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/r/QOTSA Official Band of the Week 38: THE BLACK KEYS

Of all the casualties of the year from hell 2020, one sticks out for me the most.
Pearl Jam.
I had motherfucking PEARL JAM tickets. I was going to see them on the Gigaton tour, and they cancelled back in March.
You have to remember that this was before sports and gatherings were cancelled, well before any widespread loss of life. Back then, I didn’t know anyone sick from COVID-19, let alone anyone who had died from it. Hell, these were the good old days when nobody wore masks outside, and you couldn’t tell the flat-earth anti-vaxxer loser crowd from anyone else until they opened their mouths.
I gotta say, that concert cancellation felt like I’d been emotionally kicked to the curb. I had such high expectations and I was psyched. When it was cancelled, it was the first thing that really made COVID-19 feel real to me.
Of course, all the other shit that has happened since, and the unbelievable loss of life due to the disease makes this moment completely pale in comparison to our current reality. But in March 2020, this was my personal turning point.
Live music continues to be a casualty of the pandemic. At least my Pearl Jam tickets are electronic and the concert has just been postponed. I am hanging on to them in the hopes of seeing Eddie Vedder and the boys when the apocalypse is over.
So I can’t say that I was super surprised when my tickets to see The Black Keys that same month were also cancelled and my money was refunded. That one was like getting a kick to the gut when you are already down, but it wasn’t unexpected either. The shitty thing is while I still have the Pearl Jam tickets, The Black Keys ones just plain evaporated when the money was refunded.
Did I mention I miss live music?
It doesn’t look like we are going to get to see concerts any time soon (or at least not until the vaccines are out there in far higher numbers than today).
In the meantime, I am going to take us to enjoy the memory of my month of March 2020 that never was. That’s right, we are continuing our exploration of the Letter B. This week, we are going to check out THE BLACK KEYS.
About Them
What do you think of when I mention Akron, Ohio?
If you are anything like me, you said tires. Akron was the home of the American Rubber Industry at the start of the 20th Century, to the point where the city called itself ‘the rubber capital of the world’. Four major tire manufacturers were located there: Goodyear , Firestone, Goodrich and General Tire. In fact, much of the housing in the city was built in part by the rubber industry to support the workers.
So circular black round things are nothing new to Akron. But flat ones made of vinyl there are somewhat more rare. I know I was surprised to find out that Akron was also the home of Chrissy Hynde of The Pretenders, the 80’s new wave/punk band Devo, and this week’s rockin’ duo, The Black Keys.
Also, some guy named LeBron James is from there, but since he left Cleveland it is a sin to even mention his name.
Patrick Carney was born in Akron in 1980. His dad worked for the local newspaper as a reporter, and his mom worked for the city. His parents divorced when he was 6. His dad listened to all kinds of music and introduced him to many different genres. He lived part time with his mom and part time with his dad. Turns out, his dad’s house was right around the block from where Dan Auerbach lived.
Auerbach is a year older than Carney. His mom was a French teacher and his father smelt of elderberries was an antique dealer. It was his dad’s collection of old Blues records that infected young Dan with a love for music. He grew up with Bluegrass and Blues in a time when other kids were listening to Nirvana and Soundgarden.
As it turned out, there was a pretty strong musical background hidden in the neighborhood where both boys grew up. Auerbach, the cousin of one late great Robert Quine, was fated to meet Carney, the nephew of saxophonist Ralph Carney, who worked with the also late-great Tom Waits.
Or, going by genres… a combination of experimental rock and Blues/Jazz. Yep, sounds about right.
Their friendship first developed in highschool. Despite being in very, very different circles (cheer captain and bleachers soccer captain and social outcast) the boys found a shared interest in music. They began jamming in 1996, with Auerbach learning guitar and Carney playing drums (and recording with his shiny new 4-track tape recorder. )
Not much came from this until Auerbach, a fresh dropout of U of Akron, began touring. He tried to make a living doing small bar performances, but quickly found most venues would demand a demo tape. Auerbach reached out to the only person he knew who had recording equipment - Carney. Carney agreed, allowing his basement to be used as a studio while Auerbach found his bandmates.
