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A SIR_JACK_A_LOT Christmas Carol - My magnum dong opus on turning $35K to $1.75M (50X) in less than a year

A SIR_JACK_A_LOT Christmas Carol - My magnum dong opus on turning $35K to $1.75M (50X) in less than a year
How I went from $35K to $1.75M (50X) in less than a year


Gather 'round retards and autists. Grab a mug of eggnog, find a cozy corner in your mom's basement, and enjoy the tale of SIR JACK A LOT.
In this post: I'll go over my trading history, my strategy, my philosophy, and also systematically destroy every accusation and idiotic question made against me in the last week WITH RECEIPTS. No one doubts motherfuckin SIR JACK A LOT.
Privacy is important to me. I wish to stay anonymous. This is not financial advice, just my story.

Ghosts of Christmas Past

Chapter 1: Crypto (2017-18)
How it all started... I threw every last dollar I had in ETH at $12 and swing traded a ton of shit coins and ICOs until it all came crashing down.
In short: turned $8K into $300K and back to $30k but owed the IRS ~$120K since all the gains were calculated at 2017-year-end. I royally fucked myself because I didn't set any money aside for taxes. Ended up in debt to some very bad people and things were very dark, I don't like to talk about this time in my life that much.
Chapter 2: WSB Tuition (2018)
First learned about WSB in 2018 from the infamous FB ER put play by YungBillionaire turning ~$28K into $451K overnight. That sounded fun.
Quickly learned about options but most importantly about FDs, tendies, and the power of memes.
Back then it was all about trade wars and hanging at the whim of commander cheeto's supple tweets.
I have fond memories of:
  • Apparently the first stock I ever bought on Robinhood was HMNY... thanks Robinhood Recap for the reminder of my retarded-ness
  • Grew my first set of winkles on my smooth brain with AMC calls. The thesis was that their Stubs A-List subscription was doing pretty well according to /AMCsAList back then
  • Went all-in MTCH weekly puts with $12K clenching my stomach in the fetal position when all of a sudden there was a lawsuit and I tripled my account in minutes, pure luck
Still ended up losing $30K and swore off options forever... until 2020 where I lost another $10k in options. Fucking weeklies man, they're like if cocaine and blackjack made a dopamine-infused baby
WTF is up with the snowflakes Robinhood? So gay, instant short when it IPOs

Ghosts of Christmas Present

Chapter 3: Road to $1M+ (2020)
Let's start with the receipts since that's what everyone's interested in:
Proof that I started Feb 2020 with only $35K
Vanguard is my 401k provider and their self-directed brokerage is provided by TD Ameritrade which is why you see screenshots from two different apps. Started the year with $11K in 401k, deposited $26K more in Jan and then started trading in Feb with $35K. The $49K withdrawal in June was for a 401k loan to buy a Tesla.
Looking at this all-time graph gets me so hard
In my first run up to June, turned $35k into $850K (APT, CODX, NCLH, CHWY) and decided my luck was too good and needed to "cool down". Decided to withdraw $50k for a Tesla and stayed away from the markets for a good 3 months thinking the market was going to go back down again...
But it didn't, the market kept rallying and I got the tendie tingles. My first move in Sept was to go all-in on WORK and bought at the high of $35 and was immediately down -30% thanks to their shit ER. They recovered a bit in the weeks afterwards and then jumped into CRSR which made me a millionaire and then GME. GME also shit the bed with a -20% ER but recovered swiftly thanks to Lord Cohen and recently jumped into STIC for that final spike up.
Chapter 4: Explaining every trade
Proof of every gain/loss I've ever traded (except APT history which was in Vanguard)
My strategy is going all-in on a single stock all-shares. The idea is to have a thesis and conviction with that trade. I stay in the trade until the thesis is invalidated or another opportunity arises, it's a simple strategy and it's worked for me so far. My account does not allow options or margin trading.
Here's a few theses and history I remember in hopes folks can learn something:
  • APT/CODX - It was obvious to me in Jan/Feb that this coronavirus was the real deal. The trick was to look at the facts and not the noise. There was a fake viral video of blood-curdling screams from Wuhan apartments that was so obviously fake but western media loved it. On the other hand, Wuhan built a makeshift hospital in just 10 days, that's real action the government took and showed me how seriously dangerous this new virus was going to be. So I loaded up on APT, a mask stock, and rode it up and then switched to CODX, a testing stock, and rode that up from $11 to $24 selling right before their botched ER (conf call with no queue and everyone talking over each other lol)
  • NCLH - Saw a curious spike in volume on May 14 with a move upward, piqued my tendie tingles again. Decided it was worth an all-in at $10.57 as the support of $10 was pretty strong. The mood at the time was that coronavirus was waning (I knew it was wrong but the market was emotionally optimistic) and fortunately it caused NCLH to moon and I sold at $19.75 on June 4 even though it kept mooning to $26 over the next 2 days
  • CHWY - Got a dog, it's cute. Pets + E-Commerce during a pandemic, easy money. Bought at $41 and sold at $46 only because I thought it was moving kind of slowly. Well I was pretty wrong, now it's at $104
  • SQQQ/TVIX - I tried being a gay bear for an hour and lost money. Don't ever be a gay bear
  • CRSR - Been watching a ton of tech review and PC building YouTube channels and subreddits and the "enthusiast" crowd is definitely larger and has bigger wallets than people think. There is fucking keyboard typing ASMR now and ebay reviewers THANKING scalpers for charging them 2-3x MRSP. Biggest generational jump in GPU and CPU in a while and recently IPO-ed Corsair was definitely gonna benefit from this new generation of gamers was my thesis. Went all-in at $24 and sold at $36 after a non-stop run even though it kept running all the way to $51. No regrets, profit is profit.
  • WORK - It was the only "WFH" stock that didn't moon yet, thought it deserved a chance was my thesis. Went all-in at the tippy top of $35 on Sept 2 and it immediately kept crashing all the way to $24 in 5 days. Fortunately it recovered a bit and sold at $32 for a loss since I gave up hope and it seemed to be running out of steam
Chapter 5: GME Gang Confession
Now: I have a confession to make. My conviction for the Gamestop MOASS is insane. Had 88,233 shares at $13.04 buy-in with a $120 stop limit. Listening to this 90-min podcast of Uberkikz11 going on about how he knows more about this company than any mortal human should gets me so friken hard every time.
But. That -20% ER drop hurt me on a spiritual level. Watching my account go from $1.5M to $1.1M at one point gave me Taco Bell-levels of stomach cramps.
So when it bounced back to $15-16 on no news on Fri, Dec 18, I felt like I needed to "cool down" again. It was going into the holidays with a British virus mutation on the way and hedge funds manipulating to get their holiday bonuses, it felt kind of dangerous. And no way Ryan Cohen would be working with his lawyers on something that fast over the holidays, right?
So I sold all my GME at $15.50.
Then on Mon, Dec 21 morning, Lord Cohen drops his new 13D/A... but the stock price stayed flat all day. The Lord gave me a chance. A whole day to get back in. Unfortunately I didn't take it.
And then Tue, Dec 22 all tendies broke loose, the squeezening. +25% gain. deepfuckingvalue dropping his massive dong in another update. I waddled back and forth in my fetal position. Missed out on ~$300K gain while watching everyone freak out. Felt exactly like this:
Can't feel my dick at all...
Chapter 6: Barking on a STIC
While waddling and scrolling on my phone, I happened to stumble across this post about STIC and BarkBox. Not sure why pound_salt_ deleted the original post but at the time, it was the only post about it on WSB
I was pretty familiar with BarkBox and started researching, it seemed super un-discovered. I liked what I saw: Pets. E-commerce. Subscription. SPAC. Basic white bitches spoiling dogs. This might be worth an all-in.
So on Wed, Dec 23 morning I decided to make a move. All-in at $14.42.
Then I started writing everything I had learned and posted it all in my DD post at 1:46PM ET because I thought it was worth sharing what I found
The price was $14.25 at the time of posting and frankly, price was oddly flat at $14.25 pretty much all day. Lots of people got to buy in at this price. Why did it take me so long to write it? I had actual work meetings all morning and wrote it during my lunch break
Then by the luck of the gods, apparently the CEO of BarkBox, Matt Meeker, went onto CNBC at 3:20PM ET and it started mooning. On Thurs, Dec 24 I awoke to a 20% pop and shared my gains for ya'll to salivate over. Complete. Luck.

Ghost of Christmas Future

Chapter 7: What's next?
Let me be clear. I stand by every word of conviction I mentioned in all my GME and STIC posts, those are still my favorite H1 2021 plays. Holding STIC until merger would most definitely get you some massive gains.
But I'm a swing momentum trader. If I feel like something is running out of steam, has a risk of a rug pull, or another stock has potential to pick up steam with lesser downside, that's when I usually jump around.
I'm not happy with just a +25% in 3 months. I want a +25% compounded on +25% compounded on another +25% in the same 3 month time period.
On Monday, Dec 28 I will probably sell STIC and move all into CRSR again. From technical charting perspective, I'm loving the setup and the magical crayons are telling me we're at the support again and this should bounce in anticipation of strong Q4 earnings.
Now: this is not a ding on STIC or GME, I stand by my 2x-10x claims at some point in H1 2021. It will eventually get there but it might also dip and rise again and I want to swing that dip and rise.
Let me spell it out for some retards: because STIC moon-ed so fast, I want to sell to capture profits and hopefully buy back in on a dip. If STIC had not mooned yet, I would still be holding STIC for a more gradual moon-ing to let my thesis play out. If STIC does not dip but keeps mooning, then I will not chase and happily watch other diamond hands enjoy their tendies.


I'm fucking tired of answering the same repeated idiotic questions. Let this Q&A serve as an artifact and please link it to new retards. I will also proceed to debunk every single fucking false claim I've read in my last few posts. Also feel free to AMAA in the comments, I'll be replying all day.
  1. How often do you jack off? At least 2 times a day and always before I make a trade for that post-nut clarity
  2. Haha you're going to owe so much in taxes - Nope, this is all in my 401k which in the US means I don't owe taxes until I withdraw. Fucking compounding gains for years bitch
  3. Why are you making such risky trades? My goal is 8 digits or bust, that's my /fatfire number so I can finally quit this wageslave game. It's so obviously stacked against us and requires a lottery moment to reach escape velocity to play on New Game+ where I can live on $400k 4% SWR on $10M. This is my lottery moment and I'm leaning all the fucking way in. That's why I'm chad-ing it up and trying to TIME the market, meaning riding shit up and then jumping back into shit for another ride up. Fuck you Warren Buffet and your 90 y/o "time in the market" boomer bullshit. The next pandemic in 2025 might wipe us all out anyways, I ain't got time to wait for retirement. Gotta will it into existence. YOLO
  4. How are you so good at this? I study everything. Technicals. Charts. Support levels. Volume spikes. Short interest. Executive teams. Rumors. Customer sentiment. Employee morale. Insider trading. MSM manipulation. Comparable market caps. ER reports. Upgrade reports. SEC filings. Meme potential. I literally watch and study every facet I can about a company, and do so quickly.
  5. What's your trading strategy? All-in on a single stock all-shares. The idea is to have a thesis and conviction with that trade. I stay in the trade until the thesis is invalidated or another opportunity arises, it's a simple strategy and it's worked for me so far.
  6. Why do you post on WSB? Internet points is fucking fun. I was banned for like 30 minutes yesterday (on "accident" apparently) and having $200k+ gains without the ability to share was just not the same
  7. How do I follow your next move? Oh just follow my discord/newslett -- no fuck that shit. I don't do discord or newsletters or twitter or anything else. I'll keep posting on WSB until 8 digits or bust (or ban), you can guarantee that.
  8. Why do you remove the time on your screenshots? I'm cropping shit on my iPhone and my username is between the portfolio number and the top bar. Otherwise I'd love to friken show off my perpetual 69% battery level
  9. 15% isn't a real YOLO - I am literally shoving my entire net worth into a single stock every single time. Correct it's not the same as blackjack or FDs where if I got it wrong, I could lose everything but it's still fucking riskier than any ETF or financial advisor with their cuckold MBA would ever advise. One 15% play may not be impressive but compounded together is how you get this 50X in less than a year
  10. Where's PLTR or TSLA? Notice I never once touched PLTR, TSLA, NIO, XBEV, MVIS, etc or any of the other meme stocks WSB loves. That's because I hate being a sheep and following after the curve. I try to find shit right before the curve starts (usually indicated by a volume spike) and most WSB meme stocks are up way too high for my risk tolerance. Too much at stake to lose to a random rug pull moment.
  11. Hey I think I'm your cousin, can I get some money? No you fuck, stop being poor.
  12. Hey do you wanna fuck my ex-wife? Already did, next
  13. You're just using WSB to pump and dump on us - No you fucking idiot.
  • First: look at my post history, I NEVER make a hard recommendation for people to buy a stock. I only share my gains, losses, or DD because it's fucking funny to see how ya'll react. Whether people want to follow my move or not is 100% up to people. Do your own fucking DD and figure out when you want to sell according to your own thesis/risk tolerance.
  • Second: You folks keep asking me for my next move. Well how and when the fuck should I share it? If I post something in the morning, it's stuck in /new for a while until it gets enough upvotes to hit the front page and by then it's already afternoon or market close and the stock might have already done who knows what. That's not pump and dumping, that's just a delayed effect of how Reddit's algorithm works. Anything on the front page is essentially 5-15 hours old news and you need to determine if the state of the world is still the same or be a sheep and chase. It's the same thing once you hear Aunt Cathie or Boomer Cramer mention a stock and it trickles down to you, you're chasing after others have already gotten in
  • Third: My $1.5M is not enough to move any real-volume stock. I don't touch OTC or low-volume shit. For STIC: I have 97K shares and on average 2-4M shares are traded every day for STIC so my account is a like a drop of whale cum in the ocean
  • Fourth: Real pump and dumpers are the shitty scum on the earth. Spend any time in /pennystocks or some Discord or Stocktwits and holy shit, these scum run fucking operations. I've even seen paid newsletters where the highest tier gets the tip "early" to buy in and then the lowefree tiers get the tip which causes the pump for the early buyers to literally dump on and create bag holders on non-existant volume too
  • Fifth: Listen to what DoubleKillGG and his big brain figured out the rest of you retards could not:
The fact is that SIR_JACK_A_LOT is a swing trader. Yes he pumps his stocks and closes relatively quickly but he doesn't pump shit stocks. If you bought any of his positions when he posted you'd be up on everything. A pump and dump requires the dump part where investors are left holding a stock that is worth less than when they bought it. He did, however, break wsb's rule #4; STIC's market cap is below $1B.
His positions closed and what they're worth currently
NCLH: Exit at 17.95. Current share price is 24.51
CHWY: Exit at 44.35. Current share price is 104.10
NCLH (again): Exit at 19.16. Current share price is 24.51
CRSR: Exit at 35.57. Current share price is 36.70
PTON: Exit at 109.46. Current share price is 163.60
GME: Exit at 15.96. Current share price is 20.26
*\*Exits are estimations from his posts*
STIC: Posted DD when share price was around 14.25. Current share price is 17.85
Some of ya'll are real gems. Major props to:
Fuck You Haters
Last week we got durado so cucked he deleted his account and now kingobama123 is all up on my ass. First, read this magnum dong opus and if you have more questions, ask it in the comments, I'll cum all over you.
To really drive home the value I bring to WSB, let's see how many peoples' lives I've changed and for the better or worse. Take this poll regarding whether I helped make you gain or lose money if you've been following.
🎄🚀🎄🚀Merry Fucking Christmas 🚀🎄🚀
🚀🎄Jerome Powell bless us, every one!🚀🎄
My usual order is the 13-piece tenders - whopping 1780 calories in a single sitting
submitted by SIR_JACK_A_LOT to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

