2023 65c LEAPs.
My thesis relies on four key beliefs:
  1. The company's core business is under-valued
  2. Vaping will see a resurgence as a less-harmful alternative to cigarettes
  3. Altria is poised to win big if marijuana is federally legalized
  4. Michael Burry's Scion Asset Management is heavily invested in $MO
1) The Company's core business is under-valued
Altria enjoys a stunningly low forward P/E of 8.7 and a stunningly high dividend yield of 8.1% [6]. Various online discounted cash flow analyses of Altria give it an intrinsic value between $62-$72 [7] [8]. These analyses are very conservative in that they only take into account Altria's current business, which is predominantly smokeable tobacco products.
There are also bright spots in Altria's miscellaneous businesses that these DCF models don't account for, such as the fast-growing "on!" line of nicotine pouches, or the likely reinstatement of Anheuser-Busch's dividend after it was paused last year due to Covid.
We'll ignore these bright spots for now and give Altria's core business a conservative price target of $65.
2) Vaping will see a resurgence as a less-harmful alternative to cigarettes
\Please note: I am not a doctor. All health claims made in this post reflect only my own opinions.**
Nicotine has gotten a bad rap in the past 50 years, but on its own there isn't much research I've seen to suggest it's any more dangerous than caffeine. The big problem with nicotine is simply the delivery mechanism. Smoking large amounts of anything is bad for your lungs. Vaping exposes your lungs to far fewer ancillary chemicals in much smaller doses than traditional smoking. For instance, Michael Blaha, M.D., M.P.H., director of clinical research at the Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease, says about vaping “there’s almost no doubt that they expose you to fewer toxic chemicals than traditional cigarettes.” [9]
Altria surveyed the landscape in 2017 and determined that acquiring a stake in JUUL was its best way to position itself for the future. Since then, JUUL's name has been dragged through the mud and associated with many teen deaths. However, these deaths were later determined to be caused by unauthorized THC products unlinked to JUUL [10]. JUUL's case for harm reduction in the nicotine space is still intact.
The FTC filed an anti-trust case recently attempting to block Altria's stake in JUUL [11]. This case is due to be heard this spring. The uncertainty around JUUL's future has weighed on $MO, but in my opinion all outcomes of this case are positive:
1) Altria is forced to divest its stake in JUUL
This is not ideal, but as part of the JUUL acquisition, Altria agreed to not compete in the vaping space against JUUL. If Altria is forced to divest, it can capitalize on the recent decline in the quality and brand value of JUUL (just check out juul to see the declining sentiment around the brand) to bring its own high-quality product onto the market.
2) Altria is allowed to keep its stake in JUUL
In this case, Altria can capitalize on JUUL's troubles by acquiring a larger stake in the company at a discount. Altria can then flood JUUL with the cash it needs to help rebuild its quality and brand. This is the ideal case in my opinion, for both JUUL and Altria.
Setting aside JUUL for the moment, Altria has the exclusive rights to distribute in the USA Phillip Morris's FDA-approved IQoS product [12]. This is a "heat not burn" product that is more similar to existing cigarettes than vaping, but still reduces the number of harmful chemicals inhaled. This product is already popular in Europe and Japan, and is just beginning to be marketed in the USA. One major advantage of this product is that it produces no smoke, and so may potentially end up being allowed in restaurants, bars, and offices.
3) Altria is poised to win big if marijuana is federally legalized
Altria is the one company with the regulatory experience and distribution networks necessary to gain substantial market share in the nascent marijuana industry. Altria has been quietly filing patent after patent for THC and CBD vaping devices [13]. In fact, people in the fledgling marijuana industry are so worried about Altria's entry into the market that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, when speaking about his upcoming federal legalization bill, recently said "I don’t want to see these big tobacco companies coming in and shoving everyone out" [14]. (Note however that, while this position may play well with Senator Schumer's base for now, having a marijuana industry that is run by well-established and responsible companies is ultimately the best outcome for public health, and so it is unlikely that any steps will be taken to bar Altria from competing in the free market of marijuana products).
4) Michael Burry's Scion Asset Management is heavily invested in $MO
Would this really be WallStreetBets if I didn't mention Michael Burry? Burry's fund Scion Asset Management had 5% of its portfolio in $MO as of Q3 2020, making Altria its 13th largest holding [[15]( For context, this is about half the weight that Michael Burry's fund had in GameStop during the same quarter.
If nothing else, this is a good sanity check on the analysis here.
In summary, it's likely that the true value of Altria's core business is closer to $65 than the current price of $43. Add on top of that the potential for success in the vaping category, and the potential for growth into the marijuana market, and it is easy to see $MO adding an additional 20-30B in market cap to reach a price of $90 by 2023.
IV for 2023 LEAPs sits at ~20%. MO Jan 2023 65c's are currently priced at $0.77. If Altria reaches $90 by 2023, these options will be worth at least $25. This would represent a >3,100% return.
For this reason, I believe that Altria LEAPs represent a unique opportunity for asymmetric upside. Please let me know your thoughts below, I'd appreciate counter-arguments that highlight any flaws in the reasoning outlined above.
submitted by Natural_Profession_8 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