Who, fatefully for us, never showed up.
The duo ended up jamming out in the basement. Their chemistry led to them producing a 6-track demo consisting of “old Blues rip-offs and words made up on the spot”. They sent this rag-tag demo off to 12 labels. Only one label replied: a small-time one out of Los Angeles called Alive. The year was 2002.
The duo needed a name. Their moniker came from schizophrenia - I kid you not. And neither do I. (We also don’t.) A mutual acquaintance, Alfred McMoore, would leave incoherent messages referring to the boy's fathers as “Black Keys” - you know, those piano keys like D-Flat or C-Sharp or B-SharpSharp. In March of 2002, the duo played their first live performance at Cleveland's Beachland Ballroom and Tavern, to an astonishing eight people. The duo needed a “big” release to make it “big”.
So, they had to “come up” with something “big”.
The Big Come Up (2002) is Indie as fuck. Much like their first demo, it was recorded entirely in Carney’s basement on an 8-track tape recorder. (If you are following along: Upgrades, people. Upgrades! !) It’s a mix of Blues covers and original tracks, and despite it’s roughness, it’s a beautiful example of the duo’s sheer talent. Honestly, the loose, rough-around-the-edges nature of this thing suits the music exceptionally well. Tracks like I’ll Be Your Man, Busted, and Heavy Soul are lo-fi, Bluesy blasts of distorted guitar, sultry vocals, and thinly mixed thumpin’ drums. What can I say - there’s an undeniable charm in simplicity.
And this big come up was not going unnoticed. The boys achieved some decent sales, and garnered a bit of a cult following. Critics started to notice them, and soon, they managed to land themselves a whole new deal.
That’s right, they were moving up in the world. The Black Keys started mowing lawns full time.
Truly, the dream job.
Look man, I said the sales were decent, not amazing. The duo still needed cash for the road, so they did what they could to make ends meet. Mowing lawns really paid off when they earned themselves a new record deal, this time with Mississippi’s Fat Possum Records.
Evidently, they completed their second album within mere days of signing. Possums are inspirational, what can I say.
2003’s Thickfreakness is every bit as Indie as their first album. It was recorded in the same style as its predecessors - i.e., Carney's basement on ye olde 8-track tape recorder. This time, however, all the recording was done in a single 14 hour session. Apparently, this strategy was necessary since the band had spent all of their advanced pay on rent. In other words, it’s basically a live album. It’s raw, it’s rough, and it’s rockin’ - and yet somehow, it’s as smooth as the petroleum jelly on its cover. Oh yeah. Thick AND freaky.
Actually, quick side note on the cover art of this album: the band had almost zero idea what they wanted to do for it at first. They drove around Akron searching for ideas, and only got one when they stumbled into a Super K-Mart. There, they found a can of Pomade hair styling cream, and were struck by inspiration. They rushed it home and took the image we all know and love by lighting it up with every lamp in their house. Patrick Carney’s hand is seen in the image. Now you know!
Any way, if you liked their first album, you’d love Thickfreakness just as much. Tracks like Hard Row, Set You Free, and the titular Thickfreakness are explosions of catchy riffs and Bluesy euphoria. Critics hailed it once again, and soon, The Black Keys were garnering even more attention than before.
Many compared them to the White Stripes, and not always in a positive light. There was a certain level of derision in the comparison, since both bands were duos from the midwest that played Garagey Blues Rock and had a color in their name.
Hmm. Okay, when you put it like that they sound pretty fucking similar. But I mean, it isn’t completely unfathomable that it happened twice…now, if I were to go start a band called “The Grey, Door-Unlocking, Straight Lines”, THAT might be a bit copyright infringe-y.