What are the Iglesia ni Cristo Offerings?

Different types of INC offerings:
  1. Abuloy/Regular Offering
  2. Children's Offering
  3. Locale Funds/Church Offering
  4. Tanging Handugan/Specialized Offering
  5. Lingap/Charity
  6. Lagak/F9
  7. Pasasalamat/Mid-Year and End-Year Thanksgiving
I added what amount I used to give in the Philippines in pesos and Canadian dollars when I moved to Canada
Abuloy/Regular Offering - Average rate: 20-500 pesos/$5-$50CAD. Collected 2 times a week on every service (AM and PM). This is the main fuel source of INC.
Children's Offering - Yes, that child who has no job or any source of income will be required to offer. Amount depends on the parents but averages in between 10-100 pesos/$1-$20CAD. Collected every Sunday. Gotta get that practice ingrained in the children's psyche.
Locale Funds/Church Offering - Average rate: 20-500 pesos/$20-$100CAD. An optional form of offering, in the form of a dropbox. Collected every service. It is used to maintain the locale/district church. (electricity, water, maintenance)
Tanging Handugan/Specialized Offering - Average rate: 100-1000/$20-$100CAD+ Collected every month. A specific offering for their special gatherings, projects, magazines, tv shows, public media, beautification of the church. They could also announce an "emergency" tanging handugan incase they're low on funds.
Lingap/Charity - Average rate: 100-1000+ pesos/$20-$100CAD. Collected every month. Mostly done for PR stunts and publicity. Special offering designed for buying of relief goods/assisting those affected by natural disasters. Now they're using it to build mushroom plantations and farms in Africa in hopes to convert them.
Lagak/F9 - Average rate: 100-1000+ pesos/$20-$50CAD. Collected every Sunday. By the end of the year it will exceed over 5000 pesos/$1000CAD. This is the act of depositing money to the church for the Thanksgiving event. By the end of the year you will receive a receipt stating how much money you've accumulated through the entire year to offer to the church. They do this so the money you will offer for the Thanksgiving will be left untouched. You cannot withdraw the money you deposited. IF YOU ARE PREGNANT THEY WILL IMMEDIATELY REQUIRE YOU OPEN AN ACCOUNT FOR YOUR UNBORN CHILD.
Pasasalamat/Mid-Year and End-Year Thanksgiving - Lagak + Average rate: 500-10,000+ pesos/$50-$300. This is the grand daddy. The big boss. The king of all offerings. Oh, you just received your 13th month pay and Christmas bonus? Christmas is evil. Give that to us. These all go directly to INC central.
submitted by LordEVM to exIglesiaNiCristo [link] [comments]

Kaiserreich Beta 0.15 - 'Leaving for Syria'

The Ottoman rework has been teased for a long time so I know you’ll be happy to hear it is finally here and ready for you to enjoy! Not only that, but the National France rework comes with it two, along with several other new focus trees. We’ve also spent time working on other changes, such as letting you recall volunteers, along with many bug fixes and performance improvements. We hope you enjoy the changes and have fun playing Kaiserreich!
Note: As always this patch isn’t save-game compatible. If you would like to continue your game please use the manual download found here:
- The KR4 team
Notable Additions
New Focus Trees
Reworked/Expanded Focus Trees
Tweaked Focus Trees
New Events
Tweaked Events
New Decisions
Tweaked Decisions
New Custom Country Paths
Music Mod
Notable Fixes
Other Fixes
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 Team: Alpinia, Arvidus, Augenis, Blackfalcon501, DSFDarker, Carmain, Dr. Njitram, Drozdovite, Edouard Saladier, Eragaxshim, Flamefang, Fort, JazzyHugh, Jeankedezeehond, Jonjon428, Jonny BL, Krco, Liegnitz, Maltesefalcon, Matoro, Nijato, NukeGaming, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Pietrus, Rei VL, Rylock, SPQR, Starguard, Telcontar101, The Alpha Dog, The Irredentista, Thomahawk2k, Vidyaország, WordZero, Yard1, Zankoas and Zimbabwe Salt Co.
submitted by Alpinia_KR to Kaiserreich [link] [comments]