I watch a horror movie every day, here are the best ones I watched in 2020

(2020) Invisible Man 9/10
This remake, simply put, is excellent. I’m a huge fan of Leigh Whannell and while I do think the story itself is fantastic, it’s his directing that blew me away. This movie is so fucking tense without showing anything for a huge majority of its runtime. When shit actually starts to go down, it’s the definition of thrilling. Elisabeth Moss killed her role.
(2020) The Rental 8/10
The meat and bones of this movie is a character driven drama story. It’s tense and having so much knowledge right away as the viewer that the characters don’t have is frankly anxiety inducing, in a good way. I thought all four main performances were fantastic, especially Sheila Vand. There’s a moment in the film where everything is abruptly subverted in a grand horror fashion and depending on your tastes, that may be off-putting. To me, it was absolutely genius. Dave Franco directed the fuck out of this movie and eliminated all the comfort of campiness that great slashers usually hold.
(2020) Relic 8/10
Robyn Nevin is fantastic here and all the supporting roles are great but not only does this woman make the movie, she is the movie. Her dialogue, her delivery and her body language, at least to me, are a huge chunk of the entire plot. I just found this movie to be gentle until it isn’t, which makes for the most tense moments. It’s a very claustrophobic film; I think it does justice to a very serious and frightening illness.
(2020) Palm Springs 8/10
It doesn’t take long to catch on that, while this is a romantic comedy, it’s also a sci-fi horror film and a specific subset of sci-fi that makes me anxious. So in some regards, at least to genre placement, there’s my bias. The movie is seriously a treat though. It’s a new spin on an old formula and it’s genuinely funny, suspenseful and endearing. Even if you disagree that it shouldn’t be discussed in the horror circles, you won’t regret watching it.
(2020) Shirley 7/10
It’s an incredibly interesting film for many reasons but mostly because it exists as a biopic, as well as a psychological horror film. Jackson is played Elisabeth Moss who is just wonderful. She really brought to life the internal struggle of Jackson. I’d suggest doing some research before diving into this because her profession during the time period was not glamorous or widely accepted, which gives context to, well, everything.
(2020) Becky 8/10
Kevin James was fantastic. He’s a sadistic fuck in this movie. But he doesn’t deserve all the credit and the writers don’t either. I’m going to highlight Greta Zozula here. The most powerful moments in this entire film were purely cinematography based. Melanie Garros and Jenn McGouran deserve a shoutout as well. This was a cookie-cutter home invasion film at its core and these people, among others, made it one of my favorite home invasion films of the decade. Alissa Gee deserves recognition too for creating the most disgusting moment I’ve seen in a minute.
(2019) Parasite 9/10
This film is most obviously on-the-nose but in the same breath, so incredibly impactful. I can’t even describe the seamless transition from black comedy to horror. It’s a heartbreaking view on classism and poverty while also just being a thrilling experience. Every single performance is remarkable and natural. I’m not even sure what else to say without spoiling it. This film isn’t just specific to Asian culture but very relevant to anyone feeling that they’re in a rut.
(2019) Villains 8/10
The premise is sort of simple but the horror is in the details. i loved how everything played out and I thought all four main actors did an incredible job. Everything was super convincing which had me invested and tense. There’s a scene at the end, despite the movies dark, comedic aspects, that was really sweet and very climactic.
(2019) Swallow 9/10
Haley Bennett delivers a heartbreaking performance with a powerful but melancholy ending. The narrative itself is twisted and sadistic. This film make me anxious, depressed and in the end, I’m not sure it offered much reprieve. I loved this film but I’d caution anyone going through mental trauma to venture cautiously into it. It doesn’t promote anything negative but the subject matter can be difficult.
(2019) Nimic 8/10
When I googled the name of this film it gave me the Romanian translation of “nothing” but also, “everything”. For a 10-minute short it offers so much. It felt like a powerfully dark statement about performance in general.
(2019) The Head Hunter 9/10
This was one of the most creative, restrained yet somehow absolutely insane movies I’ve seen all year. I’m absolutely blown away. The exposition is limited and told so refreshingly through almost entirely visuals. It’s caused many viewers frustrations but for me, it was absolutely the best aspect. That’s saying a lot because visually, stylistically, it’s fucking remarkable. I’ve heard people say this movie is boring and to me, there’s not a dull moment throughout the entire film, not a single wasted shot. It’s thrilling, dark, gritty, campy at times and embodies this identity that’s both somehow fluid and refined. It feels like an arthouse film in its minimalism but avoids any pretentiousness you may associate with that sub-genre. Jordan Downey has done some intentionally so-bad-it’s good movies in the past and he clearly wanted to still reference those aspects through some of his shlocky, 50’s horror inspirations in here; especially Fiend Without a Face. That’s a creative decision that will turn a lot of people off but I just really appreciated it and it made the actual watching experience so incredibly fun.
(2019) The Lighthouse 9.5/10
This film is among the few that I felt compelled to watch it again almost immediately. It’s so incredibly rich in every aspect that can make a movie successful. The visuals are jaw-dropping; almost every single frame of this film is photographic. The soundtrack is stripped down to just these haunting sounds of fog horns and piss buckets. The package everything is delivered in, from an artistic standpoint, is so memorable. The performances by Pattinson and Dafoe are both some of the best I’ve seen this entire year and really, the decade…possibly of all time. They deliver this brilliant script’s dialogue with such passion, humor and intensity. The story in this film is shrouded in mystery but the clues and tools needed to decipher it do exist and with a rewatch, finding them felt so rewarding. It’s the kind of movie that I want to make my friends watch, simply so I have someone to discuss it with. It’s one of the best horror films I’ve ever seen.
(2019) I Trapped the Devil 7/10
This one is a bit of a slow-burn but I felt the tension from beginning to end so none of it felt like a blind investment. It had the potential to be another, cookie-cutter, pretentious statement but what I found it to be was simply a well-crafted horror film.
(2019) Pet Sematary 7.5/10
The original film was entertaining to me but I felt it was also dated and a bit too unintentionally silly for my tastes. So going into this, I was hoping for a darker, more serious film and I’m happy to say, that’s what I got.
(2019) Guns Akimbo 7.5/10
This is non-stop gory action, an absurd story and an insane performance by Radcliffe, who I’m such a big fan of at this point. The best part? It’s genuinely, laugh-out-loud funny, both through physical comedy and clever dialogue.
(2019) Harpoon 7/10
I enjoyed this movie a lot and I mean “enjoyed” in every sense of the word. It was the kind of movie to stop making me think so critically about the acting and cinematography because I just find the stranded genre so fun. This movie really delivered in both dark humor and pure, unpredictability.
(2019) Annabelle Comes Home 7/10
I know that Gary Dauberman has worked closely with the series so he definitely understands Wan’s Conjuring universe’s vibe. I mean that from both a pacing and cinematography standpoint. I loved that all the possessed artifacts come into play.
(2019) Vivarium 8/10
This movie is fucking terrifying. The cast may even be too loaded because it’s the environment and Senan Jennings that makes everything so scary. The final 30 minutes of this film are a complete mindfuck and just left my jaw on the floor.
(2019) It Chapter 2 9/10
It embodies the heartfelt, character driven story of King’s novel so incredibly well. Every single performance by the adult actors is fantastic and as much as people didn’t like the overuse of humor, it felt like a natural evolution to me. Things were destined to be less scary with the adult characters coming into contact with an evil they’ve faced before. The last 30-min to me were just so touching, sad and it was the culmination I was hoping for.
(2019) Zombieland: Double Tap 7.5/10
It’s certainly a sequel as far as sequels go but I had a ton of fun with it and it was great to see this group back together. It’s a super cheesy film and I would expect some hate but the original is cheesy fun too, if even to a lesser extent.
(2019) The Color Out of Space 7/10
The entire suspense if the film is how each individual character reacts to this unknown force but Cage’s is of course the most volatile. I love the body horror and I think the entire movie is pretty goddamn exciting in that aspect. It goes so far beyond what you’d expect.
(2019) Joker 9.5/10
To have a Batman-universe film stand out this much among all the others is incredible. This film intentionally evokes almost every emotion until a raw, chilling finale. Gotham is unkempt, unstable and teetering.
(2019) Come to Daddy 7.5/10
This movie is definitely a dark comedy but it’s incredibly interesting in that, among the dark humor, is a real horror movie and a very graphic one at that.
(2019) The Lodge 9/10
The misdirects in this story are excellent and I was blown away about how well the cinematography was used to manipulate the viewer. It feels like it’s twist after twist but in reality, nothing changes and that’s the scariest aspect to the entire movie.
(2019) Home with a View of the Monster 7/10
They do a fantastic job of storytelling, switching timelines and perspectives throughout the film. It’s a technique that’s been around longer than we’ve all been alive but one that’s not easily mastered.
(2019) Ready or Not 7.5/10
It’s just a ton of fun and Samara Weaving is fantastic. There’s so much great meta-humor and the effects are top notch. I think this sub-genre of sadistic games being played has been done to death so it was a welcomed surprise to see a film do it in such a successful way.
(2019) The Platform 9.5/10
One of my favorite things about horror is that you can trace history itself through the decades, with films reflecting the current political, social and economic state around the globe. First we has Us and then another incredible film Parasite, all with similar desperate themes of class instability. Then you have The Platform, which in its pure brutalism combines horror, religion and politics to make an incredibly powerful statement.
(2019) I See You 9/10
This film consistently surprised, disappointed and impressed me throughout its runtime based purely on my own expectations. It frankly made a fool out of me.
(2019) The Vast of Night 7/10
This movie is pretty low-budget but they really worked with what they had to create this warm, throwback aesthetic that just tickled my tiny little nuts. It’s a dialogue driven, on-the-nose Twilight Zone homage and I really enjoyed it.
(2019) John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum 8/10
The choreography and production is mesmerizing. This might be a Hollywood mainstream action film but the kills are powerful and fucking brutal.
(2018) Bloodline 7.5/10
Sean William Scott is a forever type casted actor but has managed to break free of that throughout the years and this is another great example of him doing just that. His performance is reserved but effective.
(2018) Gwen 8.5/10
It’s an incredibly heartbreaking story that, while exists in the folk-horror genre, subverts any and all expectations. Eleanor Worthington-Cox and Maxine Peaks carry the entire film.
(2018) Freaks 8/10
Emile Hirsch, Amanda Crew and Lexy Kolker were all great but it was Bruce Dern who blew me away. He’s such a powerful on-screen presence; just his delivery alone establishes a lot of the more horrifying elements to this film.
(2018) Overlord 8/10
I thought it would be a traditional zombie movie and the circumstances would be the twist but it was its own thing. It’s kind of difficult to describe but I think action-war-horror would be the closest thing I could pin it too. Jovan Adepo was a great fucking lead.
(2018) Monster Party 7.5/10
It’s awesome to experiment but this is a film that will appeal to almost everyone without feeling unoriginal or sold out. This is dark humor at its most enjoyable and the practical effects and gore are fucking awesome.
(2018) Pledge 7.5/10
It’s a simple premise but so well executed. I loved the ending and pretty much 95% of the creative decisions. This isn’t a bloodbath of a horror film but it’s violent as hell.
(2018) High Life 7/10
This film is a really uncomfortable watch from beginning to end. It’s filled with violent, psychosexual imagery, a disjointed narrative and cum. It ends and if you don’t outright hate it, it’s hard to explain why you like it because it’s such a rough watch. I fall in the latter category.
(2018) Possum 8/10
I love the way the story unfolds in the end, just methodically bit-by-bit until a crushing reveal. I felt for this main character and his pain seemed so real.
(2018) Wildling 8/10
Bel Powley and Liv Tyler both play very complimentary fantastic roles. There’s an extended portion of the film that’s almost uplifting and pleasantly strange, following their relationship with each other. I’m happy to say things turn sinister quickly and the last 30-minutes are a wild ride, to say the least.
(2018) The Nightingale 9.5/10
Jennifer Kent decided to put in such a universally disgusting scene that had people walking out of screenings and almost justifiably so. It’s really difficult to watch in portions. It’s just fortunate she followed it up with a masterpiece.
(2017) John Wick: Chapter 2 8/10
These assassins dance so carefully around innocent civilians that it almost comes off as a black comedy, in a great way.
(2017) My Friend Dahmer 8/10
To me, especially with Ross Lynch’s performance, it was an equally endearing and chilling film. It humanized someone who I’ve always considered to be a literal monster, which is something I don’t know how to feel about.
(2017) One Cut of the Dead 7/10
This movie is super creative and pretty fucking hilarious. It feels like a modern day Bowfinger.
(2017) Marrowbone 7.5/10
The characters portrayed are vibrant and fully realized, whether it be through substance or lack-there-of. I obviously don’t actively try and predict movies like a gameshow but this film seemed to excel in misdirect.
(2016) White Girl 8/10
It reminded me a lot of Larry Clark’s Kids but actually intelligently modernized to make a statement on these neighborhoods on the fringe of gentrification.
(2016) The Lighthouse 7.5/10
Mark Lewis Jones and Michael Jibson play their respective roles as the lighthouse keepers really well. Towards the end of the film when the story demands even more of them both, they truly deliver.
(2015) Room 9/10
Brie Larson is an incredible actress and plays this profoundly realistic character. There's moments where emotions do bubble over but most of the time, she does so much by doing so little.
(2015) Jurassic World 7.5/10
Some people will be completely turned off by some of the more absurd and out-there plot elements but I have to say, despite it being cheesy on paper, a lot of the newer sci-fi concepts just happen to work. This is bound to forever be kind of divisive but I liked it.
(2015) Tag 8.5/10
It’s like Tokyo Gore Police meets The Matrix. Sono makes a powerful statement on film media, gender oppression and interestingly enough, he doesn’t leave himself out of the lens of criticism.
(2015) The Invitation 9/10
This movie’s horror aspect is incredibly telegraphed and manipulated with these creepy violin sounds. However, Karyn Kusama’s impeccably clean cinematography and direction use all of that to its benefit.
(2014) John Wick 8/10
I saw this movie in theaters and let me just say, as a beagle owner, this may be my favorite revenge movie. Keanu Reeves is badass as shit and it was the first film in a long time to make me interested in action.
(2014) Spring 8.5/10
It feels helpless and hopeful at the same time, Benson’s script is amazing. I’ve always said that films shot in idyllic landscapes are a blank canvas for horror. There’s so much beautiful contrast.
(2014) The Treatment 7.5/10
This film is so unnerving, dark and depressing. The bones of it are structured like any crime thriller but the meat of it is pure depravity.
(2014) Clown 8/10
This is body horror and one of the better ones out there; the slow, methodical transformation throughout this movie was so effective.
(2014) The Incident 9/10
Bleak doesn’t even begin to describe this film. It’s pure nihilism, screamed loudly into the universe.
(2014) The Guest 8.5/10
I fucking love the story, Dan Stevens is fantastic and the production was cleanly executed. It’s Adam Wingard’s best film so far.
(2013) Blue Ruin 9/10
It’s a standout to me among revenge films. Macon Blair’s character isn’t some bloodthirsty ex-navy seal bent on revenge. He’s a completely broken man that’s overcome by heartbreak.
(2013) Evil Dead 7.5/10
It’s one of the few examples where a remake of a classic, near perfect movie, actually works.
(2013) Redemption 8/10
The film is shot so well, the editing and portrayal of the visuals all correspond to the ebb and flow of his characters physical and mental health.
(2013) Under the Skin 9/10
The second death in this movie is one of the most remarkably unsettling scenes I’ve witnessed to date.
(2011) The Strange Thing About the Johnsons 7/10
Astor flips child molestation on its head in a tense, sickeningly well-made film and I absolute hate it. Do not watch this movie, this will only detract from your overall happiness.
(2011) Contagion 9/10
There’s some fantastic performances by Paltrow, Law, Fishburne and quite a few others. However, it’s the research and writing of this film, the frightening scientific accuracy, that makes it so effective.