This also gave rise to their first big time advertising offer. They could have gotten £200,000 for letting a company use one of their songs in an English Mayonnaise Ad. Mayonnaise: the international benchmark for when you are hitting the big time. However, they turned down the offer in order to not be perceived as “Sell outs”. This may be foreshadowing, unless I forget to follow up on this. I guess we’ll find out later.
The band faced a challenge in their third album. Their previous record studio, a basement, was no longer available to them after the landlord sold it. They found the answer in Akron’s industrial history: a makeshift studio in a former tire factory.
Released in September of 2004, Rubber Factory received critical acclaim. It was the first of their albums to chart on the US billboard 200 (at a respectable 143). Stand-out songs include the two singles, 10 A.M. Automatic and Till I get my way/Girl is on my Mind, the latter of which being a double A-side. The duo rolled across the globe on a world tour, spawning a live album fittingly called Live in 2005.
The boys were doing pretty damn well. Enjoying the success of their previous album, they went on to finish up their deal with Fat Possum. The 6 track album Chulahoma: The Songs of Junior Kimbrough acts as a tribute to Bluesman Junior Kimbrough, who had previously signed on with the Chunky Marsupial label. Recorded in an Akron Basement, it’s a classy tribute to a good musician.
But the most important part of Chulahoma was that it set the boys free from the… pouch, I guess? Marsupials are weird. The point is, the boys could now sign on with a different label. And after Rubber Factory, they certainly had options.
The Fat Possum contract satisfied, the band signed with Nonesuch Records in 2006. Later that year, the band released a second live album, Live in Austin, which was recorded in 2003. The band also landed a few major advertising gigs, including Sony, Nissan, and Victoria’s Secret.
You’d think with all this new popularity, the band would go for a real, serious studio for their fourth album.
Magic Potion (2006) was recorded in Carney’s Basement.
I guess some habits are hard to shake. Auerbach was quoted as saying, “We like the sound of odd rooms. It's got concrete floors and walls. The upstairs floor is the ceiling. The mixing desk and computer are on top of the tool desk built by the old guy who used to live there.”
The band took the finished tapes, and had them remastered for $350.
When they were returned, the duo discovered that their master tapes had zero bass. In a move that Carney still regrets, the band went “Oh, Ok” and mailed them off to the record label anyway.
The album was their first to contain all-original songs, and included three singles: Just Got to Be, a pretty started Bluesy-Rock song. Your Touch which could also be a Victoria's Secret deal is a pretty straightforward Rock song. You’re The One is a bit more reserved, but not a ballad by any stretch of the mind.
It’s 42 minutes of their standard, Bluesy Rock and it’s worth a listen. It also spawned the band’s largest tour thus far, filling theaters and 1,000-seat venues.
In 2007, producer Danger Mouse began working on a record for one Ike Turner. Turner was an early Rock and Roll legend, and when Danger Mouse asked if The Black Keys would like to record a few songs for the project, they jumped at the chance.
Unfortunately, the deal did not go through. Later, in 2007, Turner passed away. The band was left with a scattering of material that they decided to use to build a new album.
Attack & Release, their fifth studio album, was born of this and produced by Danger Mouse. The band noticeably moved away from their “homemade” ethos by recording in a professional studio. They also hired an outside producer. Danger Mouse helped the band out with buttery-smooth production values and instrumental flourishes.
The net result was an album that debuted at #14 on the Billboard 200. This thing is a real Beaut’. It brings a whole new sheen to the Black Keys’ signature brand of garage minimalism. The band stepped out of their established comfort zone, and came through better than ever. I’m talking backing vocals, guest guitarists, flute players. Dogs and cats, living together. Mass hysteria. Hell, why not throw in a jaw harp and a bass clarinet? We’re getting creative here.