Oil on Mars

Submission statement: This is a short collapse story written by my good friend who died in 2019. He gave me a USB stick that contained some of his unfinished and completed work before he passed. As far as I know he only self published one novel on He was not interested in fame or fortune but I know he would have wanted more people to read his work. I know nothing about publishing so I will submit this to collapse readers for your consideration. He wrote his novel under the pseudonym Gregory Truman and I will use that name as the author.
Oil on Mars
By: Gregory Truman
The shocking news was sent back to Earth by the lander Seeker relayed from its Martian atmospheric drone Revealer. The drone was sent specifically to check out the water seepage from the sides of the cliffs bordering the vast Valles Marineris canyon near the Martian equator. The seepage had been discovered from photographs taken on previous missions. The drone took samples hovering over several seeps and did an onboard analysis of the liquid’s content. The result was conclusive. It was a mixture of water and crude oil, equivalent to West Texas Intermediate.
This was unbelievable news. We had all been told that Mars was a dead world; completely lifeless. And that may be true recently, but scientists hurriedly hypothesized that over a billion years ago when Mars was temperate with oceans and rain, the land could have been covered with some kind of primitive plant life. There may even have been a Carboniferous like epoch that could have lasted for several hundred million years.
Just by looking at the highly eroded mountains of Mars and the ancient dry river beds and flood plains one can plainly see evidence of rain and floods and from the multiple times the water ice caps had melted that would have buried almost everything that once lived upon the surface. The combination of heat and pressure and time had done the same thing on Mars as it had done to deeply buried organic material here on Earth; it was transformed it into crude oil. The world was astounded. The debate started immediately; how to take advantage of this discovery?
Conditions on Earth had worsened since the beginning of the 21st century. There was still some oil in the ground, but it was costly to drill for it. The market for oil had been drying up for years, with very few planes still flying. The oil that was left was needed to generate electrical power. It was expensive and beyond the reach of most people who were still switching to bicycles to get around. The cities and suburbs and country side were mostly depopulated and littered with the hulks of rusting automobiles. Plagues, pestilence, bad weather and crop failure had more than decimated world populations. People had become resigned to a harsh world. Few had any hope for a better future. Governments and the ruling classes were more vicious in their attempts to hold on to their power and privileges. Every endeavor had been corrupted. Every attempted reform and revolution was ruthlessly crushed. Things were getting worse for the wealthy also. They were finding it difficult to buy wine, hire servants, and to eat fancy foods.
The economy everywhere had been propped up by cheap credit for decades. Profits and taxes had been strip-mined from every enterprise that used credit to survive and were soon bankrupted when credit was denied. There were not enough jobs, not enough customers, and not enough profits left to pay their debts. The world economy had not only stopped growing, it was continuing to contract.
The central banks of the world had tried flooding their markets with monetary liquidity, but they could not create more jobs. They reluctantly had to give free money to their citizens to increase spending and revive growth. In the U.S., to avoid another inflationary spiral the monthly stipend was only a little more than for subsistence, just enough to prevent more rioting. It wasn’t enough money to get people spending again the way they did before the crisis. Economists believed that growth could only begin again after a fresh start. But what could a government do to contrive a fresh start? Someone in a think tank convinced powerful people that what was needed was a new reason to grow the economy, some goal to revive the animal spirits of a dejected populace. This news from Mars seemed to provide the perfect prescription. Headlines and news channels around the world soon screamed out the idea: WE ARE GOING TO MARS!
Almost everyone knew it would be too expensive to ship oil from Mars to Earth, so the plan was to go to Mars and burn the oil there, to generate power for the first pioneering colonists. All the other products derived from petroleum would soon be available to those colonists from Earth. The public were told not to think too much about the details, those would be worked out by experts. The point to keep in mind was we were finally going to Mars! And that thought did arouse some animal spirits in a population that seemed to have lost all enthusiasm.
People wanted to know exactly who and how many were actually going. They were told that after careful screening, the number of colonists would be decided according to technical and practical considerations. Hopefully the minimum number would be around a dozen people for the initial launch and many more on subsequent launches. Everyone was encouraged to apply if they were interested in going, but they must be prepared for hard work to acquire the skills that would be needed for survival on Mars. The selection process would be long and arduous. The whole world would be contributing to this grand adventure; the expansion of mankind to a new world. Old rivalries would be forgotten as we forged a new commitment to the future of the human race. This optimism inspired more than a few to hope for a brighter tomorrow.
Many wealthy people had been preparing to retreat into their underground bunkers for years, when conditions became severe enough. They were hoping their precautions would allow them to ride out the projected mass extinction for a little while longer. Most had accepted that it was inevitable by then with the mounting evidence all around them. Some millionaires had become billionaires over the years buying out the means of production and the supply chains for the bare necessities of life the impoverished masses depended upon. The average person had no chance for any upward mobility.
Most of the public realized by then that the root of the problem had something to do with wealth inequality; the growing gap between the vast wealth accumulated by a few families and the poverty of the majority of people struggling just to survive. Whether this was the cause or a result of the decline, or if it was the fault of capitalism itself was hotly debated. The great grandchildren of the baby boomers had all grown up wondering how their elders could have been so complacent; satisfied with bread and circuses instead of addressing or even acknowledging the growing crisis. Older people often defended themselves with standard responses: We didn’t know; we were preoccupied with personal problems; we had no real power to change anything; and life is short, we did not evolve traits to cope with long range problems. These and other excuses were unacceptable to the young. Many were becoming increasingly angry by the fact that billionaires could exist in this world while millions of people, mostly children, starve to death every year. To them, this was proof enough of a great crime against humanity. And this was an ongoing crime, because when wealthy people died their great fortunes lived on and continued to grow as they were passed down within the family to the next generation of trust fund babies, who would acquire that wealth only by an accident of birth.
This process of wealth accumulation and inheritance appeared to be a hold- over from at least the feudal times of lords and kings in the middle ages. The lords would take a percentage of the peasant’s crop. More recently they take a share of income. But there are still no taxes on wealth. There have been some improvements in human affairs over the centuries but the rules of wealth and inheritance remain unreformed most likely by the power of the wealthy themselves who have institutionalized and benefitted from the status quo. Those people who cared enough about this problem could not see a way to remedy the inequity. To do so would require major changes to the political and economic system, but none of them could even conceive of a way to accomplish the drastic reforms necessary to make those changes. And even if there was a way to do it, they knew the vested interests of big money would never allow those changes to happen. The situation appeared hopeless. A growing percentage of the world’s population were angry, believing that one way or another; the rich still ruled the world and were ultimately responsible for most of the suffering in it.
Very wealthy people were often vilified for their avarice and sometimes physically attacked in their homes and fortified compounds. In spite of their precautions, they were increasingly anxious about the locations of their bunkers becoming known. They could no longer feel safe anywhere. They were becoming so afraid of their less fortunate neighbors that several billionaires petitioned the government to grant them passage to Mars, and they were willing to pay their own way to get there. They hoped they could maintain their lifestyle in a more secure place, and possibly even escape the progressing mass extinction here on Earth.
Because of the lost tax revenue from the financial collapse, the U.S. government always needed more money that it didn’t have to barrow or create for itself. It had become accustomed to accommodating the well to do and making promises it could not keep. So it just made sense to take some wealthy families to Mars if they would be willing to pay the exorbitant ticket price of 500 million dollars per person. A few in the top tenth of the one percent were eager to pay that amount for each family member if it meant a continuation of their privileged life on another world they believed would be safer from the risk and the squalor on this one. For their financial help they demanded and were promised their own small city of rich people where they would not be troubled by rubbing shoulders with the technical rabble that would be needed to maintain the colonies. The cost of the Mars project was estimated to approach half a year of the United States’ gross domestic product. The public were told this infusion of funds from the world’s wealthiest families would help to mitigate that cost by many billions of dollars. Even though they would contribute nothing else to the project, their money made it worthwhile to take them along.
Needless to say, there was a huge amount of skepticism about this plan. The Russians and the Chinese were the first to pour cold water on the scheme. They would not participate in what they called a desperate boondoggle by a degenerating empire to swindle the last remaining wealth from its people. The scientific community was divided. Most reputable scientists scoffed at the idea, calling it impractical to impossible. Others, especially from the aero-space and mining industries and those receiving grants from the government, supported the plan. Economists believed it would revive the economy with large construction contracts and increase employment. It didn’t seem to matter to them if the project succeeded or not. Most of the public who were never going to Mars were against the idea. Even those who were uninformed about all the technical problems involved laughed about it. Rational objections were raised about every aspect of the plan and responses to them were supplied by the president and his supporters. Here are some of those objections:
Q. There is no oxygen on Mars. What will people breathe? And how can you burn the oil without oxygen?
A. “We will take enough oxygen to Mars to get us started. Scientists from the mining industry are working on extracting oxygen from Martian mineral deposits.”
Q. There is no energy source on Mars. Where will you get the power to do anything?
A. “A small nuclear plant will be set up on Mars initially. It will be cooled by melted water ice dug out of the sub-soil of Mars. Eventually there will be oil fired power plants. Adding more carbon dioxide to the Martian atmosphere will actually help to warm the planet in the long run.”
Q. How will you get the oil out of the ground? From the seepage on the canyon walls the oil deposits are believed to be more than six miles deep.
A. “We will drill laterally from the seeps in the canyon walls.”
Q. There is no real soil on Mars. How will you grow any food?
A. “Most food will be grown hydroponically. We will take some soil with us and create more using Martian dirt. We will only have to take food with us in the beginning.”
Q. Almost everything you need must be taken with you to Mars. How much material by weight must you take to support one person for one year?
A. “At first supplies per person will be quite substantial. Heavy lift robot transport rockets will be built to move supplies to Mars before humans are sent there.”
Q. There are harmful cosmic rays, solar radiation and small meteors reaching the surface of Mars. How will your habitats be protected?
A. “Habitats will be constructed mostly underground. Boring machines will be sent to Mars before people arrive, with enough fuel and oxygen to run them when they do.”
Q. The amount of sunlight reaching Mars will not allow you to grow crops the way we do here on Earth. How do you plan to solve that problem?
A. “We will use grow lights and solar collecting and distribution mirrors.”
Q. How long will it take for humans to become self-sufficient on Mars?
A. “Current estimates are in about ten years.”
Q. That seems overly optimistic. Most scientists say it will take at least twenty years. How did you derive your estimate? And we don’t have twenty years left.
A. “The President has determined that all these challenges will be overcome. Idle speculation of this sort does not help us accomplish our goals. We should all be grateful for the jobs and opportunities this great endeavor has provided for us, and we should all get back to work.”
Despite other objections from many quarters the program was rushed through congress and approved. The European Union soon backed out of the deal, with one French wag declaring the Americans had discovered a new way to dig holes and fill them in again. Contracts were let to major defense contractors and smaller companies also got onto the gravy train. Finally even the Japanese and the British dropped out and the Americans, as the self-proclaimed leader of the free world, had to soldier on alone.
Only a few people would be going to Mars and the rest would have to stay on this world that was rapidly winding down to ruin. It was difficult for most of them to get excited about this grand enterprise. They respected the brave and well trained Martian colonists with whom they would vicariously share the great adventure. But they had developed a loathing for the wealthy people they viewed as parasites attaching themselves to the best of humanity and escaping from a world they had already wrecked with their greed. The common belief was those billionaires would end up ruining Mars too.
Within two years the first of the robot freight hauling ships was launched towards Mars. No more would be launched before the first one touched down successfully after a seven month journey. It was on a one way trip; there was no fuel to send it back. Some of its parts were designed for duel use by the colonists when they arrived. They would dismantle the ship and use many of its parts for other construction. The first of the colonists would be a skeleton crew of technicians to prepare quarters for the next group to arrive.
During the next three years fourteen more robot transport ships landed on Mars, four more than originally planned. The project was now a year behind schedule. Three trillion dollars had already been spent. Project designers refining the plan discovered unexpected expenses and huge cost over runs in every department. The cost in fuel alone to lift miles of insulated steel pipe into orbit far exceeded the original allocation for the task. Another nuclear power plant had to be constructed and shipped to Mars just to heat enough water pumped into those pipes plus the chemicals needed to make the oil eventually flow. More containers of compressed Earth atmosphere and oxygen were needed to supply the growing list of the world’s billionaire families who were buying tickets to escape from the depredations in their lifestyle here on Earth. Many complained about having to live like the peasants around them. Their luxuries were becoming almost impossible to find.
The government early on had classified the whole project. Cost over runs and promises never meant to be kept were a routine method of government operations. They accepted any prospective migrant willing to pay for a ticket. The government would not give up that revenue stream. Even pets were accepted; 300 million for a dog, 200 million for a cat, 100 million for a bird. They drew the line at hamsters or rats. They knew the project was over-extended but as with the F35 fighter jet, the usual solution for government failure is to throw more money at the problem.
Public relation firms were hired to give periodic optimistic progress reports about the project. Commercial artists were employed to render beautiful Martian landscapes featuring futuristic looking colonial buildings and enterprises that were displayed on television and over the internet. By then most of the world’s billionaires had decided that the option of living on Mars was their best choice to insure the safety and the future for themselves and their heirs. There were now more billionaires going to Mars than the trained specialists needed to maintain the colony.
Within the nexus of the classified program were the intelligence agencies with access to all the data. They could see the project for what it truly was; an out of control boondoggle just as their presumed enemies had described it. The wealthy and well-connected had swindled the American public once again. Some of the perpetrators who became billionaires embezzling government funds had themselves bought tickets, unaware that the project had become a complete scam. There was not going to be enough money to build a city for the wealthy people. There was not enough equipment or supplies for half the people signed up to go or enough rockets to carry them all to Mars.
Those intelligence agencies considered it their duty to cover up government ineptitude and to extricate politicians from policies and situations that would make them look like complete fools to the rest of the world. It had always been a tough and nasty job and they were not known for their scruples while doing it. The U.S. government had no intention of refunding billions of dollars to billionaires. To accomplish the government’s objective the agencies came up with a plan that also included, as an incidental bonus, a remedy for the wealth inequality dilemma.
Revisions to the project’s schedule were forcefully suggested. Notice was given to the ticket holders that they would all be leaving on the last rocket to Mars after the elaborate preparations for their arrival were completed. They would embark on the journey in a completely refurbished freighter with all the amenities they were accustomed to. Some passengers demanded to leave sooner, conditions on Earth were getting just too insufferable to stay any longer they complained. They were mollified with illustrations of the luxurious state rooms, the fine dining opportunities and the grand ballroom aboard the ship.
Seven years after the first appropriations from congress, and two and a half years behind schedule, the first of the highly trained colonists were launched into space for the historic trip with great fanfare. Social interactions among the twelve crew members were avidly followed by the world’s citizens during that long journey to Mars. Some of the live coverage was real and some was scripted to enhance the drama. Four more ship loads of astronauts, engineers, scientists and technicians eventually touched down on the red planet. For the foreseeable future, those sixty pioneers would be the full complement of humans on Mars.
They managed to get the small nuclear plant at the base camp working well enough, but the one designed to pump hot water to liquefy the oil had broken off the cliff edge during assembly and tumbled down the boulder strewn slope to the bottom of the Valles Marineris Canyon. The technicians never did get the hydroponics going, but there would be enough food and oxygen to last for several years if the wealthy families were not coming. On the advice of the intelligence agencies, and after spending more than eight trillion dollars, the politicians and those in charge had secretly decided to cut their losses and pulled the remaining funding from the project.
As the last great ship filled with over seven hundred wealthy colonists on their way to the fabulous new city on Mars, they were relieved of their cellular devices as they entered. They were informed their use could interfere with the ship’s operations, and they would not work at all on Mars. Accommodations inside the ship were nothing like those they had seen advertised. There were no crew members on board. Not a single acceleration couch could be found, just empty decks and compartments stripped bare of equipment and supplies. It was too late to complain about them. They lifted off automatically at the appointed hour but failed to reach orbit and burned up in the atmosphere over the Atlantic Ocean. A technical error was blamed for the mishap. The intelligence agencies and most of the people on Earth cried only crocodile tears for those who had been lost, believing both Mars and this old world would stand a better chance without them.
submitted by thecurseofhope to collapse [link] [comments]

What's the frequency Kenneth?