(2011) We Need to Talk About Kevin 9/10
This is probably one of the most sensitive subjects you can approach and I’m a huge fan of Lynne Ramsay. Ezra Miller has one of the most chillingly realistic performances of the decade.
(2010) Inception 9.5/10
It’s Nolan’s masterpiece in my mind and that statement isn’t to be taken lightly, as everything he’s done has felt powerful.
(2010) Buried 8/10
This is one of my favorite movies filmed all in one location. It’s tense, claustrophobic (obviously) and it feels genuinely helpless.
(2010) Skeletons 7/10
It’s a strange little film but it’s charming, smart and a refreshing take on the exorcism sub-genre.
(2009) The House of the Devil 8/10
My absolute favorite aspect of this film is the retro feel. It captured 70’s horror so incredibly well. Ti West is a talented filmmaker and this is one of my favorites by him.
(2009) Cropsey 7/10
If there was one thing I really took away from this film, it would be how society and children in particular adapt to unsolved murders.
(2009) The Loved Ones 7.5/10
It reminds of almost a modern day interpretation on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, if the dinner scene was the entire film.
(2008) Lake Mungo 9/10
This family is so incredibly natural, real and convincing. It’s not too over the top. The horror is hidden in every frame and simultaneously interwoven with heartbreak. Despite many previous and later films attempting to do what it does, I’ve never seen anything like it.
(2007) An American Crime 7.5/10
Elliot Page is wonderful as Sylvia Likens, she just has this innocent nature to her that amplified the violent aspects of the film. I loved the editing of courtroom footage throughout the runtime, it was a constant reminder that what you’re watching actually happened, despite the theatrical nature of the film at times.
(2007) Teeth 8/10
Teeth is actually such an incredibly hard movie to review critically. The film itself, as a whole, is so many things at once. It’s a comedy, an exploitation film, a revenge film and even sort of…a slasher? I have to give respect where respect is due.
(2007) Death Sentence 7/10
This movie is so goddamn intense during the action sequences that it actual reminds me more of a Max Payne video game film adaptation. It’s so over-the-top but in a really entertaining way.
(2007) Timecrimes 8.5/10
I loved this movie when I first saw it but upon re-watching it, I can’t help but stress its influence in the time-loop horror sub-genre. Sure films like Primer definitely helped pave the way but Timecrimes really manages to focus less on the science fiction and more on the horrifying consequences that come with time travel.
(2007) Zodiac 9/10
It’s not the most violent film, it’s much more story driven but the moments of violence feel fucking powerful. The horror in this film isn’t about the serial killer, it’s really about obsession and Gyllenhaal absolutely nails his performance to bring that aspect home.
(2006) Population 436 7/10
It didn’t aim to disgust or push boundaries; it’s just a fun, creepy story with a satisfying ending.
(2006) Children of Men 9.5/10
It’s a bleak film, as bleak as they come from some perspectives but through the violence and despair is a powerful message of hope. Clive Owen’s character is as a broken as the world around him and one of my favorite character arcs of all time.
(2005) Red Eye 7/10
The setup is sinister enough, being in the confines of a plane, to warrant it being discussed as a horror but it does devolve into an action thriller, not that I’m a genre-snob. Both Cillian Murphy and Rachel McAdams are fantastic and it’s a tight knit package.
(2005) The Descent 9.5/10
It’s absolutely terrifying and top-to-bottom, one of the most effective horror movies ever made. After seeing over a thousand horror projects, this still remains one of the most intense, period.
(2005) Constantine 8.5/10
Listen, I’ve obviously never even heard about this comic but let me just say, as a standalone movie, it’s fucking awesome. It’s basically Keanu Reeves battling his way through hell, murking demons and basically just being badass as shit.
(2004) Saw 8/10
It’s one of the most creative projects of the 00’s and a project that launched Wan’s and Whannell’s career. I can safely say, the two of them haven’t had any major misses since. This movie is raw, disturbing and has a strong mystery-driven backbone that makes it iconic and endlessly re-watchable. I absolutely love it.
(2004) Hellboy 7.5/10
Listen, I’m not a fucking nerd who is all-knowing about these comics and how well they translate to film but let me tell you, this movie fucking rocks. Ron Perlman kills this role and has so much personality.
(2000) The Gift 8.5/10
Everyone here is wonderful. If I had to pick a standout though, it would be Giovanni Ribisi. His performance is so raw and emotive. The unstable nature of his character actually held up as the backbone to the mystery portion of this film, making it very much unpredictable.
(1999) The Ninth Gate 9/10
It’s two hours of a giant satanic onion being peeled back layer by layer. It’s clear that when Polanski isn’t raping children, he’s creating filmmaking masterpieces.
(1999) Deep Blue Sea 7.5/10
The science-fiction aspects may be super contrived to someone smarter than I am but the entire movie is so goddamn entertaining. I love all the characters and LL Cool J is particularly hilarious.
(1998) Pi 7.5/10
Aronofsky is challenging religion with science and mathematics and it comes together in a really insane way.
(1997) The Lost World: Jurassic Park 7/10
One scene in particular that stuck with me was the raptors in the tall grass, so aesthetically gorgeous and well-shot. It’s not a perfect movie but Goldblum and Moore are charismatic, it’s fucking action packed and the set pieces are diverse as shit. This isn’t some dialed in bullshit for a quick buck.
(1997) Men in Black 9/10
Vincent D’Onofrio was fucking incredible. The entire villain that is Edgar is one of my favorites of all time. Everything from his speech, his loose-skin and awkwardly stiff gate just really sell it.
(1996) The Craft 7.5/10
I love all the acting and characters but Fairuza Balk is probably my favorite. She’s just so eclectic and over-the-top.
(1995) Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight 7/10
This is such a fun movie and very much in the Tales from the Crypt vein. It’s campy but super violent too; the practical effects are fucking dope. It’s kind of like Evil Dead meets From Dusk till Dawn. Billy Zane is great in it and just brings a ton of personally to the film. I even really dug the raunchy, meta-horror opening.
(1994) The Mask 7/10
Jim Carrey is his usual, hilarious, eclectic, over-the-goddamn-top self which softens the edges. There’s also a villain though and the same childish aspects don’t apply to him. As a kid, he was kind of scary actually.
(1993) Jurassic Park 9.5/10
Even just typing that title blows my mind, this movie was made in 1993 and 27 years later, it still looks better than most modern monster movies. Jurassic Park is everything. This movie is the perfect blend of horror, action, adventure and sci-fi.
(1991) Highway to Hell 7.5/10
This is an absolutely awesome 90’s horror movie. It has cameos from the entire Stiller family, even fucking Gilbert Gottfried. You also have Chad Lowe, who I truthfully didn’t even know existed. The story, set pieces and script are also all excellent. It’s darkly funny, well-paced and just a wild ride from start to finish.
(1990) The Exorcist 3 8.5/10
This movie, for a film following such an iconic movie, being a third film in a series, is just bafflingly good. The original writer of the first film is returning and his script as well as directorial product both deliver.
(1989) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 8/10
Indy is still Indy here, he’s fucking badass; his character and dialogue excel in this entry immensely. Not just dialogue but this film contains some of the best action choreography of the entire series, something that almost seems unfairly diminished through repetition. This movie is fucking awesome.
(1988) Akira 7.5/10
This story is one that would feel very difficult to pull off through traditional media. The level of violence and body horror would possibly be even too much for Cronenberg’s plate. The ending of this film is mind-melting.
(1988) Hellbound: Hellraiser 2 7.5/10
It’s violent, dark, disgusting and gory as fuck. It feels like a fever dream of hell. I loved the female character kind of forcing this disgusting erotic nature and it doubled down on the series soul which is the deadly allure of hell.
(1988) Vampire’s Kiss 7/10
I love American Psycho and watching this, I can see where a ton of the performance inspiration in that film came from. Cage’s body language here is so insanely expressive and probably my favorite part of the entire project. Even if you’ve seen this one before, I highly suggest a re-watch, there’s something special about it.
(1987) Fatal Attraction 7.5/10
Holy shit Glenn Close you goddamn crazy bitch, such a great performance. This movie is so incredibly and exponentially tense as it plays out. I loved Micheal Douglas and the entire film is just a reminder to never fucking cheat.
(1987) The Believers 7/10
It gets a bit absurd at certain points but the cult aspects are awesome. I also think it’s the first horror movie I’ve seen specifically about Santeria. It’s not perfect but it stuck with me.
(1987) The Lost Boys 8/10
Joel Schumacher’s The Lost Boys is so indicative of 80’s horror that it could very well be the face of the decade itself. The one-liners, the practical effects, aesthetics and story are all just wonderful. I’m not sure what else to say, this movie feels like a warm blanket to me.
(1986) Little Shop of Horrors 8/10
Rick Moranis is as goofy as ever and good god…the practical effects are mind-blowing. You’re watching this giant plant movie and it just melts your brain thinking about how it was accomplished.
(1986) Aliens 7/10
They exploited the action of the first film to capture a larger audience and lost what made Alien such an effective horror movie in the first place. I still like this movie because it contains my favorite heroin and monster but I’m sick of acting like the Alien series ever needed a director like Cameron. The ending is absolutely insane and bumps this up a few points for sure.
(1984) The Terminator 8/10
This movie, simply put, is badass as shit. I’m aware the series kind of progresses into more action focused territory with the sequels but the original will always be a horror movie to me. The pacing, the unstoppable force that is Arnold, it’s all thrilling as shit.
(1984) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 8/10
I think it’s a scary movie and a really dark turn in the trilogy. There are quirky aspects of it character wise that are kind of goofy but playful. Overall though, goddamn dude, these set pieces are amazing.
(1984) Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter 7/10
Jason is super fucking powerful here; he moves quickly, intelligently and is able to drive the suspense of the movie. The success is greatly attributed to a solid performance by Crispin Glover but more importantly, Corey Feldman. I know Corey gets a lot of shit these days but he was an eclectic child actor.
(1981) Raiders of the Lost Ark 9/10
Raiders of the Lost Arc is such an important movie to me. It helped open my eyes to darker content as a child, for better or worse. Everything that could ever be said about this film has been said, I’m just here to show my appreciation.
(1980) City of the Living Dead 8/10
This movie is batshit insane in the best way possible. It’s ultra-gory, tons of crazy impressive practical effects which are very much Fulci in style. The narrative is a bit confusing but I think, or hope at least, intentionally so.
(1980) The Ninth Configuration 7/10
The Ninth Configuration, while still representing William Peter Blatty’s struggle with religion, is tonally very different from The Exorcist. It’s a tedious, slow, detail oriented, character driven film that exceeds so well because of great writing.
(1979) Nosferatu the Vampire 8/10
This film not only embodies and celebrates the original in terms of structure as well as substance, but in its restrained filmmaking methods; its ability to let shots live without intervention. It’s atmospheric, well-trimmed and just an all-around, exceptional film. Klaus Kinsi as Nosferatu is perfect.
(1979) The Amityville Horror 7/10
I like James Brolin’s character, he’s odd and the axe sharpening is somewhat iconic. The film has both pacing issues as well as dialogue issues. With that being said though, the finale in sinister as fuck and really brings life, quite literally, to this evil house.
(1979) Alien 9.5/10
My love for this single film transcends my love for the genre itself. Ridley Scott pulled off an absolute masterpiece and despite having watched it 25 times, I still cannot comprehend how a film of this quality was pulled off in 1979. It’s as close as perfection can be.
(1978) Dawn of the Dead 8/10
Obviously at first glance you can tell this is a really lengthy film at over 2-hours long. However, the pacing is actually my favorite part. Romero really builds up to the climax slowly and lets you linger in his world for such a long time that it becomes fleshed out through pure exposure.
(1978) Slave to the Cannibal God 7/10
I love the visuals, the story and Ursula Andress’ great big dirty milkers. It’s a wonderful, sleazy little exploitation film. The audio is also fantastic; I just love the way this film is edited all around.
(1977) Shock Waves 7/10
Peter Cushing is awesome and I really liked Brooke Adams as well. Despite the cheesy premise though, this film is dark and moody. The tension and action really builds throughout the film and with the atmospheric nature, you kind of forget the ridiculousness of it all.
(1975) Satanico Pandemonium 7/10
This is a pretty great, atmospheric, old-school exploitation film. It dives right into the temptations of sex and the devil among this convent. It gets pretty fucking dark, especially for the time period, specifically for Mexican horror.
(1974) Vampyres 9/10
It’s dark, moody, sexy and offers one of the most unique vampire film experiences to date. It’s a film that makes Dennis’ idea from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia about a full-penetration, Dolph Lundgren crime fighting movie seem almost plausible.
(1973) Soylent Green 8/10
I loved all the concepts and details in this film. It took me a bit to get invested but once I was, real food was replaced with gold in my brain watching the plot play out. Charlton Heston did a great job of bringing life to this fictional universe as well through his dynamic and invested performance.
(1973) The Crazies 7/10
There’s this great scene with this old lady knitting that I just adore. The innocent and violent clash in such an effective way. Obviously the horror aspects in that scene, as well as the virus itself are very fictional. The government response though, seems almost plausible, considering how they’re currently handling Covid-19.
(1972) Horror Express 8/10
It’s genuinely creepy to this day and the storyline is ambitious as fuck. I’d be hard-pressed to say it’s not one of the better horror-sci-fis of the 70’s and that category includes some great fucking films.
(1968) Even the Wind is Afraid 8/10
Coming over a decade before Suspiria, I can’t but feel, despite how unknown this film is, how influential it was to the genre. The story is great; it’s not super violent or anything and when they do show anything, it’s so well built up. It’s either a reveal at either peak tension or the opposite, when it’s least expected.
(1967) Our Mother’s House 8/10
Jack Clayton, simply for directing The Innocents, is one of my favorite directors. He manages to capture super poignant emotional moments unlike no one else. We have some great modern directors working today that do the same but in terms of 1960's horror, it was harder to come by.
(1967) Violated Angels 7/10
It’s actually based on an American case, about a man Richard Speck who broke into a hospital in 1966, raped and murdered eight nurses. The cinematography is startling cold. The dialogue is profound and helpless. This has to be up there with the most cynically sexualized piece of exploitation cinema.
(1964) Lady in a Cage 7.5/10
It’s a really great little thriller with a solid performance by Olivia de Havilland and also James Caan. I think this movie captures such a helpless nature really well.
(1964) The Last Man on Earth 7.5/10
I loved this movie. It’s actually one of my favorite Price films, which at least for me, is a bold statement. His films tend to have this warm, campy feel to them but this one actually felt pretty dark and desolate. It still contains those less-serious scenes and bits of dialogue but the writing and ideas themselves feel like a huge leap forward for the horror genre.
(1960) The Virgin Spring 9/10
This is clearly the inspiration for The Last House on the Left and while I appreciate that film immensely, it didn’t evoke the same emotions this one did. The cinematography, per-Bergman, is impeccable.
(1958) The Fly 7.5/10
The plot is actually non-linear and the first half is my favorite. Patricia Owens plays up the paranoia of her character incredibly well and I was actually really happy to see Price in a supporting role.
(1956) Forbidden Planet 8/10
I personally think it’s one of the best sci-fi films of the decade. I know I’m going to get chirped for saying this but there’s even a scene towards the end that I believe could have inspired the tesseract in Interstellar.
(1935) The Black Room 7/10
This is another Universal horror film starring Karloff, directed by Roy Neill. It presents itself with the usual, tight-knit flair you may have come to expect but it somehow has seen much less recognition than any of the major monster movies. I really liked this movie.
(1932) The Old Dark House 8/10
This is also Karloff’s best look to date. I mean seriously, his performance is pretty muted and mostly expressed in body language but he has the same screen presence as Mickey Rourke.
submitted by nextzero182 to horror [link] [comments]