Front to back, this album is thoroughly enjoyable and remarkably clean, especially if you’re used to their more rugged early work. Check out the banjo-inspired riffage of Psychotic Girl, and you’ll understand. Fun fact: that song is certifiably catchier than syphilis. I Got Mine and Strange Times are fast, thumping, and should probably come with a speeding warning. Yet the Keys showed a softer side here too - Remember When is a beautiful two part slow burn, and the album’s final track Things Ain't Like They Used To Be is a silky, freshly-mowed Bluegrass duet.
The production quality on Attack & Release became a staple of all of their future albums.
Have you ever wondered about those crazy stupid instructions you sometimes see on everyday items? Like, Q-Tip instructions where they say not to put them in your ears? (Which is exactly what I do, because they scratch that itch so good.) Well, if you look at the cover of the 2010 album Brothers, you totally get the same vibe. It was a success, with two songs off of it - Tighten Up and Howlin’ For You - generating tons of buzz for the band. Both had significant airplay.
If I am completely honest here, Howlin’ For You was my introduction to the duo. I remember hearing it on the radio one day and thinking how different the sound was, and how fresh it sounded compared to the hillbilly-hey-ho kinda stuff that was then all over the airwaves.
In reality, the success of this album probably saved the band. Auerbach had been dabbling in solo projects and had let everyone know - except Carney. Carney had been going through a particularly shitty time, as his wife had cheated on him, stolen money, and lied to him repeatedly. He had just gone through a bad divorce (is there such a thing as a good divorce?) and his last important relationship was with his bandmate - who now wanted to do music without him.
Fortunately, the duo got their proverbial shit together and decided to keep making music. The title of the album reflects this re-commitment to the band. Brothers is darker, because Carney was in a dark place when it was made. The vibe of the record resonated with many. It won Grammy awards and gave the band some significant airplay and critical momentum. The boys went from being Indie darlings to mainstream music icons with this release. It has just been re-mastered and re-released for its 10th anniversary.
The slow burn of success finally peaked for the band with El Camino in 2011. Seriously, you have already heard songs from this record, as they had massive airplay. If you somehow have lived under a Rock, this is a great place to start for the band. If Brothers was their Rated R, then El Camino is their Songs for the Deaf. Tracks like Lonely Boy and Gold on the Ceiling and Little Black Submarines were everywhere. The album received absolutely universal acclaim, and anyone who doesn’t like it is a flat-earth QAnon supporter. Well, probably.
Perhaps one of the best things about the album is that instead of the classic title vehicle, the cover has a Plymouth Voyager. A van. With woodwalls, ffs. Anyone that knows any history of the band knows that the van there was a picture of the first vehicle that they toured in, making it the ultimate kind of in-joke. Carney, never one to be shy, compared the appearance of his home town to the cover of the album, saying that Akron was, “A busted up parking lot with a busted up car.”
But at least we know that van had good tires. It was from Akron, after all.
El Camino propelled The Black Keys from an opener to a headliner. They were soon selling out venues all over the world. To new listeners in 2011, they seemingly came out of nowhere. But to the eight early fans that had seen them (perhaps when they toured in that fugly van) this was the culmination of years of steady effort.
Now they had to prove to the world that this record was not a fluke.
Turn Blue, their eighth effort, came out in May of 2014. El Camino had been such a massive hit that the boys felt the heavy weight of expectations.
They did not disappoint.
Clearly inspired by Auerbach’s love of the Blues, this effort made numerous global top ten lists. Critics LOVED it. Tunes like Fever and Bullet in the Brain made you think you were listening to an album from the 60’s that was also somehow brand new. Their unique brand of Bluesy Garage Rock mixed with Psychedelia was unlike anything else out there. The cover art was supposed to be reminiscent of hippie mind control, and helped portray them as modern throwbacks.
The boys had truly found fame. They were now headlining world tours, selling out stadiums, and finding their way into mainstream culture. They performed for the third time on SNL. Carney was having twitter fights with Justin Bieber fans (I mean, not the worst thing you could do) and, somewhat to his surprise, this kinda shit now made the entertainment news. Even the album was announced in a tweet by retired Heavyweight ear muncher boxing champion Mike Tyson.