I was desperate for a job.
My bank balance was giving me dirty looks. Why should it be any different?
I was living on a cash advance at 27% interest and I wasn't sure if I should go to Tijuana for 19 Coronas or take a flyer off the six story walkup in Brooklyn where I dwelt.
I was about to flip a coin when I got a LinkedIn notification on the new phone I could not afford.
This was odd because I had turned off notifications. All notifications. I just wanted some; peace. and. quiet.
The LinkedIn notification went a little something like this:
Hey Kenneth. I know you'd be perfect for a once in a lifetime opportunity to help humanity and grow wealthy.
Hi Kenneth,
Hope you're doing great! But word on the street is you may not be...
Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Korinna Klaus.
I represent a private equity backed startup that is looking for a software engineer and architect with extensive startup experience. You've been recommended to me by a mutual colleague and I have to say: I AM IMPRESSED. Your background is a perfect fit for this exclusive opportunity with my exclusive client.
Kenneth: This is not your normal startup.
We sought you because you have a reputation as an out of the box thinker who's willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done.
And since I KNOW you're a no-nonsense DOERr (sic) who tells it like it is; allow me to do the same.
Money is NO object.
Repeat. This client wants you and all you have to do is name your price. No screening. No background check. And a handsome signing bonus. I mean hey, Ken... what have you got to lose?
Due to the sensitive nature of this opportunity please call me on my direct mobile at the number below.
Yours truly,
Korinna Klaus
Head of Talent Acquisition
(Phone # redacted)
I looked at my dog Rudder.
He was counting on me to bring home the bacon. A roach crawled out of the sink full of dishes and empty Guinness cans.
"I've been here too long" I said to the empty room.
Wrong turn in Albuquerque
The whole thing stank like a weekend in Tijuana. I was not what you would call an expert architect or software engineer. I mean I could muddle through but I was what you call an accidental programmer. You see when I was young...
I had a Dream
I was finally back in Park Slope after a seven year exile.
The momster had made good on her promise to have me out on my ass the day I turned 18. I had managed to make it through five years of SUNY, a year of law school and then when I saw my life flash before my eyes on one sunny afternoon in Camden New Jersey I knew I had to do something else with my life.
After a shitty job working for a ghoulish estate raider in the South Bronx I got a phone call with a "once in a lifetime" opportunity.
It was my Dad Herman.
The same Dad who let his retard wife slam the door in my face when the momster put me on the streets. The same Herman unit who let me sleep in a comic book store in the tenth grade for 26 days until the truant officers got involved.
"Just hear me out.
Mickey and me got the comic store right on the corner across the street from Kings Plaza. It's gonna be a gold mine. I know you're smart. I want you to run it. We can make millions!"
I had needed a job and Herman did have good weed so what the fuck; in for a penny, in for a buck.
The Big Light Bulb
A month later I was running the comic shop and one day while perusing our distributor's monthly catalogue I had a vision. What if....??
What if I started a club? What if I charged a yearly membership and gave a cool membership card. And every month my club members would order in advance from the same catalogue as the comic shops? And for a discount? Just like a comic store.
I should also add this was 1991 and comics were going through one of those Game Stop, real-estate, dotcom, tulip, comic book bubbles with 5 separate holofoil Robin #1 bullshit gimmick manufactured collectible covers guaranteed to put your kids through college; or more likely to sit in a dusty long box in your attic with all those Turok #0s with the chromium whatsis. Good times.
So I tried out my idea for a discount advance purchasing club in the comic shop and one day 25 people joined for 25 clams each. On the way home I stopped at my boy Foz's place in Chinatown and showed him the wad of cash.
"Wow dude." Foz said as he packed me a binger of the shwag.
"I wanna advertise in the whole Marvel line in November with a Christmas ad. It's twenty-five thousand clams but if we get a few thousand people to join we could make crazy jack bro!"
Skip to the important part....
After a lot of drama and ragging on his shwag Foz decided to take his last forty thousand bucks left from an inheritance of four hundred thousand pounds he blew through in just under three years.
"I'm in," he said and he was good as his word.
My father finally agreed to leave the comic shop and his retard partner Mickey and go big.
Two Months Later
I couldn't handle all the business. So we brought in all our friends from college as partners. One of them, Lou Toast, was supposed to write the software cause handling hundreds of comic book orders without computers was threatening to put me in bankruptcy before I was barely airborne.
Three Months Later: Software bug and thirty thousand dollars of orders goes POOF
Toast had a bug in the order processing program he wrote in FoxPro. Bam, just like that when our order to our distributor Heroes World was due he informed me, "Ooooh. It's all gone. I put the order in RAM and we had the blue screen of death and well, I gotta go meet Boy George."
What. The. Fuck.
True story. I told that motherfucker you sit your Boy George hardon back down in that seat and find me my comic book orders or so help me I'm gonna shove those Vienna sausages on your desk so far up your ass Boy George is gonna taste 'em backwards.
I loved Toast like a brother. And nobody cared if he was out of the closet either. But this was serious business and if I didn't get my order in we would lose our discount and take a bath and maybe the fat lady would sing before the first act was complete.
Toast and I brawled. Wren and Foz pulled me off him. I apologized. I felt awful. I told him it was wrong and I was sorry. He sat back down, did not go to presumably see Boy George and tumble for him. We all typed the orders back in the Lantastic of 386s and somehow I dodged that bullet.
However, I had a bigger problem. I needed software and I had tried everything. Hired a consultant who had created an app for the stores called, ACES. Adaptable Comic Entry System. It sucked and the dude always had an excuse; pneumonia, his mother jumped off the cloisters; name it. And here I had already paid him thousands; for nothing.
So I hatched a plan. I would lock myself in Foz' apartment in Park Slope for 3 months and learn how to program. I made a deal with Toast to stay another few months and help me take over the computers. I bought a book called Mastering FoxPro for Windows 2.5 and my descent into hell began.
Eventually I took over and was able to automate the entire business in a few years. We moved to a warehouse on Long Island and suffered through the....
The mid 90s was an ugly time for retail comics. The decade had started with almost ten thousand comic shops and scores of distributors and healthy competition. Then some yahoo at Marvel Comics decided to buy my distributor Heroes World and cut out all the other distributors from about 35% of their monthly gross.
So after scraping by and falling deeper into debt year after year, unable to find financing, unable to successfully diversify I found a bankruptcy lawyer and I went belly up. I was thirty years old.
Yep. I went from one bubble bursting straight into another. No I didn't make $175 an hour and I could never figure out Java. I found some FoxPro consulting work and for the next ten years I tried to learn it all. Visual Basic, SQL Server, ASP, ASP.NET, C#, Javascript, JQuery, NodeJS, MVC, and I kept working a year, finding myself unemployed for three to six months until I finally found an okay spot at the Bank of New York.
And then another Bubble; Sub-prime debacle.
After struggling to stay employed I finally found my spot and worked hard and by 2008 I talked them into paying me $800 a day. I was forty. I figured if I could just stay there it would be all right.
The Big Recession - All consultants must go.
Easy come, Easy go.
So.... I was out of work. Another bubble had burst. And then me and my best friend decided to launch a startup. Only I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. You see I never wanted to be a programmer. And yeah, I could program, and I could understand the deeper concepts but I could never hang with the real geniuses.
Face it Kenneth. You're just a hack.
So yeah, I created a music service just as the RIAA was successfully suing every music startup like Grooveshark right out of business. And I found myself 45, out of work, and deep in debt. Hibbity hobbity back to consulting.
Oh I could say I landed on my feet. I got a job as an architect straight away at Bank of America but three months later they did a re-org and I was told if I was in Charlotte they would have kept me. So the day before Thanksgiving they cut me loose. But my manager met me in the city to take back the laptop and buy me a pint of Guinness.
He looked me in the eye and said, "It's death by a thousand cuts."
I went to Southeast Asia on a lark for a couple of months and came back and found more work at Bank of America in Jersey City. Only the consulting company I was hired through was cut from their preferred list and my contract could not be renewed.
And then there was the 18 months at the Mossad psycho company where the owner kept talking some shit about pushing concrete barrels up a hill and I should work 18 hours a day if I was a man like him and well, it was fun watching his face melt in meetings but eventually the LSD stops working.
So I did what any other single maniac having a perpetual whole life crisis . I saw my Aunt in Tampa, drove to Fort Lauderdale to see my best friend and business partner who was just as deep in debt as I from our last venture.
We had one idea left.
A restaurant app my buddy thought up. We were going to make a developer who had worked for me at my last job as a partner and let him develop it but at the last minute his employer in Noida made him an offer he could not refuse and the kid begged off.
So I found myself in the Dominican Republic pounding away on the keyboard desperate to learn the Google Cloud, master Angular and NoSQL. You see as a programmer I am always a frustrated freshman. But when you need software and you ain't got two nickels to rub together you make do with what you got and what I had was me.
So I sat in that mold infested luxury hotel room on the beach and I began coding. Five months later I found myself in Mexico City in a run down apartment with no screens on the windows and a white female cat for company.
I had gotten tired of shooing the cat out and it kept freaking me out when I opened the bathroom door at 3am to take a piss and saw the cat sitting there like a dog its green eyes shining up to me.
One night while I was sleeping the cat put its paw on my chest and said, "they're coming for you." I was sure I dreamed it the next morning.
I drank a lot of Mexican beer, the cat always close by watching. I kept coding and then I came back to Brooklyn.
I had done it and all on my own. I had even written a business plan and created a pitch deck. I would hire a professional to polish it and then maybe, just maybe I could make good for once in my life. Get me and my partner in the black; for once. Just for variety.
And then the pandemic hit. Nobody going to restaurants. No business travelers. No nothing.
So I did what any other hard boiled shitty hack developer would do. I borrowed yet more money and kept trying to learn the latest skills. Docker containers. AWS Fargate. Azure. .NET CORE, Lambda expressions, and on and on ad nauseam. It was a curse.
And all the interviews with the endless technical questions that I spent endless time memorizing. All because of comic books? Boy George? The Napster? Who. The. Fuck. Is. Ruining. My. Life.
At a certain point you have to come to grips.
Here I was in about to exit the sunnyside of my 50s if such a thing could exist. I can't compete with the new wave of young modern developers who seem to know everything while I find myself continuously debugging and cursing and never able to compile the Microsoft sample github.
Basically I was a mess which brings us to last Thursday.
Hi Kenneth. I know you'd be perfect for a once in a lifetime opportunity to help humanity and grow wealthy
And here I am about to go belly up. I mean they keep knocking me down and I keep getting up but its been 50 years of broken home to foster care to mom to Dad to step-mother slamming the door in my face to sleeping in a comic book store in Bay Ridge and shucking rock for Joe Rockhead all the way to SUNY ghostwriting, law school drop out, comic jock, software consultant, music app wanna be, unemployed single and having to wear glasses and shave my head.
This is what is referred to as...
A Revolting Development
So I did what any other down on his luck red blooded American man would do; I called Ms. Klaus.
"Hi Kenneth!"
It was as if she was somewhere in her office looking at her watch and mumbling, "In 3, in 2 and ..." as I punched her digits.
"Hi Korinna. How are you?"
"I am FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC! Thanks for asking. But this isn't about me. This is about you Kenneth."
"Well what's your once in a lifetime offer?"
"Yes. Good. Good. Good," she said.
I said nothing which is something I wished I had learned to do long ago.
"Sure. Sure. You wanna know. Well I am going to tell you. We are running an entirely remote team launching a new technological service to a very exclusive clientele. A very bigly clientele if you catch my drift."
Did she just say, "bigly???"
"A very well heeled clientele if you know what I mean," she said and let it hang in case I wanted squeeze the Charmin.
"I'm listening," I replied.
My dog Rudder sniffed his balls and knit his eyebrows and gave me the, "I got a bad feeling on this one Dad," look I was all too familiar with.
Rudder was rarely wrong but I was rarely in a position to be choosy. I was an accidental programmer in a world I never created and each year that passed burned my ass worse than the one before.
"Kenneth. We are far along in our platform and we need a 'can-do guy'. Someone who can communicate. Tell it like it is, if you will. Are you following me?"
This was starting to sound like some government grade A bullshit.
"Well I've been working in Angular and I am okay at .NET and SQL but I still have to spend a lot of time on Google and StackOverfl-"
"Never mind that Kenneth. Tune in to what is happening here."
"We know about you. We know you came up hard. We know you made it through uni with high grades despite eating shrooms and acid and smoking weed incessantly. We know you were a ghostwriter. We know you witnessed a murder in Camden when you were in law school and had a breakdow-"
"OKAY!" I interjected. "I don't know what kind of bullshit scam you're running Karinna, Kristina,, or whatever the fuck your name is but yeah, you're right. We are in a fucking pandemic, I am trapped in an overpriced closet the last 20 years and I feel like a goddamned retard everytime I take a technical interview. As a matter of fact, I am probably the last person you want to lead your startup."
This time it was Korinna who interjected.
"No you don't listen with your mouth Kenneth.
That's your mistake. What? You think you're special.
'Poor poor pitiful me?'
Well fucking Linda Ronstadt can't do concerts anymore and the world is fucking gone full blown Dr. Strangelove and you think being an iconoclast makes you special? Well I have news for YOU; it does! And we want to hire you. Today. Now."
I was going to tell her I had to think about it a bit.
I wanted to talk money.
But I didn't feel right. My palms were sweaty. My vision blurrier than usual. I took off my glasses and for a second I could see perfectly. Like when I was young.
It was a vision.
Like the vision I had the night when I was 5 in 1972. Right after I learned about betrayal.
They had conned me into getting my tonsils out by telling me that I could eat all the ice cream in the world I wanted. But that was bullshit because my throat was so raw that the ice cream cut like a knife but fuck YOU--Bryan Adams; it did NOT feel all right. So shove your na-na-na-NA-na-nahhhs right up your ass.
I remembered the Barbie face that materialized on my wall. Clear as day. Like an HDTV of the future. Only it was real and Barbie looked sexy AF. Only her smile changed. Pearly whites morphing into slime covered triangular gnashing machines. Eyes blood red crying tears of the same. And the laugh. It was the laugh that said you're whole world is about to change son. And you here have proof. A premonition to last your entire life. Like Sisyphus, Like Icarus... No matter how high you fly you'll always come crashing down.
The room spun. I felt the small hairs on my neck raise. I felt that Sunday night adrenaline dump hit my blood stream. Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. Can't fight. Can't flee. Just another Manic Monday coming your way. Just like any other day. Only you will keep losing. Endless unfulfilling meaningless to your existence. The women will see you as a compendium of check boxes on their to-do list. Over and over. The eternal return. Like Jorma's roommate Professor Manchester said, "Those olives WILL call to you in the middle of the night...."
I rubbed my eyes. I-I was crying. Blood. Rudder got up in my face and began licking it....
"Ken... Kenneth!! Tune in."
I had forgot all about the Klaus bitch. I was entering Coronaryville USA; populate; ME. WTF?!?!
My. Mother. Was. Back. And you're gonna be in trouble... Hey nah... hey nah....
It had been 35 years since I had cut bait. The bitch with the fast right hand. The hair puller. The avocado face monster who was always revoking my privileges and giving away my pets and sabotaging any shred of joy I might experience on this planet.
"I told you. You would fail. Just.Like.Your.FATHERRRRRRRR..."
My father Herman. Yeah you remember him. He who incidentally caught a heart attack and was found by my stepbrother with one hand in the air which was misinterpreted as a, "GTFO of my room," due to their OscaFelix ongoing Sanford & Son drama. Truth be told he got a little ripe there in the end.
God my fucking life flashed before my blood stained eyes. I wanted to fight.
Korinna said, "You have to hit rock bottom Ken."
And then I saw everyone ridiculing me. Ostracizing me. Bringing me to the gallows pole. I pissed my satin pajamas. The ones I had been wearing all week as my funk got industrial strength.
I. Felt.My.Mouth.Seal.Shut.
I could not speak. I could not scream.
"You don't listen with your mouth," Korinna said.
I cried harder. I wanted it to stop. It was like coming down off of all the cocaine in the universe. Mel Brooks anxiety would need a year of the endo to match the altitude of my anxiety. I wanted to die.
"If you kill Rudder it will end," Korinna said.
I saw Rudder. Lapping my face. Whining.
And then something odd happened.
It was like all the moments of clarity and enlightenment I ever experienced came together to let me see it all as an illusion. The fear. The mindless reaction. Kill me. Don't kill me. But shit or get off the pot. The audience is growing restless; trust me.
"You've got the job!" Korinna cooed.
"Check your bank account Kenneth. Your business account. We've deposited a retainer for your first month."
I checked my bank balance.
I was bucks up. Enough to not only get me out of debt but my partner too! Almost to the penny.
I felt fear turn to relief; or was it greed?
"You felt it? Did you not?"
"What was that?" I asked.
"That Mr. Kenneth," Korinna said, "was the FEAR FREQUENCY. People are paying us a pretty penny for exclusive use of this very cutting edge technology. It makes dependency injection look like a hammer and anvil."
I ain't proud to say I took the job.
That was four months ago.
You won't believe this and I don't blame you. I don't expect you to.
I still don't. I don't even quite know what I am doing all the time.
I am monitoring three offshore teams. I believe the current state of the world has been induced or incited or catalyzed by the fear frequency.
I don't know how it is possible but after every project we complete; particularly with the team from Yerevan; the world grows a little darker and my bank account a little bigger.
I tried to resign a few days ago and the nightmares began. They gave me another raise and put me on probation. Korinna reminded me of the company's HR motto; FEAR IN-FEAR OUT
So next time you feel that free floating anxiety, the next time you start making decisions; life decisions; remember the frequency Kenneth; the fear frequency.
submitted by moishepesach to nosleep [link] [comments]