Daytona 500: Why Does It Matter? - r/Formula1 Editorial Team

By Phillip Barton (u/museproducer) and Matt 'Trumpets' Ragsdale (u/mattpt55)
Starting with this one, the Editorial Team will offer some features also in audio format. You can find this one here in the voice of the authors.
If you rather download it, you can do so following this link.
Before we begin, we need to give a special thank you to the moderators at NASCAR. They joined us in this project and have been ever willing to help us with information on rules and unique facts about the race, and answering our questions about the sport as a whole.
And we would be remiss to not give a special thank you to u/the_colbeast, whose seemingly endless vault of information about NASCAR has been invaluable to us for this weekend and hopefully for many to come in the future.
Thank you so much, and we hope to have further collaborations with you all in the future!


The Daytona 500 is one of the most famous races in motorsports. It is held in the same way as the Indianapolis 500, Monaco Grand Prix, Bathurst 1000, or 24 Hours of Le Mans for many fans. And yet, for most F1 fans, it is hard to look at the Daytona 500 and think of it as being in the same league as a Formula 1 Grand Prix at tracks like Spa or Silverstone.
In Formula 1, cars are made to be as lightweight as possible, made of mostly composite materials. In NASCAR, cars are still made with a steel tube chassis covered with a mixture of carbon fibekevlar and fiberglass body panels.
While a Formula 1 car is powered by a V6 hybrid power unit with around 1000 hp depending on the power unit manufacturer, in NASCAR they are still using the throaty carbureted V8 made by Toyota, Ford or Chevy (depending on the team), with an output of about 750 hp.
Ed. note: apologies for the slip up here - we got our history and current day wires crossed.
A Formula 1 car is typically developed from before the start of the season onward, with changing aero parts on the car occurring regularly sometimes from race to race or even from session to session. In NASCAR, the body of the cars stay relatively the same, with different aero packages required depending on the track as mandated by NASCAR’s governing body. And that is just the differences in the cars.
So what then is the allure for an F1 fan to watch the Daytona 500? As far as things are concerned these are two very different sports under the wide umbrella that is motorsport as a whole. Formula 1’s fanbase is even seen to be of a very different culture, with international reach and an image of being a wealthy gentleman's sport, whereas NASCAR comes off as a more simplistic, blue-collar sport with roots tied to the United States of America alone. Yet Formula 1 drivers have appeared in NASCAR stock cars for decades.
What follows is an attempt to convince you, a Formula 1 fan, to give this race a shot. To accomplish that, we will have to go back to before the first Daytona 500. Back to a time before the existence of the Daytona International Speedway even, when stock cars were raced on the sandy beaches of Daytona, instead of the asphalt speedway we know today.

Daytona’s History

From the Beginning to the End of the Petty Era

The Daytona 500 heralds the start of the NASCAR season and, as with most races, it can trace its origin back to a place, Daytona Beach, a man (Bill France Sr.) and a date (December 14, 1947), when the idea of NASCAR was first conceived at the Streamline Hotel.
Bill France had the meeting because, as a driver, he was getting increasingly tired of shady promoters bogarting the prize money after races ended. He realized, much like Bernie Ecclestone would do much later in F1, that if he organized the teams and drivers, they would be able to control (or at least influence) their destiny.
By the time the meeting took place, however, stock car racing was very much an established regional thing, with its mythic origins reaching back to the roots of Prohibition (which for those who are not from the USA, was a shocking time between 1920 and 1933 when all alcohol was illegal – not that it mattered, as the country drank more than ever).
In an effort to keep the Roaring Twenties parties going, illegal stills would produce an alcohol know locally in the South as moonshine, which intrepid drivers (also known as bootleggers) would then take from isolated mountain tops in the Appalachian Mountains down to more populated regions, usually at a high rate of speed and often being chased by the local constabulary as well. This obviously started an arms race between the police and the bootleggers, leading to both sides searching for ever-increasing performance, either to reach their delivery points with minimal interference or to apprehend the law-breakers.
Once Prohibition was over, this should have been the end of bootlegging and the need for fast cars, right? Nothing of the sort happened. The bootleggers were now in the business of evading taxes and drivers had a new weapon: the Ford V-8 engine, which in a fit of cosmic irony was invented by a teetotaller, Henry Ford. He had even banned his workers from drinking, but ultimately he helped give rise to a sport that floated to prominence on the backs of rivers of whiskey.
For it turns out, not being satisfied with risking imminent death in a blaze of high proof glory while being chased at insane speeds down back roads, bootleggers began having contests to see whose car was fastest. By the late 1930s, these were beginning to be regular occurrences that would draw crowds and by the time Bill France got around to organizing NASCAR a decade later, there were already purpose built venues for the racing of said cars.
If, perchance, you were to be racing at Daytona International Speedway in the 500, and you had the mental capacity, at close to 200 mph (320 kph) and running inches from your competitors, to glance up, you would see the words "World Center of Racing" plastered across the top of the grandstands as you crossed the finish line. A bold claim to be sure, but one rooted in reality if one travels far enough back in time, to the turn of the previous century.
The start of Daytona as a race venue goes back to 1902, when a race between Ransom Olds, founder of Oldsmobile and Alexander Winston, founder of Winston Motor Works, staged a race on the hard packed sands. The width of the beach, 500 feet, and the length, 27 miles, made it perfect for land speed record attempts. Fifteen were made, culminating with Sir Malcolm Campbell (there was an ongoing rivalry between British and USA drivers), who in 1935 did a 276.82 mph (445 kph) run. On a beach...
In addition to the land speed record attempts, 13 other organized races were held on the beach, and when the clubhouse was built close to the Daytona portion of the beach, the name stuck.
In 1936, the city of Daytona chucked up a purse, and hired Sig Haugdahl to design a course and organize the event. Sig used the road that ran parallel to the beach, A1A, to make a 3.2 mile circuit.
Although the race was a disaster, with the city losing money and the race having to be red flagged due to the course becoming undriveable, the following year the Elks Club was willing to give it a go, although they too lost money and decided that perhaps race promotion was better left to the experts.
Which is where Bill France stepped in. In 1938, his first year organizing the race, the race at Daytona made money for the first time. The second time, he made even more (US$20,000 to be exact) and, despite being a competitive driver, it began to become increasingly obvious which side of the bread his butter was on.
World War II interrupted his run of success, but once NASCAR was formed two years after the war was over, it began to sanction the races on the beach as stock cars were becoming an increasingly popular attraction. By 1953, France knew that the venue was beginning to limit what he could achieve and thus the plans for the current track were born. The old Road Course was used for the last time in 1958 and, in 1959, the event moved to the brand new 2.5 mile tri-oval super speedway for the inaugural Daytona 500.
That first race did not disappoint the roughly 41,000 fans gathered either, with a 3-wide finish that took 3 days to decide as Lee Petty crossed the line with Johnny Beauchamp and Joe Weatherly. Beauchamp was declared victor, but Petty protested and after 3 days and reference to a newsreel of the finish, Petty was announced as the actual winner. In later years, Petty would opine that France knew he had won and had done it on purpose, to generate publicity for the race.
The following year, the race was won by Junior Johnson, who managed the feat despite being in a car that was nearly 22 mph down on top speed. After noticing in practice that he could trail a faster car without losing time, he also realized he could "slingshot" by the faster car as well. He used this tactic to win the race and this innovation was rapidly copied by other drivers leading to the sophisticated use of drafting, still in vogue to this day with modern drivers on all superspeedway races.
The 1962 race was won by Fireball Roberts, and it was the third straight year he had started on pole. That win also was the second in a row for team owner and legendary mechanic Smokey Yunick, which made him the first owner to win the race more than once.
Smokey was also legendary for dancing on the head of a regulation, a trait shared by many F1 legends. So much so that he was often referred to as the American Colin Chapman, though looking at the dates it could well have swung the other way. Perhaps the most talked about episode of his creative interpretations of regulations was his 1966 car driven by Curtis Turner.
It was so much faster that everyone knew he was cheating, but no one could figure out how. Eventually, it was discovered that the roof had been lowered and modified, the windows had been altered and the floor raised, allowing him to lower the car and making it effectively 7/8 the aerodynamic profile of an actual stock car. This quite naturally led to some rapid rewriting of the scrutineering procedures.
Smokey was also renowned for his expertise with fuel systems: at one race, after installing 11 feet of extra tubing to add 5 gallons of extra fuel capacity, NASCAR officials pulled the fuel tank for inspection as they were suspicious and told him they had 9 items he needed to fix before the race. His response was "better make it ten" as he started the car sans fuel tank and drove it back to the pits. He also used a basketball in the fuel tank that was inflated when capacity was checked and deflated when the car was fueled for the race. Smokey's mindset was perhaps best illustrated by a quote from his autobiography "All those other guys were cheatin' ten times worse than us, so it was just self-defense".
In 1964, Richard Petty (nicknamed "The King") stood atop the podium for the first time in the history of the Daytona 500, the start of the winningest run in the history of the race and at the beginnings of a career that also saw him win more races than any driver in NASCAR ever. At the end of it all he would tally 200 victories, 123 poles, and 7 Daytona 500 wins, along with 27 wins in one season, 1,027 starts and 10 consecutive wins, all of them records, in a career that has yet to be approached by any driver since.
It was 1963 that put him on the map in NASCAR, running a Plymouth with a Hemi engine. The engine was so dominant that he crushed the 1964 Daytona; not only did he win, leading 184 of the 200 laps, but NASCAR promptly banned the engine for the following season, leading to a boycott of NASCAR by Chrysler.
The 1966 season was set to be the last hoorah of the so-called Generation 1 cars. They were nothing more than a stock frame and body, with the doors strapped shut and a heavy-duty rear axle to keep the car from flipping. That season saw Petty become the first driver to win the Daytona 500 two times. This time round was much less of a walk over for The King as he had to come from 2 laps down after tire troubles early to retake the lead on lap 113 before going on to win by more than a full lap, the work by his pit crew crucial to his victory.
The following season, with the debut of the Generation 2 cars, teams could now use a modified frame. Even though that would be the year Petty would go on to notch his 27 wins (a season record), it would be an upstart and the only non-American ever to win the 500 (by birth at least): Mario Andretti. The race that year featured 36 lead changes and 54 laps of yellow flag running. Innes Ireland, who had just raced his last season in F1 the previous year, also took part that year (he finished in 27th place, out of 50 participants).
Petty would not win again until 1971, and despite the long shadow he cast over NASCAR for well over two decades, other names rose to prominence during his dry spell at the 500. Cale and LeeRoy Yarbrough (amazingly unrelated to one another) would notch 5 wins between them, with LeeRoy winning 1 and Cale 4. Bobby Allison would eventually rack up 3 wins at Daytona, while his brother would play a pivotal role in Petty's 1979 win.
In 1974, the race was shortened to 450 miles as a result of the oil crisis (Petty winning that one as well), but it was back to the full 500 miles the following year.
In 1977, Janet Guthrie became the first woman to start the 500, going from 39th to 12th. She would finish 11th in 1980, her third and final run at the 500, while also becoming the first woman to qualify and race in the Indy 500 later that year, also racing in it 3 times, with a best result of 9th in 1978 (driving with a fractured wrist no less).
But for long-time fans of the 500, two years stand out as pivotal in the '70s: 1976 and 1979.
The 1976 race was an epic, featuring a lengthy duel between Richard Petty and David Pearson. On the final lap, Pearson made the pass on Petty and led down the backstretch, but Petty attempted an overtake into Turn 3 but failed to clear Pearson. The resulting contact sent both into the wall and then into the infield grass, both coming to rest just yards from the finish. Pearson managed to restart and cross the line for the win while Petty, with an assist from his quick-thinking pit crew pushed the car across the line to finish 2nd.
In 1979,the race would thrust the Daytona 500 and NASCAR into the national spotlight, and in many ways gave both the race and the sport the reputation that they carry to this day. CBS (one of the three major TV networks at the time) had just signed an agreement to broadcast NASCAR and the Daytona 500 was to be the first race carried live, lights to flag, on USA television. In addition, a major snowstorm had blanketed the Northeast, ensuring a large audience for this first of its kind broadcast.
A large storm had drenched the track the night before, and as Ken Squier and David Hobbs settled in the booth, the first 15 laps were run under the green and yellow flag conditions to help dry the track.
An early lap contretemps saw Donnie Allison take out both Cale Yarbrough and his brother Bobby. All managed to carry on, but they had lost laps to the leaders sorting the damage and it would take Donnie until Lap 178 to reclaim the lead, with Yarbrough again close behind him and chasing. On the final lap, Yarbrough attempted to slingshot as Allison came down to block him. Neither driver would give way and the inevitable contact sent Yarbrough's inside wheels onto the turf. He lost control of his car and came back onto the track, hitting Allison's car, the pair winding up in the outside wall of Turn 3 before sliding down the banking and into the infield as a surprised, and no doubt delighted, Richard Petty came through to notch his 6th win of the iconic race.
While Petty celebrated, Bobby Allison had pulled alongside the stranded drivers to offer his brother a ride back to the pits, and Yarbrough, who evidently felt that the early race contact had cost him the victory and was not happy with the outcome of his late move either, started jawing with Bobby and then proceeded to smack Allison in the face with his helmet. This brought Donnie into the melee. He grabbed Yarbrough and pulled him away from the car as Bobby exited the car and started swinging.
The whole thing was topped off by a marshal tackling Yarbrough and both Allisons to the ground, snippets of the confrontation broadcast live to a massive TV audience. The next day, the race was a topic of national conversation and, just as with the original race, it was the kind of controversy that guaranteed a large and ever-growing audience for the sport. Both drivers naturally blamed the other for the accident but both wound up being fined and placed on probation by NASCAR for the incident.
After that, the trajectory of NASCAR and the Daytona 500 in particular, as a national and eventually international event was set. Petty would go on to win his 7th and final 500 in 1981, the first year of Generation 3 cars, but his long reign as The King was entering its twilight as the pressure from below became ever greater and the years took their toll.
He would go on to claim his final win in 1984 at Daytona, not at the 500, but at the Firecracker 400, and he finished his racing career, which began in 1958, at the end of the 1992 season at the Atlanta Motor Speedway.