The Black Keys had a massive global tour in support of the record. They were on top of the world.
And they were very soon burnt out.
The constant grind of touring got to them. They got into music to make music, and felt that they were just too drained to do so.
So they took a break. A long one.
After a five-year hiatus where fans feared that they may never return, The Black Keys finally dropped Let’s Rock in June of 2019. The lead single from this album, Lo/Hi, was a gritty guitar-themed track that showed that this duo still had all the right moves, despite the long time between recording projects. The album itself is a scorcher. All of the songs were written by Auerbach and Carney in the studio, with neither of them bringing in anything pre-worked. They’d mess around with a lick or a theme for about an hour and if something in it clicked, they’d continue. If nothing did, they’d ditch it and move on.
This approach may sound similar to many QotSA fans, as it mimics pretty closely what Josh does with his parade of artists out at Rancho de la Luna when coming up with material for The Desert Sessions.
The title of the album was inspired by the execution of convicted murderer Edmund Zagorski. As he was strapped to the electric chair and asked if he had any last words, Zagorski said, “Let’s Rock”.
So now you know how the album got its title, and also why it has an electric chair on the cover.
I have no fucking idea why it is a pink electric chair, but the cartoon lover in me wants to think that it is because of the clearly pink zaps of electricity that the chair delivers.
Pink zaps or no, the band had a hit record. It was an international stand out, and remains one of their best recordings.
And I, like some of you, was going to see this goddam tour before COVID. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck.
I miss live music, and I for-fucking-sure am going to catch them the next time they tour. I encourage you to do so too.
Links to QOTSA
The Black Keys have shared a stage with QotSA a number of times at concerts and festivals. These guys are true contemporaries in the music world.
However, things have not always been super-duper between them. Patrick Carney has lit into Josh Homme and Lady Gaga in the same sentence. Commenting on Gaga’s song ‘Perfect Illusion’ (that our boy Josh plays guitar on) Carney has been quoted as saying: “I’m lost because the guitar at the top of it sounds so shitty...It’s like ‘Eye Of The Tiger’, but not even nearly as good as that. It sounds like Hulk Hogan is playing the fucking guitar.” Gaga was not shy about replying, saying about Carney that, “...he’s not as snarky as I would be, watching him in a guitar death-match w Kevin Parker and Josh Fucking Homme”.
Here’s the video for Gaga’s Perfect Illusion - judge for yourself. All I have to say is that I may have been high when writing this, but I’ve never been quite as high as her shorts are in this video. Somehow this song that involves intense crotch chafing in the desert has over 150 million views.
It is also notable that Mark Ronson and Josh Homme worked on this song together, and that Ronson went on to produce the latest QotSA album Villains.
Their Music
Next Girl - Godzilla looks way fucking bigger in the movies. But man can he sing.
Tighten Up - The most unbelievable thing about this video is that two grown men would be at a children’s playground without Karen calling the cops.
Howlin’ For You - Alexa Wolf: A Sexy Assassin With A Troubled Past. Also, I am pretty fucking sure she is a Cylon. Someone better tell Las Teclas de Negro.
Lonely Boy - Say what you will, but buddy here has some moves.
Gold On The Ceiling - You know the van at 0:08 is an Easter Egg. Blink and you miss it.
Dead and Gone - Just in case you missed it.
Fever - Auerbach looks more strung out here than a busted guitar. The cuts from actual TV Evangelist audience members make this video a bit creepier than it needs to be.
Turn Blue - Watch out for Hypnotoad. Oh SHI~ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD
Just Got to Be - The boys appear to have snuck into a rural elementary school gym to record this video. The song still kicks all kinds of ass.
Lo/Hi - I gotta say, the pink lightning bolt is a nice touch.
Strange Times - Lazer Tag: the game that is never quite as fun as you think it will be.
Your Touch - This video starts with the boys getting shot. Fuck, the mean streets of Akron are WAY tougher than I ever gave them credit for.