Album of the Year Write-Up #19: Deante' Hitchcock - Better


Artist - Deante'Hitchcock
Album - Better&psig=AOvVaw0WyIf0sXDgKUzZZE_1e9HT&ust=1610156927364000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCIipqpKci-4CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ)
Apple Music


Deante' Hitchcock is an Atlanta-based rapper that has been gradually gaining buzz since 2016. His first mixtape, Good, helped get his name out there, and to kick-start the trilogy of his career - Good, Better, Best. Good was the first mixtape, Better is his first album, and Best will be the name of his last. At this point in the background, I'm required to point out how most people have heard of Deante' - his car freestyle series. This has become somewhat of a point of contention for Deante', because while he appreciates what those freestyles did to build his buzz, it's frustrating for an artist to be known for one thing they did when they've got so much more to offer.
For many rap fans, the first time they heard Deante' was on the J Cole-driven Revenge of the Dreamers III. Deante' was one of the many talented people that were invited out to those sessions, and his connections with fellow Atlanta-based rappers JID, 6LACK, Young Nudy, and more likely helped with that. He only ended up appearing on the track "PTSD", but many un-initiated fans took note of how slick he sounded on the track. That may have been the last piece he needed to begin the process of putting out his debut commercial album, Better.
Better shows Deante' re-writing the script on what kind of rapper he is. He's done with people who recognize him going "oh, you the dude who freestyles in the car". That series did what it was meant to do, and got his name out there. People know he can rap now. But he's got so much more to offer, and his experience on tour with JID helped mold the direction he took with Better. While talking with JID, he decided to transition into a soulful direction. They had similar experiences when touring - they blew up as rappers, people showed up to see them rap their asses off. But he felt a disconnect from his audience, feeling more like a spectacle to watch than an experience to engage in. His new direction stemmed from that, with more "soulful" production and more "call-and-response"-type tracks. He wanted the audience to be a part of the experience, rather than onlookers.


I Remember

The opening track to Deante's debut commercial album finds him looking back at everything it took to get here. Going from starting out to putting out your first album is such a monumental effort for any artist, and every step along the way is a part of molding you into the artist you've become. For Deante', that meant a lot more than just struggling as a rapper. He's spent most of his adult life dead-broke, and those struggles are such a huge part of what fuel him. Everything it took for him to get here - and everyone who helped him along the way - is incredibly important to him, and it only makes sense that he spends the opening track to his first album reminiscing on those times.
If I said it, I done lived it
N*gga how could I forget it?
I remember everything.
In-house producer Brandon Phillips-Taylor brings a beat that's certainly interesting. At times it can border on being noisy, and that's a constant throughout this record. But even if the actual instrumentation can overwhelm at times, he has such a dope way of layering in background vocals that it usually makes up for it. They give some depth to the sound in certain points, and it makes things feel richer in certain points. Even with the instrumentals, he's never afraid to peel back and add in sounds and layers to give lines or hooks more power or clarity. The fact that he also produces the vast majority of this record gives it more continuity as well, and when he plays with the depth and layers of the record, it really shines.
As far as the actual content of the track, it brings new fans up to speed with who Deante' is and what's brought him to this point. It also serves to introduce them to Deante's style as a rapper, and the best way I've found to describe it is....casual. In the best possible way. I don't know if that makes any sense, so I'll try to explain. When Lupe Fiasco starts rapping, I feel like I have to focus on the bars like a final exam just to make sure I catch some of what he's saying. When Kendrick starts spitting, I've gotta sit up in bed, like just as a respect thing. And that's not to say that Deante' isn't a high caliber rapper, because he absolutely is. But he just makes the listener feel comfortable, like he's just some dude telling his story and trying to make it big doing this rap shit. I can't help but want to support someone who's so clearly a genuine dude making genuine music. This track, and the record as a whole, feel conversational, and within a few listens you start to feel like you know him. That's where his biggest strengths lie, because while he's really good at, you know, rapping.... so are a lot of other people who make way less interesting music. Deante feels like he's someone you've known your whole life, and the fact that he's got insane talent for rapping is just a bonus.

I Got Money Now (feat. JID)

Earlier, I mentioned how Deante' went on tour with JID on his Catch Me If You Can tour. That was actually my introduction to Deante' - I had no idea who this dude was, but he came out with this energy that was absolutely undeniable. The way he rocked the crowd, you would've thought it was his tour. And one thing that stood out was how much you could just feel him savoring the moment, looking from fan to fan and holding onto that eye contact just a little bit longer, getting a big smile when he saw someone really into it. I was up front, and apparently I looked impressed, because he pointed at me and gave me a little nod, like "This dude's with me" And he was right, I've been on the lookout ever since. So for me as a fan, having JID on the album only made sense, and brought things full circle in a way.
Okay, end anecdote, let's talk about the song. If "I Remember" is about looking back to the come-up and what it took to make it here, "I Got Money Now" is the triumphant follow-up - he's here. He went through hell and back to get a bag, but now he's gonna make sure you know he's got it. It's what he calls an "Affirmation" song - he made the song before he actually had money. It's a sort of music equivalent to speaking things into fruition. That's probably why it still feels relatively down to Earth, even though the hook has him shouting "Shut the fuck up, I got money now! (Bitch!)" It doesn't feel like an ordinary "rapper telling you how rich he is" song, because he doesn't sound like he's taking himself all that seriously. The way his personality shines through into his bars allow him to go from venting his frustration about not being able to help his mom with the bills straight into Jumanji references. His rapping feels hungry as fuck, and it helps that he's coming so hard while talking about just why he's so intent on making it - he's been broke, and he's not about to go back to that shit again.
The JID feature is honestly a tough one to pin down for me. It doesn't feel like it's on the same level of some of JID's other features, but he honestly brings a really nice verse to this one. He's got a bunch of really nice flows, some crazy internals, and he fits the vibe of the track perfectly. I honestly wouldn't change anything about it, he compliments Deante' so well. Yet, it felt to me, and to several other people I've talked to about it, like it just wasn't as good as his usual stuff, and I really think a lot of that comes down to Deante' stepping up and delivering such a good performance on the track. Most of the time, the JID feature steals the show, and when he doesn't, it's kind of like, "oh. alright." It showcases how talented Deante' really is, because not only is he one of very few to hold their own with JID during this run he's been on, but he arguably outshines him.

Attitude (feat. Young Nudy)

While the first two tracks were as good of introductions to Deante's music as you could expect, they did have a pretty similar tonality. So naturally, you follow it up with the Young Nudy-assisted "Attitude", which Deante' described as being "like a Bee smoking a Black and Mild with some Air Forces" in an interview with RESPECT. Whatever comfort zone you found yourself in after the first two tracks is gone in an instant. The beat builds into this sort of moshing chant, with layers of background vocals escalating into "Can't be scared, hoe; Can't be scared, lil n*gga". The energy is totally different, but Deante's humor and personality don't feel out of place at all. Again, his personality is just so big you can't help but feel like you know him. So even when a brawl is about to break out, there's no surprised when he's dropping one-liners about wa'alaykumu s-salam, Rubik's Cubes, or Optimus Prime.
The Young Nudy feature effectively works opposite of Deante's verse - he's not gonna try to impress you with clever bars, because he wants to make sure you know he means the shit he's saying. It's a really interesting dynamic, because Deante's humor makes Nudy's verse feel more serious, and Nudy's aggression makes Deante' seem more lighthearted than he otherwise would feel on the song. All in all, they play off of each other really well and the song serves as a great juxtaposition from the first two tracks. It gives a little more insight into who Deante' is as well - just because he's not constantly taking himself too seriously doesn't mean you should try him.

How TF (feat. 6LACK)

How Deante' managed to transition from "Attitude" straight into "How TF" without it sounding insanely out of place, I have no idea. But it works, and this song is an even bigger departure from "Attitude" than the first two songs were. First of all, the instrumental on this thing is just so damn good. It's a nice little ear-worm in its own right, but it's not overbearing to the point of being the main focus of the track. It's still a little spacey, and that lets Deante' shine through with plenty of different flows in an otherwise short verse.
The topic at hand is so fucking important. Deante' has a way of saying what so many guys are going through in ways that they don't know how to say. He makes himself feel so relatable, and you can't help but attach yourself to what he's saying. "How the fuck am I supposed to tell you that I love you and know I really fuckin mean what I said?". When you first find yourself falling in love, there's a weird thing that can happen where you almost doubt your own feelings, not even believing that you're actually feeling what you're feeling. You don't know if you're actually falling in love or if you're just lusting over some girl and are too naïve to realize it. That fear is so overwhelming that you end up just pushing away from it - "Runnin away again".
Deante' gives such an honest insight into his own life here. He doesn't really know how to describe his own feelings, but he's trying his best. He doesn't want to say anything he doesn't mean and find himself regretting it later on, but he knows his indecisiveness is pushing her away. He just can't bring himself to risk saying he loves her when he isn't sure - "I don't know...that love shit weird".
6LACK brings another great verse, but from an older point of view. He's struggling with similar themes, but for different reasons. Deante' is worried about saying something he doesn't mean, but 6LACK is worried about moving too quickly without taking some time to work on himself. If he doesn't take that time now, he's only going to hurt her. I think both of these verses showcase some of the struggles of being a young man trying to maneuver through love. For a lot of people, they didn't exactly have the best examples of love in their homes. Without having a good example, it can be hard to really figure out how to say what they want to say. Personally, this is the track I come back to the most, and it hasn't left my rotation since I heard it as a single. The beat captures you, and Deante' absolutely steals the show.

Flashbacks (feat. Miguel and St. Beauty)

While religion has always played a part in Deante's music, and had been mentioned a few times already in the project, "Flashbacks" is far and away the most direct example on Better thus far. Deante's first verse is a long-form, almost rambling reflection on his upbringing, touching on hitting new lows, his mother's faith, and the death of a friend. This is a different Deante' than we've seen up to this point on the project, because while he certainly talks about real topics and does so earnestly, this track feels a little less calculated. On "How TF" or "I Remember", it feels like he's thought about everything he's saying plenty of times before, and he's prepared to talk about it at length. But on "Flashbacks", it really does feel like he's talking his way through flashbacks in his mind, just sharing whatever happens upon his mind.
I just want to really highlight the section where Deante' talks about the church, and his thoughts on it growing up (and now?). The casual way Deante' raps, combined with the nature of the topic and the way he addresses it, make for a track that feels so incredibly vulnerable. He doesn't have the answers and it's killing him. The other sections of the verse are great too, but this part is just fantastic and I wanted to give it some shine.
I need some straightforward answers, cause I been livin backwards
Can't feel the pastor when he talkin bout upcoming rapture
Preachin' money's the root of all evil, but askin for money after
So comin up we ain't have it to give but we still gave it
The church was makin a killin off of our little savings
But you can't put a price on faith, thats how my momma phrased it
But momma if this the house of the Lord, how could we not appraise it?
I was young and confused with nothin' to lose
Better to be human than God, word to Langston Hughes
Miguel and duo St. Beauty feature on this track, and there's a part where they all harmonize and play off of each other that's just gorgeous. They nail the aesthetic of the Phillips-Taylor production. Miguel offers a bridge to the outro as well, and, well, it's Miguel. His voice is incredible and if you don't know St. Beauty, just know that Miguel doesn't outshine them for a second on this track. The aforementioned outro brings Deante' back, and it serves to bridge Deante's childhood thoughts from his earlier verse to the present. He's "Still talkin' to God", and he acknowledges that while he isn't what he was expected to be, he's still leaning on his faith and knows that it will pull through for him in the end. Maybe it already has.