Dale Earnhardt to Modern Era

As Petty’s career waned to its eventual end, another driver started capturing the first glimpses of the spotlight, ironically in that very same infamous ‘79 Daytona 500 win for Petty.
He even led the race for a few laps before finishing 8th, which was a marvelous result for his first time at Daytona. It was to be just the opening salvo of a career that became one of the staples of USA racing, long since his tragic death. His name is both loved and hated within the NASCAR community, but there is no denying it accelerated the series’ rise in popularity. His skillful but aggressive driving style made him a force to be reckoned with on the track and earned him many enemies on and off it. And who might you ask that be? Dale “The Intimidator” Earnhardt.
Although he would match Petty in NASCAR championships, his record at Daytona was less than spectacular. Eventually, the 500 was considered a cursed race for Earnhardt, but while he was unable to dominate at Daytona, other names from his era had a better time there.
The 1980s saw the debut of the Generation 3 cars, which were the first time the NASCAR cars would no longer be “stock”. Finally, the sport had outgrew the possibility of buying the winning car from Sunday.
Ford started the aero wars when the nose on the Thunderbird did not match the one sold to customers. GM responded with a limited run “bubble back window” on their Pontiac Grand Prix and Chevy Monte Carlo, and the eventual rise of Buick’s Regal Grand National (whose homologation special is considered a bit of a collector's car with the unique edge of being a V6 turbo unlike its NASCAR counterpart).
The Generation 3 cars’ performance and wheelbase were set during this era, with the wheelbase of 110 inches holding up to this day. In the early 80s, the manufacturers were focusing on fuel efficiency and smaller cars were desirable.
Daytona during the 80s had a star-studded cast, many of them repeat winners. Petty won his last Daytona 500 in 1981, Cale Yarbourogh added two more wins to his Daytona tally, and Bill Elliot (aka Million Dollar Bill or Awesome Bill from Dawsonville) and Bobby Allison also collected 2 Daytona wins each.
You might be wondering what engineering was like during the 80s? Formula 1 was exiting its era of ground effect cars to welcome the turbo engines while NASCAR was seeing its own explosion of importance of aerodynamics. This led to the cars seeing speeds never before seen in NASCAR, with cars now going over 200 mph. After an accident on a different speedway led NASCAR’s insurers to tell the series to slow the cars down, the restrictor plate was introduced in 1988. This restrictor plate reduces the amount of air that can be allowed into the engines, reducing the power and, consequently, the car’s top speed. It was used until 2019, with a “tapered spacer” taking its place since (and doing the exact same thing).
By the 80s a new trend started: families racing on track. But, unlike in Formula 1, where we rarely see family members going head to head, NASCAR had no such limitations. In the first 500 with restrictor plates in place, the winner was the driver whose accident the prior year led to the implementation of the plates: Bobby Allison. And who finished in 2nd place, sharing the podium with Bobby? Davey Allison, his son. Sadly, both of Bobby’s race driving sons were killed in the early 90s. Davey died as a result of injuries sustained in a helicopter crash in July 1993, while Clifford was killed during practice for a race at Michigan International Speedway in August 1992. They were 32 and 27, respectively. The 1988 win is still the record for oldest driver to win the Daytona 500: Bobby was 50 years old.
But during the late 80s another war was mounting. Much like the Bridgestone vs Michelin tire wars of the early 2000s in Formula 1, a war between Goodyear and Hoosier was underway.
Initially, in 1988, it seemed to be a blip in the radar, but it quickly spiralled out of control as both tire manufacturers did their best to combat the tire failings that plagued that season. At the start of 1989, Goodyear brought a new tire that was supposed to take over the entire grid.
But it too failed, and it failed in a spectacular way, as the reigning champion Bill Elliot and Dale Earnhardt both suffered tire blowouts leading into the Daytona 500. That led drivers to stock up on Hoosier tires as insurance, as teams were not tied to a particular supplier. The eventual winner, Darrel Waltrip, won on Hoosiers, but that would be the last glory for the company. Goodyear refined their tire and that spelled the end of the war. It was a David versus Goliath fight, however, as Hoosiers was a 16-person outfit, while Goodyear had thousands.
Then the 90s arrived and, with that, another generation of NASCAR cars. Now, the “stock” cars were not even using the body panels of the cars they supposedly represented. They were stock cars only in name, as teams hit the wind tunnel to grab as much performance as possible since their engines were no longer a consistently reliable source of performance for the cars. The advances did not happen instantly, of course, but as teams slowly sought areas where they could bend and extend the lines, performance gains were found everywhere, including now running fiberglass noses, tails, and bumpers in a bid to save weight.
It was during this era of NASCAR that Earnhardt finally won at Daytona. It is crazy to think that a 7-time champion needed nearly 20 years to achieve a victory in one of the series’ most prestigious races, but that is what happened. In 1998, the curse was finally broken, and Dale finally stood at the top of the podium. It is hard to imagine a winner who was happier to finally conquer their white whale. That joy, sadly, would not last long.
As the 2000s started, Daytona would be where the last chapter in The Intimidator’s storied career would be written. While his son Dale Jr. fought for the win in the 2001 Daytona 500, Dale Sr. collided with Sterling Marlin and Ken Schrader in the final lap, the #3 car hitting the outside wall while Schrader impacted it on the side. The violence of the crash would cause a basilar skull fracture, and Earnhardt would be pronounced dead shortly thereafter. Many NASCAR figures compared his death to Ayrton Senna’s in 1994, with a few drivers commenting that they were young racing fans when Senna passed and comparing the impact of Earnhardt’s death to the Brazilian’s at Imola.
For many fans of Earnhardt, just as with Senna’s, his death meant that the sport would lose a legion of viewers, with some commenting that Dale Sr.’s passing would kill NASCAR.
The loss of a towering figure such as Earnhardt would obviously lead to changes and one of the most important ones was that the HANS device would now be mandatory. An era of NASCAR was over, but the sport would live on, just as Formula 1 did after that dreaded weekend in Imola.
The team that carries the Earnhardt name would finish 1-2 in the 2001 race and, following Dale Sr.’s passing, the Earnhardt team would continue to do well at Daytona, especially with the Generation 4 car.
Michael Waltrip would win at Daytona an additional time in 2003, followed by Dale Jr. winning an emotional victory in 2004. The following season, Jeff Gordon won his 3rd Daytona 500, while Jimmy Johnson won the next one in 2006.
For 2007, a new generation of NASCAR race car was unveiled. Unlike its predecessors, the so-called “Car of Tomorrow” took the sport into a whole new direction. The emphasis was on driver safety and as a result a common chassis and body was developed for the cars, leading it into more of a spec series than ever before. An even more exciting development was the arrival of Juan Pablo Montoya.
Montoya had been racing previously in IndyCar and decided to give NASCAR a shot. One might wish that his Daytona record was one of glory, but unfortunately it is perhaps one that might be considered embarrassing. He would race in the 500 seven times, with a best result of 6th in 2011 (with Earnhardt Racing).
The 2007 cars saw service until 2012, when they were replaced by the Generation 6 cars, which are in their last year of use in NASCAR. When the Generation 6 cars debuted in 2013, the series also introduced a special set of rules for the Daytona 500 and the other superspeedway tracks. With the start of stage racing in 2017, the sport definitely changed from what had been the standard for NASCAR and the 500, with some fans complaining that the races have been a bit too convoluted, leading to a downturn in viewership.
But when the “Great American Race” is on, you can count on the fans turning their TVs on on Sunday. This year will not be different.

Rules & FAQ

Just like every motorsport series, NASCAR has a mountain of regulations to govern every contest.
But in order to understand what you are watching, the most important thing to know is that NASCAR runs basically on 3 different types of track, Oval, Road and Superspeedway.
The Daytona 500 falls into that third category and what sets it apart is not just the ridiculous top speeds but the fact that the cars can essentially run flat out. Because of it, managing the draft becomes essential to doing well at the race. Anyone that ever watched the Tour de France or any other bike race has seen the riders in a single or double file line during a race and that is basically the idea for the superspeedways.
At Daytona, the cars will do the same thing, and falling off the leading pack can be the end of a race, as cars can sometimes go 3 to 5 seconds faster while drafting than by themselves. A single misstep could see you lose 30+ places, and it is often called a freight train when it happens.
Another frequent tactic with the draft is dropping back just a bit from the car ahead and accelerating into the draft, so you can exit a corner with a massive speed advantage, called a slingshot. Running side by side slows cars down as there is also a side draft, so cars from the same manufacturers will usually work together during the race.
Pitstops are crucial, just like in Formula 1, and drivers will always want to get them done during yellow flags if possible. A full stop for tires and fuel will take just 10-12 seconds, but even so teams will sometimes skip changing some tires, usually leaving the left tires in place to save time.
Despite that, under green flag running, there is an undercut potential, especially if new tires are taken and your competitors tires are old and worn. Often cars of the same manufacturer will pit together so they can work together on pit exit. One big difference to F1 is that, under yellow flags, the gaps are closed first before the pitlane is opened, with lapped cars usually being waved around before the track goes green.
These days, NASCAR races are run in 3 stages (at Daytona, they will be 65, 65 and 70 laps), with the top 10 drivers at the end of each stage getting points in addition to those awarded at the end of the race. The end of each stage features a yellow flag period where the field is reassembled and, in the absence of other carnage, all the drivers will likely want to pit. But large numbers of cars in the pits at the same time can also breed disaster and the pit window being around 40 laps should mean varied strategy, especially as dropping as little as two tenths of a second can cost you double-digit positions during a crowded pitstop.
Now we get to the fun stuff, qualifying. And by fun, I mean complicated.
The first session of qualifying is a single timed lap and the two fastest times of the session start in the first two positions for the race. The next day, all the odd numbered finishers compete in Duel 1, a 60 lap race that sets the order for the inside line at the start while Duel 2, featuring the even numbered finishers from the single lap session, sets the order for the outside line. Non-charter teams (meaning teams that are not guaranteed a spot in the race) also get two spots from single lap qualifying and two more in the Duels which will bring the field up to 40 starters.
Lastly, a quick word about the remarkably confusing number of series.
If it is a Cup race, that is like F1, while Xfinity is akin to F2, Camping World Truck to F3, and anything beyond that would be the equivalent of F4 and its regional variants. Drivers can (and will) compete in more than one series based on sponsorship and results.
If you are looking for someone to keep an eye on, Denny Hamlin might be worth watching as he will be attempting to become the only person to ever win three 500s back to back.

F1 Ties

While not many drivers have appeared on both F1 and NASCAR grids, many Formula 1 drivers have given it a go. And it seems that, as the years go on, more drivers express interest in NASCAR.
In the modern era Lewis Hamilton and Tony Stewart have traded cars, and Fernando Alonso has ventured the possibility of driving for a NASCAR team in the future. But that is only scratching the surface of the ties between the two racing series.
In the past, four F1 drivers took a chance in NASCAR.
Jim Clark, Mario Andretti, Jochen Rindt, and Innes Ireland all took part in NASCAR races, but only Andretti and Ireland raced at Daytona, with Andretti being the only Formula 1 driver to win the Daytona 500.
Jacques Villeneuve, Kimi Räikkönen, the aforementioned Juan Pablo Montoya, and Scott Speed all have tried their hand at NASCAR. Despite the skills of these drivers, two of which were champions in Formula 1, their results are not impressive. Juan Pablo Montoya, who has had the longest running career in NASCAR, only managed a best championship finish of 17th and a 6th at Daytona.
Finally, Haas owner Gene has a NASCAR team, currently jointly owning Stewart-Haas Racing with Tony Stewart. The team has won the championship twice (2011 with Stewart and 2014 with Kevin Harvick) and had Max Papis (7 F1 starts with Footwork in 1995) drive for one race in 2008. In 2019 co-owner Tony Stewart took Kevin Magnussen and Romain Grosjean for laps around CotA, which the former F1 Haas drivers seemed to enjoy quite a bit. For the 2021 season, Stewart-Haas Racing will race four Ford Mustang GTs, #4 for Kevin Harvick, #10 for Aric Almirola, #14 for Chase Briscoe, and #41 for Cole Custer.
Between drivers, there is a lot of respect between the series. Hamilton and Stewart’s car swap was the most recent one, but on the day Senna died, Dale Earnhardt used his winning press conference to offer condolences to Senna’s family and, during a yellow flag, the track observed one minute of silence in honor of Ayrton.
And, how can we not mention the reason for Daniel Ricciardo running with the number 3. That was Dale Sr.’s number and Ricciardo has shown not only a great love for the series but a lot of admiration for Dale Earnhardt's skills as a driver.
Finally, after this year NASCAR will change their cars quite dramatically. The 4-speed manual will be retired in favor of a 6-speed sequential and, although the engines will remain as they are, the Generation 7 cars have been designed with a hybrid system in mind (with much of the same howling seen in Formula 1 currently going on in NASCAR circles about noise, etc.) and it seems to be a given that they will eventually be hybrids. Will the hardware updates be enough to entice drivers from Formula 1 to try their hand in NASCAR one day? Only time will tell.