Show Them Some Love
/TheBlackKeys - just short of 7,500 members. Maybe if they had made that Mayo ad, more people would be in this subreddit. See, I told you to pay attention! That was totally worth it.
Previous Posts
Band of the Week #1-25
The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Black Flag
Alain Johannes
Stone Temple Pilots
Black Sabbath
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
The Black Angels
submitted by House_of_Suns to qotsa [link] [comments]

Got one seat in the car headed from VA to CA Feb 10th to Feb 22nd. Let's drive fast and see some cool shit.

Whats up folks!
It's been a while since I was looking for a 'travel partner' - this time, the circumstances are a lot different. I was a hobo for 5-6 years in the USA, mostly hitchhiking. They used to call me "hillbilly" or "castro".
In a couple years, I've gone from this: https://i.postimg.cc/G2LSNWKk/DSCF3532.jpg
To this: https://i.postimg.cc/nLRwydPg/136064172-3539199496179203-7510890987067978449-o.jpg
Now I am in the military and have a PCS from VA to Northern CA (Petaluma). Feb 10th (ish) to Feb 22nd, I am going to drive westbound on either the I-40 or the I-20 -> I-10 (weather dependent) to the I-5 in CA. Hoping to take it slow, hit some hot springs, see some canyons and such out west.
The government pays for my gas and my hotels. Depending on who you are, maybe we can get doubles. We'll figure it out. All you've gotta pay for is food.
Don't bring even the tiniest nickelbag of weed or other drugs - that will end my career if we're pulled over, so that's a hard fucking no. If I trust you I might let you drive but probably not. We're rolling in a BMW 3 Series 328i AWD with sport mode.
Make sure you can hold a conversation well, and can DJ some decent music. I listen to a lot of house music, rap, country. I love ecology, /collapse - type talk, and discussions on political theory.
I'm not gonna conceal the fact that it'd be fuckin awesome if you're a woman and want to make this a sort of 'extended first date' thing. It's been tough to meet new people like that due to covid and due to my living on a ship for a while. But at the same time, I'm not a creep. You can call my grandmother, she'll vouch!
No matter who ya are, let's do this. I miss my old traveler community and it'd be an honor to not have to pass from coast to coast alone again. I've definitely done enough of that!
submitted by clad_in_wools to vagabond [link] [comments]

Just finished writing book, music and lyrics solo for act 1 of a new musical... if only backer's auditions were still a thing. (Not to mention, if only full-sized, full-length musicals were still a viable thing to write...)

So, we've all been keeping sane in the pandemic in our own ways. Me, I decided to write a musical, completely solo. I've collaborated as composer, lyricist or librettist before on almost a dozen shows (one of which, "Tink!" even made it to Off-Broadway as a fully-staged production in NYMF 2016), but this was my first time writing without any partners or any commission.
How does it feel? It feels WEIRD. But I decided that this one was going to be for me. When an old-timey artisan would build a ship in a bottle, he'd build it for an audience of one: himself. If anyone else liked the thing he spent so much time and money and effort on, that was just a nice bonus. So I wrote the musical I wanted to see, and I wanted to write... even though I didn't think the modern theatre market particularly wants to have anything to do with it.
Picture this... it's January 1967, the dying days of the Golden Age of Pre-Rock/Pre-Sondheim Musical Theatre, and you're sitting down at the Mark Hellinger Theater. Rumors are trickling in of a new show Off-Broadway using rock music and ethnic polyrhythms to tell a story in a bold new way, but none of that has reached the Bored Businessmen crowd just yet. Hillbilly musical "A Joyful Noise" closed just a few weeks ago, and already there's another unlikely candidate moved into the Hellinger: a "musical epic" based on some German film called "The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari." Somebody behind you is whispering that Bob Fosse may have been an unlisted show doctor to punch up the book and the choreography, so you settle in expecting something tuneful and jazzy, but a little weird, a little cynical and a little darker than your average Broadway tuner. The orchestra plays, and the story unfolds.