Gimme Yo Money

So, I'll be upfront about this one. I don't like this song. I appreciate what it's meant to do. The last two songs were serious and, spoilers, so is most of the rest of this project. I'm sure if I was at his show in Atlanta and this song came on I'd have a fucking great time with it. I just don't like it on the album, and to me it's the only miss on the project.
Yung Baby Tate is all over this song, and it feels like it's more of her song than Deante's. It's a fun track, and it made me more interested in checking out her individual work because if I was in the mood for that style of music, I'd be all over this track and I think she's dope. It just doesn't work with the rest of the project. The beat is actually really cool again, and Deante's rapping is on point once again. Unfortunately it just doesn't really work like it could have, or like he probably envisioned it.


This is the track that's grown on me the most, and I think it might be favorite on the project. But my favorite track changes a lot, and that's a testament to the quality of work. But anyways. At first, the looping vocal that comes in at the beginning and for the hook, the chanting "Round and Round we go" that's way pitched up - I hated it. It's grating, and I felt like the song deserved a better hook than this. I'm still not the biggest fan of it, but I think it adds to the concept of the topic. We'll come back to that.
This song is another relationship one, and while it's another impressively honest insight into Deante's personal life, his pen is what shines. This track has so many flows packed into two verses, and they're all just so goddamn good. Especially on the bridge before the second chorus, it's such a quick section but it'll play on loop in my head. I'm stuck on this part trying to figure out how to describe how much I love this flow in particular. The beat strips back for this section too, and he parallels how he feels with what she's going through. And it's just really good, I'm sorry that I'm not good enough at writing to really word it better than that.
The theme of the song is how their relationship keeps going in "Circles", where a little fight turns into a big one. Eventually they always make up, but they both know it's only a matter of time until they end up right back where they were, fighting over the same old shit. It circles back to "How TF" as well, because she just doesn't feel loved like she needs to. That feeds into her not trusting him, and that's what Deante' feels like he needs out of the relationship to love her like she wants. It's a circle. The abrasive, pitched-up vocal loop sounds like them fighting, and if you listen closely, it can be heard in the background of the bridge and other sections, albeit much quieter. Those problems are there in the background even when things are good. So even when Deante' is flowing effortlessly over this smooth-ass beat, and it sounds so good, that vocal loop is looming. That's the contrast in the relationship, even when things are going great and it seems perfect, those impending fights still loom, and they both know those problems are still there.

Shadowman's Interlude

This interlude is broken up into two parts, the first being a short, reflective verse from Deante' that toes the line being purposeful and aimless. He's offering you an insight into his brain and everything he's been going through in the process leading up to releasing this album. He's cutting off friends, turning away hoes, battling the bottle and dealing with social injustice. There's so much going on that's bigger than he is, and as an artist it's easy to feel like you have to talk about those things. But he has too much of his own shit to deal with to not give his own life and problems his full attention. But throughout, he's still being funny and dropping references that seem like they're trying to lighten the tone. It's such an interesting juxtaposition, because he wouldn't be talking about these things if they weren't important to him - but that doesn't mean it has to be 100% serious, 100% of the time. So in the same verse, he can say "Bad bitch gon' let me hit, no Ken Griffey" and "ironic when the bottle's empty is when I pour out my pain".
The second half is a story told by one of Deante's friends. It's a short story about him and his friends seeing a truck on the side of the road. There's a box on the end, and it falls off and then mysteriously slides under the car. They pull over and break it open, and find human toes inside. As the story comes to a climax, you can hear Deante' and his friends react to the story in the background -
"Like walking toes? What the fuck?"
"My Aunt Dukes is like, 'let's call the police'
I was like, 'Fuck that shit, let's call a toe truck"
Of course it was just a set-up for a punchline. It's a Deante' track.

Growing Up/Mother God

This track is basically a song and a half, because "Growing Up" is a completely developed track, with two verses, a hook, and an outro. You can probably guess what "Growing Up" is supposed to be about. The first verse is a little more broad, reflecting more on what it's like to grow up as a young black kid in America, and what it's like to see everything going on in the news everyday. He transitions into a more personal verse afterwards, and it becomes less about growing up in society and more about growing up as a person. He goes on a personal, but somewhat odd tangent about having a direct conversation with God. Ultimately, it's him re-affirming what he already knows - be yourself unapologetically, because you can't be anything else.
Brandon Phillips-Taylor is behind the boards on this one as well (shocking, I know), and it's just another really cool beat that continues to play into his strengths as a producer. He layers in additional vocals for the hook and he peels away parts of the beat within the first two verses. The fact that he's been doing that for so much of the record makes it where you don't even notice that stuff as much anymore, so you don't realize that the second half of the song has already started. Any other record, it would be way more drastic for the beat to cut away in the middle of the third run of the hook only to be replaced with a piano and Alexe Belle (half of St. Beauty) singing added layers onto the hook. But you almost don't comprehend it's not just him toying with the beat only to bring it back like he does elsewhere, and it's a beautiful transition. There's some spoken-word from Deante's girlfriend, and it takes us right into "Mother God".
Somebody ask me why I think God is a woman
And I said, "Your momma cookin must not be as good as mine
Your lil sister must not warm you spirit when you see her crack a smile
Deante' offers up an ode to all the women in his life, namely his mother, sister, and girlfriend (although he name drops a ton of other people that had an impact on him). It's a really sweet, heartfelt verse, and it's one of my favorites on the whole record. I could never summarize this verse down in my own words, because it's so personal to him and every line is so important to him, and to somebody in his life. It feels like it would be disrespectful to be like, "Yeah, this one that he said is more important than the others". But anyways, 10/10 verse.


Deante' likes splitting his songs into two parts. Why would he stop now. The first half of the track feels like what you might expect for an outro to a rap album. He's confident, he's rapping his ass off, he's unapologetic as fuck. Naturally, he's sprinkling in real lines and wisdom throughout, almost as if he can't help himself. Once again, Phillips-Taylor really shines. He builds the beat up along with Deante's verse, and the background "ayy-ayy-ayy, ayy-ayy-ayy, ayy-ayy-ayy!" of the hook bring things to a climax as well. While obviously not the same style of song AT ALL, the way the beat builds throughout the first verse while Deante's rapping gets faster and more erratic is reminiscent of Saba's brilliant "PROM/KING". That's been one of my biggest takeaways from sitting down to write this; Brandon Phillips-Taylor does a really great job throughout this album and is an unsung hero among fans of the album, because I don't see him get nearly enough praise when this project is discussed.
On the deluxe tracklist, the album actually ends after the main part of Angels, but on the original version, "My Bitch" is added onto the end of Angels as a part of the same song. Deante' comes in acting like he's gonna be on some weird-flex bragging shit to end his debut album, before turning it on its head.
My bitch!
Head so good, gotta wipe my ass when she finished
My wrist!
So bright light, probably make a n*gga mad when they hit it
I was just cappin, now that I got your attention, listen
He instead chooses to just fucking spit, and it serves as his "I'm coming for the throne" moment. I can rap with anybody, and as a matter of fact, I'll outrap anybody. While the "Angels" part of the track might feel like more of a traditional album closer, ending it with "My Bitch" shows that Deante' isn't going to settle for doing what everybody traditionally does. It's a statement of intent, and it's an exclamation mark on one of the most impressive debut albums I've heard in a very long time.


I Remember
I Got Money Now
How TF
Gimme Yo Money
Shadowman's Interlude
Growing Up/ Mother God


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How we can make government more accountable and less corrupt.