Tomorrow, a thundering herd of V8 monsters will be unleashed at Daytona.
If any of this sparked your curiosity, tune in to the 500 and experience the thrill of stock car racing.
Do you miss racing and need something to fill the void until Formula 1 starts? Do you crave intense racing, bumper to bumper action from start to finish? Do you want to witness cars in fierce on-track battles where any mistake is a catastrophe? Do you perhaps wish for a chance to sit down and see a driver win who did not start on the front row to win the race?
Well, this is your chance. And this is not just some random race. This is a storied event, with roaring engines, squealing tires, and drivers using all their ability to coax unwilling machines to do their bidding, all for one shared dream: to stand on the top step of the podium and rain champagne down on their team.
Join us for the live race discussion at NASCAR and let us see what this 500 brings.
We would like to thank Daniel Gilligan for our intro/outro and Dan Dectis for the theme song.
Daniel (u/DAGilligan) is an actor based in London and you can reach him via PM or through the Formula1 moderation team. He is also the lead commentator for frseries, the Formula1 and F1Game official F1 2020 racing experience. You can watch live races (and previous race replays) on the FRS Twitch channel.
Dan (u/mulsanne) is a multi-instrument artist based in San Francisco and his latest album, Covert Overtures, is available through Bandcamp.
submitted by F1-Editorial to formula1 [link] [comments]

PLTR vs Child Rapists, Starvation, Hurricanes, Ukranian Mafia, and $CRM (DD from an Early Palantir Engineer)

PLTR vs Child Rapists, Starvation, Hurricanes, Ukranian Mafia, and $CRM (DD from an Early Palantir Engineer)
I joined Palantir in early 2007, back when it was a penny stock (I paid $0.011/share for my initial stock options). As one of the first 50 employees, I wrote code for the core product, then transitioned into a Forward Deployed Engineer role, and ultimately led Palantir’s Philanthropy Engineering Team.
I came to WSB for the fucking hilarious Palantir memes, but I stayed for the education and DDs. I’m on the tendies train with GME and BB, so I figured I’d give back to the sub with a DD on PLTR in advance of Demo Day.
Important caveat for the mods and alphabet regulators reading this: I left Palantir in 2015 to co-found Ada Diamonds. I no longer have any insider knowledge about Palantir. All I am sharing in this DD is publicly available information with links to my sources, as well as my personal strategy for the Palantir shares I own free and clear. Neither Foundry nor Apollo were launched when I was employed at Palantir, so I am excited to see the demos of both, as well as how far Gotham has come in the last 6 years.
Lots of words below, so here’s the TL;DR for those of you that can’t read good: By 2030, I believe that PLTR could have a $250 billion market cap. I’ve yet to sell all of my 20% that is unlocked and am largely diamond hands-ing my soon-to-be unlocked 80% until PLTR is past Mars and approaching the asteroid belt.
Why am I so bullish? I view Palantir as the kid-brother of Salesforce (more on this thesis below), and I think PLTR is just fueling up. If Palantir continues to execute well in the decade ahead, I believe they will capture enough market share to grow like Salesforce has in the last 8 years:
TL;DR of the TL;DR - (lots of rocket emojis and some Mars emojis)
Positions or ban:
  • More than enough PLTR shares to cover Cathie’s latest purchase
  • smallstreetbets on GME and BB (shares)
  • A boomer portfolio of low risk bonds
It’s also worth flagging that many other early employees are in the same boat (rocketship) as me. Unlike alumni of some of the quick to IPO companies, we’ve been responsibly diversifying for over a decade in the private markets. In addition to private market sales, Palantir did multiple internal liquidity events where employees could sell 10% of their holdings to a large Palantir investor as part of oversubscribed fundraising rounds.
Thus, it’s not a question of what I am doing with my remaining 80%, but instead a question of what I am doing with my remaining ~35%. I’ve used pre-IPO PLTR tendies to buy a nice house, 1,635hp of cars, nice vacations with friends, etc. So, I’m diamond hands-ing my remaining PLTR stock with a decade long diversification plan, as I believe PLTR will far outperform the market, just like CRM, TSLA, and the FAANGs have done in the last decade.
Also, most of the bears I know from Palantir (including those that quit, got fired, pushed out, or flamed out) long ago sold most/all of their shares. The alumni I keep in touch with are collectively long-term bullish as well.
I’m going to break this DD down into a few sections:
  1. What is Palantir
  2. Examples of Palantir in Action
  3. Why CRM is the closest comp to PLTR
  4. The Under Discussed ‘Secret Sauce’ of Palantir
  5. What I’m looking for during Demo Day
What is Palantir?
Palantir is one of two things:
  1. The best product on the market to help organizations make better decisions
  2. The best product on the market to help organizations find, fix, and finish/prosecute malicious actors & dark networks.
You can add as many buzz words as you want on top- SaaS, AI, big data, operating system for data, UBL, deviant philosopher, cloud, Skynet, link analysis, off-road rollerblades, GIS, ML, terrorist hunting, multi-level security, etc.- but at the end of the day, large organizations pay 8 to 10 figures for Palantir because Palantir is the best product available to help them: A) make better decisions and/or B) find bad guys.
Examples of Palantir in action- #1 World Food Program (WFP)
The WFP delivers 15 billion meals per year in 80 countries around the world. WFP uses Palantir’s Foundry to bring together data sources from across the organization, enabling staff to access and analyze programmatic and operational data in a secure, unified environment to make better decisions.
The sheer scale of WFP’s operations, assisting some 90 million people in about 80 countries, means that even small efficiencies in operational and supply chain management can lead to dramatic savings. WFP generates vast amounts of data through the purchasing of 3 million metric tons of food every year and the delivery of 15 billion rations across dozens of development projects worldwide.
Making this data accessible across the organization helps WFP become even more efficient in multiple programme areas, including cash-based transfers, supply chain optimization, and nutritional requirements.
The WFP literally won the 2020 Nobel Prize for their incredible work to help those in need, powered by Foundry.
#2 - National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)
NCMEC is a non-profit that leads the fight against the sexual exploitation of minors, as well as a few other garish responsibilities, such as the solving of cold cases of murdered children.
NCMEC is congressionally mandated to securely hold evidence of crimes against children (aka child porn), and works closely with law enforcement bodies around the world (Interpol, FBI, etc) to find, arrest, and prosecute the producers and distributors of heinous material.
NCMEC has been using Palantir since 2010 to ingest evidence, find clues in the evidence, and connect the dots to find the perpetrators. In 2019, NCMEC received 16.9 million images/videos of exploited children, and COVID has caused an exponential increase in online exploitation of minors.
Of all the work I did in my 8.5 years at Palantir, this was my most important work. I can’t get into details of sources and methods (for obvious reasons) but I can say with absolute certainty that many truly evil perpetrators of crimes against children are behind bars thanks to the power of Palantir’s products in the hands of NCMEC analysts. Without the power of Palantir’s products, many of these pedophiles would still be abusing children today.
There’s an important part to the DD to understand here - Palantir is entrusted with the most sensitive data in the world by some of the most important and high functioning organizations in the world. It takes decades to develop the technology and trust required to provide audit logging and access control sufficient to handle this type of data, and that is a huge moat of Palantir.
#3 - Hurricane Sandy
When Superstorm Sandy ravaged New York, all communications methods (phone, internet, cell towers, etc) went down in large areas. As a result, information was scarce, and the response was disorganized, chaotic, and ineffective.
In less than a week, my team (the Philanthropy Engineering Team) built and deployed a brand new satellite-based system to manage response efforts by hacking and deploying simple Garmin satellite communicators that are used by hikers and sailors.
In partnership with Team Rubicon, a kick ass non-profit group of military veterans that respond to natural disasters, we used these devices to support some of the hardest hit communities.
Here’s Bill Clinton and me talking about the project:
Team Rubicon is a data-driven organization, utilizing Palantir extensively to collect, catalog, and analyze information during operations and inform the rest of Team Rubicon’s support functions. Palantir Operators train members on Structure and Damage Assessments using the Palantir Mobile application as well as provide crucial situational awareness information for Command and General Staffs and government Emergency Managers during approved Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Public Assistance Programs.
#4 -Disrupting Ukranian Mafia from Laundering Body Parts
One of the areas I supported in my time at Palantir was data-driven investigative journalism. Here’s a demo of Gotham being used by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) to integrate and analyze dozens of data sources to expose a criminal enterprise that was stealing dead bodies, laundering the bodies without the required testing for diseases, and selling human tissue for a profit.
Note that this demo of Gotham is 8 years old, so you might be interested to compare this to Demo Day to see how far Gotham has come:
Here’s the results of the investigation: Safer knee surgeries, skin grafts, etc.
#5 - United Airlines & Airbus
This work started after I left Palantir, but I want to mention it as it touches on the network effects of Palantir, and it highlights the core utility of Palantir’s products: improving high-stakes decision making.
Palantir & Airbus’ Skywise breaks down traditional data silos by bringing together an airline's operational, maintenance, and aircraft data with data provided by Airbus. Now, airlines can use massive-scale sensor data, maintenance systems, aircraft schedules, passenger bookings, and more in one environment. On top of this data asset, Skywise offers a diverse analytical suite for operators to make sense of that data in both code-free and code-based environments.
“Deployed on United’s instance of Palantir Foundry, these models aim to minimize discounted cash flows spent on maintenance activities and maximize operational flexibility in the face of air travel demand uncertainty. The aircraft storage optimization recommends the best storage states (parked vs. active vs. prolonged) and locations (internal & external) for nearly 800 mainline aircraft. The return-to-service model recommends which specific aircraft to return at which time in the future and how to utilize our available maintenance capacity (internal & external) to ensure they’re airworthy when we need them. Since we don’t know when air travel demand will recover, the models need to account for slow recoveries, fast recoveries, and everything in between, then produce a single, discrete solution that considers all likely scenarios. In practice, this means the models help create plans to execute specific maintenance activities over the next several years; it also means when our Network Planning team unexpectedly asks for N planes by a certain date, the models help decide exactly which planes we should provide."
Why CRM is the closest comparable to PLTR
Instinctually, people compare Palantir to the traditional consultancies and system integrators: Booz, Boeing, Raytheon, Accenture, etc.
Yes, Palantir is currently competing with those types of organizations for various contracts, but Palantir is fundamentally different than those entities, as Palantir is a *product* company leveraging repurposable platforms, versus a services company seeking to deploy as many contractors as possible, and bill as many hours as possible to reinvent the wheel over and over again.
From a technology standpoint, Salesforce (CRM) is the closest comp to Palantir.
I say this as a computer scientist who has written core features for Palantir Gotham, written integrations between Salesforce and Palantir, and written tens of thousands of lines of Apex and Lightning code for Salesforce.
  • Both are cloud based SaaS data entry and analysis platforms.
  • Both can ingest or access existing data/systems to provide analytics on that 3rd party data.
  • Both have dynamic ontologies capable of modeling virtually any data set and any use case.
  • Both have granular access control to information at the property level.
  • Both have default tools and visualizations, as well as no-code builders.
  • Both have robust APIs and programing languages for bespoke tools and capabilities.
  • Both have (deserved) reputations and niches; however, both are general purpose tools to help organizations make better decisions.
Salesforce started with CRM data entry (easy) and has matured to offer higher level analytical capabilities and AI. Palantir was always focused on advanced analytical capabilities, and it would be trivial to build a CRM capability on top of Palantir’s products.
I run my entire business on Salesforce. Lead gen -> diamond selection -> bespoke CAD creation for custom jewelry -> hand production -> delivery -> service as well as ERP functions of inventory management, shipping/logistics, etc. I could easily replatform my business from Salesforce to Palantir in a month or two, if Palantir chose to sell its products to small and medium businesses (Which they shouldn’t, but I want to highlight that the two core technologies are isomorphic).
It’s my belief that by 2030, Palantir and Salesforce will divide the business analytics market like Android & iOS, Coke and Pepsi, or Facebook and Twitter. CRM will lead in market share of small and medium sized businesses, whereas PLTR will lead in market share for governmental organizations and larger scale businesses.
Don’t believe me? It’s little discussed, but Palantir does offer a competing Sales/CRM product:
Still don’t believe me that CRM and PLTR are converging technologies? Salesforce bought a company founded by two Palantir employees, RelateIQ, for $390 million dollars in 2014. Salesforce’s headline on the purchase?
Goodbye Relationship Management. Hello Relationship Intelligence.
Goodbye CRM. Hello data analytics.
The ‘Secret Sauce’ of Palantir: Granular Access Control & Vetted Information Sharing
IMHO, the one thing that has not received enough attention in the IPO is Palantir’s ability to track the source and pedigree of every single piece of data in the system, empowering granular access control on a need-to-know basis, which enables organizations to share information across borders/boundaries.
Big data is hard. Providing granular access control to big data is much harder. Convincing sensitive organizations that your tech is safe enough to share classified information with other countries/organizations is even harder.
I cannot overstate how difficult access control is at scale and why it’s a key part of Palantir’s present and future value.
Here's recent videos from Palantir explaining the tech:
What I am looking for on Demo Day:
  • Has the usability & approachability of Gotham significantly improved?
  • How flexible/customizable is the Gotham Object viewer? (Salesforce is FAR superior here versus my 2015 knowledge of Gotham)
  • How mature are the admin tools and speed to deploy? Are they mature enough that 3rd party contractors can create and manage Palantir instances?
  • Is there a robust marketplace for 3rd party tools, data sources, and plugins?
  • What is the AI offering, and how does that help organizations improve decision making?
  • Will there be enough rocket emojis used in the presentation to win over WSB?
submitted by Ada_Diamonds to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Choose a number - welcome to first gen kpop!