(1)Why is corruption in US police\courts less than India’s police?
You must have heard from your relatives, friends in the US that the corruption in US police\courts is far less than corruption in India’s police\courts. Every NRI in India must have noticed this from day one.
This must have been a mystery to many of you – why are the policemen\judges in the US far less corrupt? Are the policemen\judges in the US so stupid, compared to the policemen\judges of India, that they cant think of clever ways to extort bribes from their citizens?
No, they are not so stupid. Are they so coward that they can't muster the courage to arm-twist citizens and squeeze bribes from them? No, they are as courageous as policemen in India – no less. Then are all policemen\judges in US saints free from greed? No, not at all; all cant be saints. Then is higher salary alone the main reason for low corruption? Well, let's say we triple the salaries of our policemen\judges in India this week; then will they will give us even a 10% discount in bribes starting next week? For example, in 2009-2010, the Government tripled the salaries of all judges. Did the judges give even a 10% discount on bribery the next day? I guess not. If a Government of India(GoI) employee thinks that his salary should be twice what he is getting, and so he needs bribes, then does he stop taking bribes after collecting bribes equal to 30 years of salary difference? No, most of them never stop. So salary is surely an important issue, but not a major factor to create the difference between levels of corruption in India and the US. Then what else can be the reason?
Is our culture a reason? Many eminent intellectuals (ku-buddheejeevies?) of India have 4 digit IQ, and they say that policemen in India are more corrupt because we commons are uneducated, unaware, lack moral character, we have bad political culture, etc. IOW, as per these eminent intellectuals with 4 digit IQ, we the citizens are responsible for the corruption in policemen\judges !! This “blame the victim” explanation given by eminent intellectuals with 4 digit IQ is something I dismiss as a white lie. It reeks and stinks like “women are responsible for rapes”. The arguments that “citizens don’t have awareness” or “citizens have bad political culture” are total nonsense and a white lie. Even most illiterate person is very much aware that corruption is immoral and it is crime. And surely all policemen, judges, Ministers are very much aware that corruption is illegal and immoral. And even when education in US was less than 5% in year 1800s, they did not have such corrupt police, courts etc. Hence IMO, lesser education is a non-issue, “citizens lack awareness” is total nonsense cooked up by eminent intellectuals with 4 digit IQ and “citizens have bad political culture” is a white lie. Then what are the real reasons behind lesser corruption in US policemen?
Let's divide the police force into two broad parts – junior officers like Constables\Inspectors and seniors like District Police Commissioner
(1.1)Why are junior policemen less corrupt in the USA
The Constables in the US rarely ask for bribes because District Police Commissioners in US set traps. So a Constable knows that 1 out 100-500 law-draft violator is a trap set by Commissioner and if he dares to ask for a bribe, he might get caught, will lose his job instantly and may even have to go to prison. E.g. when activist Rahul Chimanbhai Mehta was in US from 1990-1998. He was stopped by Constables 5 times for traffic violations. The constables fined him three times and pardoned him two times, but didn’t even hint that they were interested in bribes. Why? The main reason being : the Constable knew that 1 out 200 such traffic violators are traps set by Commissioner and he doesn’t know which one is the trap. And so he must have thought that he could be a trap set up by Commissioner. So he forgoes bribes in all 200 cases including his. And many nodal officers in US like District Education Officer, District Public Prosecutors, Governors etc set traps against junior officers, Ministers, judges. The occasional traps keep all junior staff bribe free. So the fact that “Police Commissioner sets traps” explains why junior staff is less corrupt.
(1.2)Why do Police Commissioners in USA set traps Often,
one answer can often create10 questions and valid questions, which need answers. So a new question now comes --- why do Police Commissioners in US set traps to stop bribes while most Police Commissioners in India order Constables to collect bribes? What creates this difference? Why don’t Police Commissioners of US also give collection targets to Constables? The one and only reason is : citizens in US have a procedure to expel District Police Chief (aka Right to Recall).
In Other Words(IOW), if citizens in a US district want to expel District Police Chief they don't need to approach DIG or CM or Home Minister and file complaints. The citizens of US also do not need to approach High Court judges and file worthless PILs. The citizens in US only need to prove that the majority of district voters want Police Commissioner to be expelled. And once the majority is proven against a District Police Chief, he is expelled and no High Court judge or Supreme Court judge dares to throw a stay order and delay his expulsion. Likewise, if citizens in US want to expel CM, Mayor, District Judge, District Public Prosecutor, District Education Officer etc they don’t need to approach MLAs or PM or party leaders or judges – the citizens only need to prove majority opinion in that District or State. So Police Chief and all nodal officers fear that if staff becomes very corrupt, citizens may expel him. And so these nodal officers like Police Commissioners set traps and so corruption in junior staff is less.
Many anti-recall eminent intellectuals say that this procedure to expel nodal officer, aka Right to Recall an American concept. They further say that Indians must never dare to compare themselves with Americans. And some claim that it is an un-Indian concept. They are all liars. Chap-6 of Satyarth Prakash is “Raaj Dharm”. In this chapter, Swami Dayanand enumerates powers and duties of citizens, officers, Ministers, judges etc. On the very first page of chap-6, Swami Dayanand establishes the foundation of Raaj-Dharm. Swami Dayanand gives two words - “Prajaaaadheen Raajaa”. And in these two words, he summarizes 10000 proposals on good politics. And then he elaborates: “Raajaa must be Prajaa-aadheen, or else he will rob the citizens and destroy the nation”. And he has taken shlokas from Atharvaveda. And a cursory comparison of India’s Police Commissioner, Ministers, judges etc with US Police Commissioner, Ministers, judges etc shows how correct the sages who wrote Atharvaved and Swami Dayanand are. The citizens in US have procedures to expel their District Police Chief, CM etc i.e. they are all Prajaa-aadheen, and so Police Chief, judges, CM etc in US don’t rob citizens but protect citizens Whereas citizens in India cant expel or do any damage to Police Chief, CM etc and thus they are not Prajaa-aadheen. And so we see that most Ministers, judges in India are busy robbing us commons.
(1.3)How apt is the analogy of Maharshi Dayanand
“just as the carnivorous animal eats other animals, a Raajaa who is not Prajaa-aadheen would rob his citizens”
. And thus of all things in this world - two words from Satyarth Prakash explain why corruption in US police is low. And to me, it is an utter irony that I have to give example of US to prove the worthiness of these two words of Satyarth Prakash.
(2)Common sense explanation of Right to Recall
Say you have a factory and have 100 employees. Now say Govt makes a law-draft that you cant expel any laborer for 5 years to 25 years. Now will the level of indiscipline increase or decrease? Surely, it will increase. Right to Recall can be derived from this common-sense experience. We citizens of India are suffering only because we can't expel any officer from Supreme Court Chief judge to Clerk. So they all loot us. And citizens in US can expel District Judges, District Police Chief, District Public Prosecutors, District Education Officer, Mayor, Corporator, State High Court Chief Judge, Governor etc and so corruption is low. So all in all, RTR is just common sense.
I would give one more example. Say you own a factory. Say you have 100 laborers. And say Govt makes 2 new rules – (1)every month, money from your account will be deducted and salary will be deposited in your laborers’ account (2)you can NOT expel any of these workers for 5 to 35 years. Then 3 months after these new rules come, how many workers will be obeying you? Please do not read further without answering this question. I will re-ask this question : three months after these new rules come, will level of indiscipline increase or decrease? How many workers will obey you? IOW, so called (proposed) Right to Recall aka procedures by which citizens can expel Supreme Court judges, PM, CM, MP, MLA, judges etc is borne out common sense. It is very much mentioned in scriptures such as Satyarth Prakash and Atharvved. It has been implemented in modern US and Greece of 600 BC. But one doesn’t need scriptures nor history to get the gist of Right to Recall --- it is plain vanilla common sense.
(3) A short history of Right to Recall in World over
The Right to Recall was used in Greece in 500 BC. Almost all cities in Greece had procedures by which citizens can assemble, and expel the King. Even the Alexander of Macedonia, who defeated all kings between Greece and Yamuna, was expellable by his citizens !! There is no known record that procedure was ever used to expel a king --- and perhaps people never expelled kings, because Right to Recall King creates a threat that makes a King behave well, and there is seldom a need to expel him.
(4)Chandrashekhar Azad had supported RTR in 1925
On 1-Jan-1925, Mahatma Chandrashekhar Azad and Mahatma Sachendra Nath Sanyal founded Hindustan Republic Association, which was later renamed as Hindustan Republican Socialist Army in 1928. It was the same organization, by which Mahatma Bhagat Singh and others masterminded the vadh or phansi of Police Chief Sanders. In the Manifesto of HRA released on 1-Jan-1925 of HRA “In this Republic (that we wish to create) the electors shall have the right to recall their representatives, if so desired, otherwise the democracy shall become a mockery." (source: Shaheed Bhagat Singh great martyrs of punjab(India).Shaheed Bhagat Singh was the hero of freedom struggle in india, great freedom fighter of Punjab, great freedom fighter of India, true freedom fighter of Punjab,true freedom fighter of india ) So as back in 1925, Mahatma Chandrashekhar Azad, Mahatma Sachindra Nath Sanyal etc could see that in absence of RTR, representatives will sell out and make democracy a demo-cracy. This demand for RTR in 1925 did not come from thin air. This came from real life experience. In 1919, the first elections were held under Govt of India Act 1919, and most representatives who got elected sold out and became corrupt. So most wise men, such as Mahatma Sachendra Nath Sanyal saw the need of RTR as back as in 1925. The elitemen of India asked eminent intellectuals of India not to write this fact in textbooks. And the eminent intellectuals in India also hate RTR to such an extent, and all textbook writers ensured that students know nothing about Sanyal and his demand for RTR. So the HRA manifesto, one of the most important historical document of India, was buried under carpet and never given to students. As a result, very few in India today know that demand of RTR in India is not new, it was there since 1925 and it was made by none other than organization of Mahatma Bhagat Singh.
(6)Constitutional validity of RTR procedures in India
The eminent intellectuals in India insists that RTR is unconstitutional !! Well, later in post, I have provided draft of Gazette Notification using which citizens can replace Supreme Court Chief judge. Till date, no eminent intellectual has found time to read the draft and tell us which clause of the GN we proposed violates Constitution !! Or may be, they did read the drafts, but could not find anything unconstitutional, and so they are claiming that they have NOT read the drafts at all. In any case, we the people wrote the Constitution, and so we the people shall decide what is Constitutional and what is not. So the decision on Constitutionality of the drafts we have proposed has to be taken by Citizens of India, not the SCjs of India
(7)Did RTR in modern US come from Atharvaved?
Did RTR came in modern US from Atharvaved? Well, many democratic and RTR related political thoughts in US and Europe came after British landed in India and got access to Sanskrit texts. And these thoughts escalated after 1757 AD when Robert Clive defeated Siraj-ud-Daula, bought or confiscated 10000s of ancient Sanskrit books from libraries in Kolkata and various parts of India, and shipped them to UK. Many books went to US from UK in around 1758-60. And RTR appears in US in early 1760s. Now I have no proofs that political thinkers of US derived RTR idea from the Sanskrit texts. But the timing is too obvious to ignore.
Description of Right to Recall PM draft
The GN we demand is to create procedure using which we commons can replace PM without waiting for 5 long years. Following are the main points of the proposed draft :-
  1. Any citizen who wishes to become PM can inward his name before Collector
  2. Any citizen of India can walk to Talati's office, pay Rs 3 fee, approve at most five persons for PM’s position. The Talati will give him receipt with his voter-id, date/time, the persons he approved etc.
  3. The Talati will put citizen's preferences on Govt website with his voter-ID.
  4. A citizen can change his approvals any day for Rs 3 fee
  5. On every 1st of the month, the Secretary will publish the approval counts of each candidate
  6. The Approval count of the PM will higher of the following two
- number of citizens who have approved him
- the sum of votes obtained by the MPs who have supported the PM
  1. If any person has over 15 crore approvals and 1 crore more approvals than existing PM, then existing PM may resign and MPs may appoint person with highest approvals as PM.
A numerical example for the proposed procedures to replace PM, CMs
To give an example, the PM of 2009 had support of about 300 MPs whose votes add up to about 18 crores. So as per the procedure I have proposed, if and when over 19 crores citizens approve another person, the next person will become new PM
Description of Right to Recall CM draft RTR-CM-draft creates a procedure using which we commons can replace CM without waiting for 5 years
  1. Any citizen who wishes to become CM can inward his name before Collector.
  2. Any citizen of India can walk to Talati's (Patwari) office, pay Rs 3 fee, approve at most five persons for the CM position. The Talati will give him receipt with his voter-id, date/time, persons he approved etc.
  3. The Talati will put citizen's preferences on Govt website with his voter-ID.
  4. A citizen can change his approvals any day for Rs 3 fee
  5. On every 1st of the month, the Secretary will publish approval counts of candidates
  6. The approval count of the existing CM will be counted as higher of the following two
o number of citizens who have approved him
o sum of votes obtained by the MLAs who have supported the CM
  1. If any person has 5% (of all) more approvals than existing CM, then the existing CM shall resign and person with highest Approvals shall become CM. Pls note that that 5% is “5% of all registered voters”, not just those who voted or files approvals.
Will PM, CMs get replaced every week? NO
In most companies, employers have power to fire employees and that does not mean that employers fire employees every day. Worse, most employers look for stable employees and resort to expulsion only when they make some terrible deliberate damage. The citizens will use this procedure not to expel a CM they dislike and not even to expel a CM who had made mistakes. They will use it only when they think that CM, PM is outrightly corrupt and anti-citizen. It takes intense hatred to think of expulsion and such hatred will come only from blatant back-stabbing, not some minor errors. US has procedure of expulsion for Governors in about 20 states. Those states must have seen about 20*100/4 = about 500 Governors in past 100 years. How many faced recall? Only 2. So the mechanism has not created any instability. But has acted as a latent threat on all Governors of US which is one important reasons why they have been less corrupt than CMs of India.
Cost estimates for RTR PM
Some so called intllects “predict with their magical powers” that the procedure we are promoting is costly and waste of taxpairs money without reading the whole draft. Let me explain the facts Say 75 crore citizens desire to file approval for PM. Then cost they have to pay Rs 3 per approval, and so total cost is about Rs 225 cr. And procedure can be implemented via ATM and SMS. Then cost will reduce to few paise per approval. So cost of replacing PM via SMS will approximately Rs 5 crores or even less.
What if PM, MPs do not obey citizens?
One may ask – what if PM and MPs do not follow the clause-7, clause-8 of the above proposed GN? Well, if a huge % all voters have approved a person via explicit registration, it would be end of PM’s and MPs’ political (and real) lives if they refuse to appoint the approved person as PM. We would like to confine discussions within politically realistic scenarios, and MPs overruling explicit proven written political demand of over such huge % of voters is an unrealistic situation.
To those who oppose RTR over PM, CM, Mayor
We request them to send us draft of the procedures by which citizens can replace PM, CMs if they think their drafts are better than ours. If that is the case, we shall cancel our drafts and accept theirs. And if one believes that we commons should have no procedures to replace PM, CM etc we request him not to register YES when we file PM-RP, CM-RP and Mayor-RP affidavits after TCP is signed. Finally, decision is to be taken by YESes of citizens, not by me or him.
The effect of RTR drafts
The Right to Recall PM, CM, judges etc gives enormous power to citizens over CMs and PM. Till now, we have CMs , PM with mass base but no mass pressure. The procedure to replace CMs, PM creates a mass pressure on the CMs, PM. As of now most CMs, PM know that they can't be expelled for 5 years and take the citizens for ride. But with this procedure, he may or may not get replaced, but the threat of replacement will ensure that behaves better than CMs, PM of today.
How these replacement procedures reduce corruption?