Choose a number, welcome to first gen kpop!
So I just thought I'd do this to introduce the newer gen fans to a bit of oldschool kpop and a few little fun facts around it about the fandom culture, and fun little scenarios! I asked a few days ago on here who would be interested, and a few people said Yes! Guys, this ones for y'all haha.
Game goes as simple as follows :
Here we Go! KBS Gayo Top Ten, live broadcast - Shi-jak!
(No.3). So you timetravelled back to the 90s and are sitting in a music show… you think you don't know any 90s idol anyways... until you recognise a Korean celeb you know. Who is it? Go to B
(No.4.) So you bought a tourists magazine for Seoul and found a "ㅡㅡGreatest Hits" CD in it which comes as a gift. Which artist's is it? Go to F to find out
(No.5). You are going to a music show, and outside, people are selling balloon packets if different colours. You get to hear that each balloon colour stands for a group you will cheer on, and you decide to buy randomly. Which one? Go to C
(No.6). There are more than thousand ways of embarrassing yourself, they say. What in the world happens to you, the fateful day you're sitting at a music show? Go to D
(No.7). You have the chance to visit a TV variety show as audience/guest. Which one? Go to E
(No.8). You bought a mp3 player at a department store, and 4 songs are preloaded. Which ones are they? Go to G
(No.9). You are watching live when this music broadcast accident happens. Which one? Go to H
(No.10). Meanwhile, the country South Korea isn't really doing well. The IMF monetary crisis is at its peak in 1997 and 98, the economy is dropping almost vertically, money is flying out of the hand like birds, and the public wants to lose itself into a dream world. The entertainment industry reflects that change by releasing energetic, fresh and cute as well as hopeful and strengthening songs. Which 1998 kpop song will make you forget your worries? Go to A
(No.11). You want to buy a trendy accessory to fit in with the teenie crowd. What do you buy? Go to I
(No.12). So you timetravelled back to the 90s and are sitting in a music show… you think you don't know any 90s idol anyways... until you recognise a Korean celeb you know. Who is it? Go to B
(No.13). You're in the noraebang, and you wanna lighten the atmosphere with an energetic song. Which classic noraebang song do you choose? Go to J



Pick a western girl group/boy band
TLC : S.E.S. - Dreams Come True
NSYNC: H.O.T. - Hope
One Direction : Sechskies - Couple
Spice Girls: FinKL - To My Boyfriend
Pussycat dolls: Kim Minjong - Friendly love
Backstreet BoysYoo Seungjun - Love that waits for me


Pick a broadcasting station:
MBC: Wait... isn't that Lee Hyori on stage with Fin.K.L.? The badass, sexy soloist? The one who released songs like Bad Girls,U Go Girl and Miss Korea? How is it that I'm seeing her sing "I wanna be your everything... promise me unchanging love forever"? Nah, this is a fever dream. And wait! That's the musical actress, Ock Joo-hyun! Nah, this can't be the same woman who was the Korean Elphaba, Elisabeth or Mrs. Danvers. I'm sure as heck tripping… or no, I'm not.
SBS: Oh dang, up on stage with S.E.S. is Eugene, the actress from Penthouse! Man, she hasn't changed at all... And hol' up, that's Bada, the idol school vocal mentor and Immortal Songs performer, she hasn't changed either... guess there's something is in the SM water after all
KBS: And if THAT ain't the little teenaged Yoon Eunhye along with her unnies from Baby V.O.X.! I'm sure she never would've guessed she'd become a hallyu actress with dramas such as Coffee Prince, Goong and Princess Hours…
JTBC: Wassup Man BAAAAM! That's Joon Park up there with his g.o.d. buddies! He definitely does seem much younger than today, but definitely hasn't lost his swag at all, and maan, who's that cute guy? Ah, isn't that the actor Yoon Kyesang? Cool to see him here as a singer.
MBN: Wait HOLUP! Oh no, that's the devil in person... Papa YG, or should I rather say "Seo Taeji and Boys's Yang Hyunsuk"? Oh man, this boy is gonna go places... in both ways. And who's this weirdo dancing around, he seems familiar... hell dang, that's JYP the guy! He's dance soloist Park Jinyoung here. Well well, would this guy have guessed he's gonna found a big 3 company, debut iconic groups and will gonna have to remake his own style to ride the nostalgic retro wave in 2020?


Pick a colour:
Blue :>! National boy group, beloved by all ages, groove over dose, the game changers, RnB group g.o.d. They are performing their hit song "One Candle". And once the chorus hits, everyone, literally everyone,sings along.!<
Red: You can't help but fall in love with their versatile and lovely best-friend charms, with the aim of ending all oppression of liberty through their music, Fin.K.L. They are performing a song that will make you run to the countryside, Ruby. Time to sing the fanchants! "Lee Hyori, Ock Joohyun, Lee Jin Jjang, Sung Yuri!"
White : If they had a concert in an area, the schools closed early: the first big teenage girls craze, SM's boy group H.O.T. They are performing an energetic dance track, We Are The Future. The fangirls scream is so loud, it almost overpowers the music...
Pink: >! Unlike their name, pioneers of female girl crush concepts and more stronger messages in their lyrics, Baby V.O.X. They are performing a hard-hitting hip hop song, Betrayal.!<
Yellow: Quirky and fun, the six diamonds of DSP, Sechskies. They are performing a weird and funny hip hop song, Pom Saeng Pom Sa, Or "Live And Die By Style". Everyone is livened up by the hilarious lyrics.
Purple: So perfect, they can't be from this world: Nation's fairies, industry trendsetters and pathbreakers, SM's three membered girl group S.E.S. They are performing the title track from their best selling album, Love. Once the intro starts, all you can hear is "S.E.S.! S.E.S.!" which almost reverberates through the venue.
Orange: Synonym to perfect group dance and sultry charms, the longest running boy band currently, Shinhwa. They are performing a very NSYNC-style song, Perfect Man. They were really ahead with their choreography - it's almost like it was made in 2010s.


Choose a company:
SM: You are outside a music show building, and some giggly teenage girls in white raincoats and "Tony oppa saranghae" posters come towards you and ask you if you are a H.O.T. fan and would like to have a raincoat. You are a fan, but you find the raincoat idea a bit cultish and weird, plus you already have a white balloon to cheer H.O.T. on, so you decline. The girls are cross and glare at you. You brush it off, but after the show, it actually starts raining outside…
SidusHQ: You are at a music show and are watching Roora perform 3!4!. Out of excitement, you decide to sing along. All goes well, until the intro ends. You are confident you know you can time the beginning "3!4!" shout right after the pause after the intro… but you mis-counted and are almost three seconds too early for the actual "3!4!". The entire hall is quiet except for you who is shouting, and from the offstage, the cameramen are looking at you, and their faces don't look too amused... link
DSP: You are in the first row, and Fin.K.L. is performing "White". While the fake snow falls onto the stage, the ventilators blow the wrong way towards the audience, and some gets into your mouth and you're trying your best not to cough out loud to disturb the performance. On the other hand, you can see the members slipping and snow getting in their mouth too…so at least, you're not alone in suffering...
DRMusic: Somethings not right when the Baby V.O.X. girls step out on stage. Apart from their small fandom, they dont seem too welcome. And as usual, the fanchants begin- and you decide to participate, to ease the atmosphere, because isn't a fanchants there to show a group support? Just one thing you didn't realise - it's not a fanchant. Its not the name of the members or "Baby Vox". It's the totoal opposite - an "anti-chant", so to say. They're chanting "꺼져라" (Kkeojyeora), which means "get lost" or "buzz off". And all of this, you later find out, over a "dating rumour" between the main vocalist, Miyeon, and H.O.T.'s leader Heejun, which of course triggered the wasp nest that is H.O.T.'s female fan base - and unwillingly, although unknowingly, you sang along...
OpenWorld: You are the only English speaker in the audience when Sechskies performs Chivalry. And then you hear the intro, and basically spit out all the juice you were just drinking onto the fangirl in front of you. Should be enough to haunt your dreams, amirite?


Pick a variety show:
Happy Together : Come To Play
Yoo Heeyeol's Sketchbook : Lee Sora's Propose/Lee Sora's 2nd Propose (Season 2)
Mnet TMI News : Section TV
Knowing Brothers : Entertainment Weekly
Running Man : X-Man
New Journey To The West : Letter From My Hometown


In which year was the maknae of your group born?
Before 92: Best of Kim Wansun link
93: Best Of 90s drama OST link
94: Best Of Seo Taeji and Boyslink
95: Best of Turbo link
96: Best of H.O.T. link
97: Best of S.E.S. link
98: Best of Sechskies link
99: Best of Fin.K.L. link
00: Best of g.o.d. link
01: Best of Baby V.O.X. link
02: Best of Uhm Junghwa link
03: Korean Dance Songs : Clon, Koyote, Lee Junghyun and others link
04: Best of Korean Hip Hop :Drunken Tiger, 1TYM, Tashannie and others link
05: Korean Summer : UP, DJ Doc, Deux and others like
06: Best of Korean RnB : KISS, As.One, and others


How many artists/groups which debuted before 2005 do you know?
1: H.O.T. - Candy, S.E.S. - I'm Your Girl, Fin.K.L. - Eternal Love, Sechskies - Couple
2: Seo Taiji and Boys - I Know, Kim Wansun - Pierrot Smiles At Us, g.o.d. - One Candle, Deux - Turn Back To Me
3: Fin.K.L. - Now, Uhm Junghwa - Invitation, Kim Gunmo - Wrongful Meeting, Tashannie - Warning
4: S.E.S. - U, BoA - My Name, Lee Hyori - 10 Minutes, Shinhwa - Wild Eyes
5: Turbo - Black Cat Nero, Lee Junghyun - Wa, So Chan-whee - Tears, Park Jinyoung - Don't Leave Me
6: Sharp - Sweety, Papaya - Listen To My Word, BoA - My Sweetie, Koyote - Genuine
7: Hwangbo - Get Hot, Eugene - Cha Cha, Ock Joohyun - Catch, Bada - Music
8: M.I.L.K. - Come To Me, T.T.MA - Prism, Sugar - Tell Me Why, Shinbi - To My Friend
9: O24 - Freedom, Byul - 32nd December, Lee Sooyoung - Hwilili, Cool - Sorrow
More than 10: ZAZA - In the bus, Park Mikyung - Eve's Confession, NRG - I Can Do It, Taesaja - Do


Choose a 90s music show
KBS Gayo Top Ten : Baby V.O.X. : Oh how the literal Turntables... link
MBC Music Camp The MBC Music Camp Rux debacle - indie punk band and others go nude on live broadcast link
SBS Inkigayo : Koyote performing in a damned snowstorm link


Favourite idol hair colour?
Brown: Lee Hyori's hoops
Blonde : S.E.S. Bada - I'm Your Girl hair pom poms
Black : H.O.T. - style Bandana
Purple/Pink: clip-in/tie-able hair highlights
Blue/Green: swimming goggles


From which country is the foreign member of your group?
China : Lee Junghyun - Walink
Japan: So Chan-whee - Tearslink
US: g.o.d. - Friday Nightlink
Australia :Juwelry - One More Timelink
SEA (Vietnam/Thailand/Indonesia) : Baby V.O.X. - What Should I Do link
Canada : Koyote - Genuine link
Philippines : Mina - Pick Up The Phone link
That's It! . Have fun! Feel free to ask for links when they're not given. I'm also adding them once I find time here and there.
submitted by SeeTheSeaInUDP to kpopthoughts [link] [comments]

6th Fate/Grand Order User Survey Translation

Here's a translation. Kind of late, but I figured I'd post it anyway in hopes that it may still be useful to someone. If I made any mistakes, please let me know and I'll fix them up, thanks!
Survey here
Please enter your game ID (friend code) (お客様のIDを教えてください)
Please enter your age (年齢を教えてください)
First option is under 10 Last option is 70 or over
Please enter your gender (性別を教えてください)
Please select the prefecture you live in. Choose whichever one you want. (お住まいの都道府県を教えてください)
Please state your profession (ご職業を教えてください)
How long do you use a smartphone or tablet on a given day, for weekdays and holidays? (平日および休日で、1日にスマートフォン・タブレットを利用する時間を教えてください)
Weekdays (平日)
Holiday (休日)
How much do you spend on your hobbies each month? Also, within that amount, how much do you spend on smart phone games each month? (月に趣味に使う金額はいくらですか。また、そのうちスマートフォンゲームに使う金額はいくらですか)
Money you spend on hobbies (趣味に使う金額)
Within that amount, money you spend on smart phone games (そのうちゲームに使う金額)
(1 yen is about 1 cent these days, so take off two zeroes to covert roughly to dollars.)
What media or services do you normally use? Please choose all that apply. (あなたが普段利用しているメディアやサービスをすべて選んでください)
From the following magazines, please choose the ones you subscribe to. Please limit to the magazines you yourself read. (以下の雑誌のうち、あなたが今購読しているものをすべて選んでください。※ここでの購読は自分が読むために購入したものに限ります)
Please state which home game consoles you currently possess (現在所持している、家庭用ゲーム機を教えてください)
Currently, aside from Fate/Grand Order, please state which apps you've played in the last week. (現在、Fate/Grand Order以外で、1週間以内に遊んだアプリを教えてください)
Please state what genres of content you like (好きなコンテンツのジャンルを教えてください)
Please state what genres of game you like (好きなゲームのジャンルを教えてください)
From the following, please select all that apply for what you look for in a smart phone game. (あなたが、スマートフォン向けゲーム(iPhoneやiPad、Androidで遊べるゲームアプリ)に求めるものとして、あてはまるものをすべて選んでください)
How do you normally get information about Smart phone games? Please choose all that apply. (あなたが、普段スマートフォン向けゲーム(iPhoneやiPad、Androidで遊べるゲームアプリ)の情報を入手する場合、どのような方法で入手していますか。あてはまるものをすべて選んでください)
From following, please select all that apply for what caused you to download a smart phone game. (あなたが、スマートフォン向けゲーム(iPhoneやiPad、Androidで遊べるゲームアプリ)をダウンロードするきっかけとして、あてはまるものをすべて選んでください)
Please state when you play smart phone games. (スマートフォン向けゲームを遊ぶタイミングについて教えてください。あてはまるものをすべて選んでください)
Please state the reason why you started Fate/Grand Order (Fate/Grand Orderを始めた理由を教えてください)
When did you start playing Fate/Grand Order? (Fate/Grand Orderを始めたのはいつからですか)
How do you normally get information about Fate/Grand Order? Please choose all that apply. (Fate/Grand Orderの情報を普段どのようなメディアで入手しますか。あてはまるものをすべて選んでください)
Within the Fate series, please state your favorite works (up to 3) (Fateシリーズの中で好きな作品を教えてください(3個まで))
Game (ゲーム)
Anime (アニメ)
Book (書籍)
Comic (コミック)
Board Game (ボードゲーム)
Other (50 character limit) (その他(50字以内))
Please state how satisfied you were with Theatrical Release Fate/Grand Order -Camelot- Wandering; Agateram (「劇場版Fate/Grand Order -神聖円卓領域キャメロット- Wandering; Agateram」の満足度を教えてください)
Please explain your answer to the above question (optional) (上記でお答えいただいた回答の理由を教えてください(任意))
How often do you play Fate/Grand Order? (Fate/Grand Orderをどのくらいの頻度でプレイしますか)
Please state how long you play Fate/Grand Order in a day (Fate/Grand Orderの1日のプレイ時間を教えてください)
Within the main story of Fate/Grand Order, please state which story chapter is your favorite. (Fate/Grand Orderのメインクエストの中で一番好きな章を教えてください)
Among the Fate/Grand Order in-game events held in 2020, please state which event was the most fun. (Fate/Grand Orderが2020年中に開催したゲーム内イベントの中で一番楽しかったイベントを教えてください。)
What do you think about the story of Fate/Grand Order? Please select all that apply. (Fate/Grand Orderのシナリオについて、どのように感じますか。以下からあてはまるものをすべて選んでください。)
What do you think about the battles of Fate/Grand Order? Please select all that apply. (Fate/Grand Orderのバトルについて、どのように感じますか。以下からあてはまるものをすべて選んでください。)
What do you think about the number of servants in the game? Please select the answer that fits best. (Fate/Grand Orderで実装されるサーヴァントの数についてどのように感じますか。もっともあてはまるものを選んでください。)
What do you look for most in a servant? Please select all that apply. (Fate/Grand Orderで実装されるサーヴァントに求めるものは何でしょうか。以下からあてはまるものをすべて選んでください。)
What do you think about the frequency of in-game events held in Fate/Grand Order? Please choose the answer that fits bests. (Fate/Grand Orderで開催されるゲーム内イベントの開催頻度について、どのように感じますか。もっともあてはまるものを選んでください)
What do you think about the participation requirements of in-game events held in Fate/Grand Order? Please choose the answer that fits bests. (Fate/Grand Orderで開催されるゲーム内イベントの参加条件について、どのように感じますか。もっともあてはまるものを選んでください)
What do you think about the duration of in-game events held in Fate/Grand Order? Please choose the answer that fits bests. (Fate/Grand Orderで開催されるゲーム内イベントの開催期間について、どのように感じますか。もっともあてはまるものを選んでください)
What do you think about the amount of story for in-game events held in Fate/Grand Order? Please choose the answer that fits bests. (Fate/Grand Orderで開催されるゲーム内イベントのシナリオの量について、どのように感じますか。もっともあてはまるものを選んでください)
From the following, please select all that apply for what you look for in Fate/Grand Order in-game events. (Fate/Grand Orderで開催されるゲーム内イベントに求めるものとして、あてはまるものをすべて選んでください)
If any out of game Fate/Grand Order events are held in 2021, would you want to attend in person? Please select all that apply. (2021年にFate/Grand Orderのゲーム外イベントが開催される場合、会場で参加したいと考えますか 。以下からあてはまるものをすべて選んでください。)
What developments do you want in Fate/Grand Order? Please pick 3. (今後、Fate/Grand Orderにどんな展開をしてほしいですか。3つお答えください)
The questions within the blue box are for those who have not played Fate/Grand Order in over a month. For everyone else, please choose the last option. (Fate/Grand Orderを1ヵ月以上遊ばなくなったことがある方へ質問です。)
Please state why you stopped playing. *For those who have not stopped playing for over a month, please select "I have not stopped playing for over a month" (遊ばなくなった理由で、あてはまるものをすべて選んでください ※1ヵ月以上遊ばなくなったことがない方は「1ヵ月以上遊ばなくなったことはない」を選んでください。)
Please state why you started playing again. *For those who have not stopped playing for over a month, please select "I have not stopped playing for over a month" (再び遊ぶようになった理由で、あてはまるものをすべて選んでください。 ※1ヵ月以上遊ばなくなったことがない方は「1ヵ月以上遊ばなくなったことはない」を選んでください。)
Please state what aspects of Fate/Grand Order you like and what you are looking forward to (Fate/Grand Orderの好きな部分、期待していることを教えてください)
Please state what aspects of Fate/Grand Order you want to be improved (Fate/Grand Orderの改善してほしいところを教えてください)
Are there any works you want a collab with? (Optional) (50 character limit) (今後コラボしてほしい作品はありますか(任意) (50字以内))
Regarding Fate/Grand Order, if there is anything else you're looking forward to, or opinions, or requests, please state below. (Optional) (400 character limit) (その他、Fate/Grand Orderに期待することや、ご意見・ご要望がございましたらご記入ください(任意) (400字以内))
submitted by lig0schndr to grandorder [link] [comments]

top 10 best actors in the world 2020 video

Top 10 Richest Actors in The World 2020  Forbes List 2020 ... Top 10 Best Actor In Bollywood 2020 - YouTube Top 10 highest paid actors in the world in 2020 - YouTube Top 10 Richest Actors In 2020 - YouTube Top 10 Highest Paid Korean Actors 2020 - YouTube Top 10 Highest Paid Actors in the world (2007 - 2020 ... Top 100 Handsome Men in the world 2020. - YouTube Top 10 Richest Actors in the World 2020  Richest Actors ... Top 10 most handsome actors on Zee TV in 2020  Only Real ...

His movies include Blended, Grown-ups, Jack and Jill, Big Daddy, and his movie in 2020 till date is Sandy Wexler. He got award and nomination to his credit. His net worth classifies to be one of the most successful actors. He is one of the Top 10 Best Actor in the World. #5. Jerome Allen; Jerome Allen one of the richest man in the world As of 2020, Tom Cruise is one of the Highest Paid Celebrities in the World, hereby making him rank so high in the list of the Richest Actors in the World by Net Worth. An Extravagant Possession: After playing the role of a pilot several times, the actor must have developed a folly for jets! Forbes has released the list of the top 10 highest-grossing actors of the year 2020. According to this list, Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock retained the number one position this year too as he did the year before. Akshay Kumar is the only Indian superstar whose name has been included in the top-10 list of world's highest-grossing stars. There have been a lot of such actors in Hollywood who are capable of rubbing shoulders with the best in the business. We shall look at the top 11 richest black actors in the world in 2020. Usually, we compile a list of the top 10, but we have a tie at the tenth place. Hence, we deem it necessary to include his name as well and make it a top 11. Amitabh Bachchan is another famous Bollywood actor in the list of Top 10 richest actors in the world 2020. He gains the eighth position in the list of the top richest actors. Amitabh shows his outstanding skills in more than a hundred movies and considers the superstar of the 90s. Related: Top 10 Most Beautiful South Indian Actresses 2020 – 2021. Conclusion : Top 10 Most Handsome Actors In The World 2019 – 2020. Illustrated above is the world’s most handsome actors 2019 – 2020. Ladies might know who the best and pleasant looking actors are. While the word handsome arrived at that time actor appears in the mind ... Hollywood and Bollywood are the top movie industries in the world, known for producing not only the best films but also some of the most talented and wealthiest actors in the world.. Richest actor in the world: Top 12 list. Here is a list of the highest-earning actors in 2020. Their net worth is also an indication of how lucrative the film industry is. You may know many men who look very stylish, handsome, and smart and also they were famous in their particular field. It is very common to view articles with top 10 famous personalities of the world. But it is very hard to pick those top 10 world famous ones. Everyone thinks that white people alone look smart and handsome, it is not like that, and even black people look very handsome. This year’s ten top-earning actors collected a combined $545.5 million, more than a quarter of that paid out by Netflix. The streaming giant, in fact, cut $140.5 million worth of checks to six ...

top 10 best actors in the world 2020 top

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Top 10 Richest Actors in The World 2020 Forbes List 2020 ...

Hello gys Thise is the list of Top 10 Richest Actors In 2020· 10- Jackie ChanJackie Chan is a stuntman, actor, director, producer and much m... In this video, you will see the highest paid actors in the world between 2007 and 2020 years with data visualizations. This video shows the timeline of top 1... Top 10 Best Actor In Bollywood 2020Video Ko Pura Dakho Aur Like, Subscribe, Share Kar DoTop 10 Best Actor ka list mane 2019 mai jo jo Actors hai uska movie k... In this Video we have all information about He Top 10 Tichest actors in the World 2020. List of top 10 Richest Actors:- 10: Sylvester Stallone: $400M 9: Amit... Hello Guys, This Video Is About Top 10 Richest Actors in The World 2020 Forbes List 2020 Best Forever Like Share Subscribe Follow me on instagram f... Top 10 most handsome actors on Zee TV in 2020#mosthandsomeactors#onlyreal#top10#mosthandsomeactorsonzeetv#zeetvOnly RealZee TVMost handsome actors on Zee TV2... Hello friends!!!!! These all are 2020 highest paid actors in the world see that our countries actor is on which number and comment.keep supportingTh... Top 100. Handsome men in the world 2020.This Handsome men list is taken from 100s magazines and researchers. Hansome men is all around the world. Same as tc ... Top 10 Highest Paid Korean Actors in 2020. Please note that the figures are only estimates based on the data we've collected, there is no way to know how muc...

top 10 best actors in the world 2020

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