One question we often face is --- existing officers are corrupt and so the new replacements will be also equally corrupt. So how will replacements reduce corruption, nepotism etc? I shall enumerate the process using examples of District Education Officer.
Consider the position of District Education Officer-in-charge of schools in District. We have proposed Right to Expel and punish District Level officers draft which when printed in Gazette will enable the parents of district to replace DEO,DPO,DHO and other district officers.
REDO = Right to Expel and punish District Level Officers.
Part-I:- Basic Instructions for Citizens
  1. Within 30 days of the publication of this law in the Gazette, every voter will get a "Vote Wapsi Passbook(aka Right to recall passbook)”.
  2. If you are unsatisfied with the work of your:
  3. District Police Chief,
    1. District Judge,
    2. District Education Officer,
    3. District Chief Medical Officer,
    you can register your support to get them expelled at Patwari's office. If the system support the voters will also be able to enter their support via Short Message Service (SMS), Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) or a Mobile Application.
  4. You can choose “Yes” if you support the candidate and “No” if you do not support. Patwari will make that entry in your "Vote Wapsi Passbook”.
  5. If your name is in the voter list, then you can be summoned for a "Jury Duty" after this law is implimented. In your jury duty, you will have to hear the debate, look at the evidence presented by the accused, victims, witnesses and lawyers of both parties, and give a verdict on the punishment, penalties or release.
Part-II:-Instructions for Citizens and Officers
  1. In this law, the word "Parent" will mean the father or mother of children aged 0 to 18 years, who are also the voter of that district. Unless the list of parents is formed, every voter who is between 23 and 45 years will be considered as a parent in this gazette notification. Parents will be able to register yes for retaining or expelling District Education Officer.
  2. Application procedure and qualifications for Police Chief, Medical Officer, Education Officer, District Judge, and Jury Administrator:
(6.1) Police Chief: If any Indian citizen, whose age is more than 30 years and has not been a police chief in any district for more than 2400 days in the last 3,000 days, and who has served in the army for more than 5 years, or worked in the police department for a single day, or worked as a government employee for 10 years or has passed any written exam of state or union public service commission or has won the election for the Member of Legislative Assembly of any state or the Member of Parliament or Councillor or any election of District Panchayat, he/she will be able to apply for the post of District Police Chief.
(6.2) Medical Officer: Any Indian citizen of more than 30 years of age who have completed 5 years after getting any degree such as MBBS, BAMS to be a government certified doctor in any medical science stream such as Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Yunani will be able to apply for the District Medical Officer.
(6.3) District Judge: Any citizen of India whose age is more than 35 years and have completed five years after getting an LLB degree will be able to apply for the post of District Judge.
(6.4) Education Officer and Jury Administrator: Any citizen of India whose age is more than 30 years, he will be able to apply for the post of District Education Officer and District Jury Administrator.
  1. If any citizen holding qualification given in section 6 presents affidavit to the district collector himself or through an attorney, then the district collector will accept his application after collecting the amount equivalent to the deposit amount collected for the election of MP and issue a specific serial number to him.
  2. The entry of voter’s approval and its cancellation:
(8.1) Any citizen will be able to register yes in approval of the candidates of the police chief, education officer, medical officer, district judge, jury administrator any day at Patwari office by showing his "Vote Wapsi Passbook" or voter's ID.
Patwari will issue a receipt by registering yes of the voter and will enter it in his computer and "Vote Wapsi Passbook."
Patwari will also put the approval along with the candidate's name and voter's voter identification number on a website.
Voters can approve up to 5 candidates of their choice from any candidates for any post.
(8.2) The voter will have to pay 3 rupees to register his approval (yes). For BPL cardholder, the fee will be 1 rupee.
(8.3) If a voter comes to cancel his approval, then Patwari will cancel one or more names without any fees.
(8.4) On the 5th of every month, the collector will publish the count of approvals received by each candidate, which was received until the last day of last month. Patwari will publish these counts for his area on every Monday.
[Comment: Range Voting - Prime Minister or Chief Minister can create such a system that the voter could give a score of between -100 to 100 to a candidate. If the voter registers just yes, then it will be considered equal to 100 marks. If the voter does not enter his approval then it will be considered zero points. But if the voter gives the points then the points given by him will only be valid. This process of range voting is better than any approval gathering system, and provides immunity from the Arrow's Useless Impossibility Theorem.]
  1. Appointment and removal of Police Chief, Education Officer, Medical Officer, and Jury Administrator:
(9.1) For Police chief or Chief Education Officer: If more than 50% of all the voters (all the voters, not only those who have filed their sanction) recorded in the voter's list of the district, register yes in favor of any candidate the chief minister may appoint candidate receiving the highest approvals as new district police chief or education officer in that district for the next 4 years or the chief minister may resign. The Chief Minister's decision will be final in this regard. If a candidate for Delhi Police Chief's post gets more than 50% approval then the Delhi Chief Minister can write to the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister will make the final judgment on the appointment of the Delhi Police Chief.
(9.2) For District Jury Administrator or District Medical Officer: If more than 35% of all the voters registered in the voter list of the district register "Yes" for any candidate then the Chief Minister may appoint him.
(9.3) For District Judge: If more than 35% of all the voters in the district's voter's list register yes in favor of any candidate, then Chief Minister may write a letter to the Chief Justice of the High Court for his request for appointing the candidate with maximum approval, Or he may resign. The Chief Justice of the High Court will make the final decision about the appointment.
(9.4) For District Education Officer: If more than 35% of all parents registered in the voter's list of the district have registered yes in favor of any candidate, the Chief Minister may appoint him.
  1. The additional procedure of secret ballot and tenure for District Police Chief:
(10.1) Chief Minister and all the voters of the state hereby request the state election commissioner that whenever there is any general election, district panchayat elections, gram panchayat elections, tahsil panchayat elections, local body elections, election of MP, election of MLA or any other elections in a district State Election Commissioner will put separate ballot box for the election of District Police Chief in the polling booth, so that the voters of the district can decide whether the existing Police Chief will continue or want to replace with someone else.
(10.2) If a candidate receives more than 50% votes of all the voters registered in the voter list of the district (all, not only those who have voted), Chief Minister can give resignation, or appoint the candidate getting more than 50% votes as District Police Chief in that district for the next 4 years.
  1. If a person has been a Police Chief for more than 2400 days in the last 3,000 days, the Chief Minister will not allow him to remain as the District Police Chief for the next 600 days. But if the Police Chief gets more than 50% votes in the process of the secret ballot, the Chief Minister can allow Police Chief to continue.
  2. In special circumstances with the clear approval of more than 50% of all the voters registered in the state's voter list, the Chief Minister may suspend the process of approval of a person as new police chief by voters and jury trial over his staff in any district for 4 years and appoint any person as police chief as he per his discretion. But the Chief Minister may allow continuing the process of choosing the District Education Officer, District Judge, and District Medical Officer.
  3. The education officer appointed by the approval of voters or parents can become an education officer in more than one district. He can become an education officer not more than 5 districts in any state, and not more than 20 districts across India. A person cannot remain more than 8 years as Chief Education of any district in his lifetime. If he is the education officer of more than one district then he will get a salary, allowance, bonus, etc. for the post of Education Officer of all the districts.
  4. The decision of cases on police, education, court and medical department by a jury of citizens:
[Comment: The Chief Minister will publish the detailed procedures required for the formation and operation of jury trial, which will be added to this law. Apart from Chief Minister, any voter can also make an affidavit for adding such essential procedures using Section 15.1 of this draft. ]
(14.1) The Jury Administrator will appoint the 30-member Grand Jury from the voter list of the district. Out of these, 10 members will be retired after every 10 days and the new 10 members will be selected by random selection from the district's voter list. Thus grand jury will continue to work. The Grand Jury members will get Rs 500 per day presence and travel expenses.
(14.2) If there is any case related to the police chief, education officer, district judge, medical officer or his staff, then the plaintiff can write to the members of the Grand Jury. If the Grand Jury finds the case baseless, then they may dismiss the complaint otherwise order the formation of a new jury for hearing the case.
(14.3) According to the complexity of the case and the status of the accused, the Grand Jury will decide between 15-1500 how many members of the jury should be called. Then the Jury Administrator will form the Jury by random selection from the voter list and hand over the case to them.
(14.4) The jury will listen to both sides and the witnesses and decide. Each jury member will write his decision and give in a closed envelope to the trial administrator or judge. The decision approved by two-thirds of the members will be considered as a jury's decision. But the death penalty will require 75% approval. The judge or trial administrator will declare the decision of the jury. If the judge wants to dismiss the judgment given by the jury, then he can do it. There will be a different jury for the hearing of each case, and after each verdict, the jury will be dissolved. The parties can appeal to a higher jury.
Part-3:- Citizen's voice:
(15.1) If any voter wants any change in this law then he will be able to submit an affidavit for this in the Collector's office. The district collector will scan and put the affidavit to the Chief Minister's website along with the voter ID number of the voter at a fee of Rs 20 per page.
(15.2) If any voter wants to register his approval on an affidavit submitted under Section 15.1, he may register his Yes/No by paying a fee of Rs 3 in the Patwari office. Patwari will register it and put Yes/No along with voter's voter ID on the Chief Minister's website.
How would RTR-DEO improve DEO? There are about 700 DEOs in India. All 700 are intelligent, capable and efficient. And out of them about say about 10-15 are not interested in corruption at all and want to improve education. That asset is what we already have. Now our RTR-DEO procedure has one more clause --- that if an officer is appointed as DEO by CM, he can be DEO of only one district ; but if citizens have made him DEO, he can be DEO of up to 5 districts in State and up to 20 districts in India(Clause-13). And he would get salaries of all those districts i.e. if a person is DEO of 4 districts and has been appointed by citizens, then his salary will be 4 times. Further, a person will be entitled to hold 20 positions across departments i.e. he may be DEO of 5 districts and also become District Health Officer of 5 districts. In addition, there is provision for vertical rise i.e. if he serves as District Prosecutors of several Districts, his chances of becoming State Prosecutors of one and more States increases. So out of existing 700 DEOs, say 5-15 are non-corrupt. Once RTR-DEO comes, they will see an opportunity to do well as well as expand horizontally as well as vertically. They will start introducing positive changes in the schools in their districts. They will stop middle officers from taking bribes, they will ensure that contractors are putting furniture like blackboard, chairs etc in schools. They will ensure that teachers do attend schools etc. And when they do so, they will no longer give hafta to CMs.
Now lets say in all cases CMs transfer them. Then out of 7-15 such cases, in at least 2-5 cases, the parents in order to save their kids’ education will bring that officer back using RTR-DEO. So that would improve education in 2-5 districts out of 700 districts of India. What about the rest? Well, say you are living in district-A. Now say that DEO of A is corrupt and inefficient. Say there are 5 near by districts B, C D, E and X. Say district X alone has good DEO. Then citizens of district-A now have a choice – they can expel DEO of their district and give double charge of DEO of X. This very choice and power, that “citizens can now expel me using RTR and bring DEO of X in my place” will create a threat in the minds of DEO of A, B, C, D and E. So either they will all improve within 2-3 months, or citizens will expel them using RTR and replace him with DEO of X. And within 8-10 months, all 700 DEOs will improve or face expulsion. And within 10-20 months, the officers with “get rich quick” and “hell with citizens” mentality from will start leaving administration, and will no longer join administration. So those who want to serve will have now more room and less corrupt people who will interfere..
The existing Govt procedures have a flaw that salary etc of an honest person does not double if he does twice the work, a phenomenon common in business. This de-motivates honest person from joining Government and serving citizens honestly. The RTR procedures we have proposed enable officers to hold multiple chairs and gain more salaries. This will increase the inflow of honest as well as enterprising persons into Govt. We have proposed RTR over not just District Education Officers, but also over District Health Officer, District Police Chief, District Supply Officer (in charge of rationing) etc. We have proposed RTR over some 30-50 District level positions including district judges. So there are about 700 districts and so RTR will apply on about 30000 officers, judges. The day RTR comes, some 15000 will improve within 24 hours. And when mere 2-5 officers get expelled in India in district in first month, the remaining 15000 across India will also improve.
IOW, RTR will not require citizens to expel even 10 out of 30000 officers. Expulsion of just 2-3 officers will serve as enough warning for the rest. So RTR will not create any instability at all. Same way, we have proposed RTR State Govt level positions and Central Govt positions such as CM, PM, Ministers, HCjs, SCjs etc. In some cases, they will continue. In some cases they will get expelled and replaced by better persons in their level or lower levels.
Why we oppose signature based recall process?
US created RTR Police Chief procedure in 1750 and used signature based method (as opposed to my proposed method, which needs appearance of citizen, not his signature). That’s because back then, population of each county was in few thousands, County Offices had signature of all citizens, voter registration needed signature and Govt offices used to be sparse. Further, Jury System ensured low corruption, and so RTR was less needed. But today in India, signature based procedure will be a disaster. A signature based procedure is a tool that psuedo-recallists use to ensure a “no right to recall” procedure. Today, some 50% adults do NOT know how to sign!! Collector does NOT have signature specimen of even 5% citizens and they are poorly tabulated. In case of banks, the signature method works because banks take signature at the time of opening account and cheque-book is given by the bank. So the cheque-paper itself ensures good faith and in addition, signature is compared. But given that Collector doesn’t give any “recall cheque book” nor has signature specimen, such procedure will be useless. The psuedo-recallist like The Anna deliberately propose signature based system so that they can give bad name to Right to Recall. And MNC-paid TV-channels are support then so that non80G-activists get attracted by such psuedo-recallists and waste away time after unviable signature based procedure.
Positive Recall vs negative recall
Positive Recall is when citizens have to agree and prove an alternative before removal of sitting person, and negative recall is when citizen have option of simply removing without proving agreement on the replacement. The positive recall reduces possibility of chaos that vacuum can create and makes recall easier, because in negative recall, citizens may postpone o avoid recall due to fear that next replacement may be worse. Positive recall also rules out possibility that a person will be expelled for not doing something that no one can do, because citizens will see that no replacement can do that either. So the procedure I have proposed for Right to Recall MP used positive recall concept rather than negative recall concept.
How can YOU help in bringing RTR,TCP draft in India’s Gazette?
Please send order to PM and Loksabha Speaker via SMS/internet/postcards that your Yes\No sent via SMS/internet/postcards on any bill presented in the Parliament should be posted on the website of Parliament. Pls send order to PM via SMS/tweet/postcards to print TCP-draft and also RTR-PM-via-SMS draft I the Gazette.
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