...Okay, there's the backstory. And yes, it's an adaptation of "The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari," but a very loose one; I kept the major characters and the barebones fairy-tale online of a plot, but fleshed the whole thing out with dialogue, music and character development intentionally lacking in the dreamlike original. It's far from perfect, and it's a fairly long Act 1 (in keeping with the mid-1960s era when shows were a little overstuffed by design), but for an untested draft of Act 1, I think I'm in a good place.
The trouble is... now what? Obviously, Act 2 is already well underway, but in terms of shopping a show like this, there are less options than there used to be. For one thing, the late lamented NYMF was the only theatre festival that ever accepted full-sized, full-length musicals, and a two-hour show in 2016 was already considered "too long for the festival circuit." For another, the show is a minimum of thirteen people (with doubling) plus optional ensemble. To me, growing up in regional theatre, that's not big. To new musical writers without a major corporate sponsor, that's impossibly huge. I've been told that five-person shows are already pushing capacity for producing new musicals, and advised to think more in the "two drag queens and one piano" school of mini-chamber pieces if I want to get my shows seen again. If I were writing for a contract, I would. But this one is for me. Now, what do I do with it?
Lately I've been listening to the "Out for Blood" podcast on the making of the musical "Carrie" (another quirky misbegotten show that I feel some kinship to). The idea of staging a backer's audition and producers actually coming to see the show and deciding to invest in it feels so alien in 2016. I know Ken Davenport runs a producing seminar, but it's quite expensive and unapproachable for a completely indie author with just one Off-Broadway credit and a single award to his name. So... is there still a way to shop a show like this? Or do I just finish it, tell people it exists, and wish upon a star?
submitted by Bears_On_Stilts to musicals [link] [comments]

Analysis about brilliant behind little nightmare 2 bosses : Hunter and teacher[Spoiler]

As the title said these bosses are not just a lumbering brute who come out of nowhere and fight you for the sake of fighting aka Mario enemies.
There's a reason for their appearance, theme and how they being defeated.
The hunter : at first glanced this boss is a cool serial killer with the sack head slasher theme and sharpshooter skill. But after we met him in his shambling shack filled with taxidermic corpse and animal hides.
It's became clear that as a boss, he's disappointment despite having second best attack in the whole franchise (only lost to butler's physic power)​ he barely pose threats. His boss setup is a slapstick run rabbit run zany cartoon prop. He have almost no personality and when compared to other bosses in this game. He's not so scary, his trap are easy to dodge and they're so few for someone who's professional hunter. And his level is so short and lack of challenge and length when we come to think about endless possibilities in wilderness level.
The worst of all, he's died in the most basic ironic death ever. With his climax while exciting, have almost no difficulty.
Then I suddenly understand why he is such a letdown. He supposed to be a subversion of slasher movie with super persistence and invincible murderer. He's the Elmer Fudd of this game. Think about it (hunter theme, slapstick setup level, easily defeated in humiliation way, run rabbit run stunts to avoid him and the most important is his appearance is Elmer Fudd with gritty color and a sack) this dude is a loser. And the reason why his level is so short is well, how long do you think Bugs bunny need to take Elmer Fudd down in a looney tune episode?
And how he is defeated? Karmic death at its most basic form. His defeat is not gruesome or epic. Its slapstick. Suit well as this boss is a violent simpleton loser with no depth and barely any gimmick to offer. A malevolent hunter who use brute force to harm other meet his fitting end in the hand of two little kids. Tom and jerry style too.
And the last thing about this hunter is he represents the first thing before we reach the main setting of this game, the pale city. What's the more simple, more natural and more lively things compared to the city? Rural area. And the fear he represents is fears of being chased by enemy. One of the simple primal fear. The theme fit this guy so well.
When it's come to the hunt for details not much will we can squeeze from the hunter. That's all folks.
The next boss is the teacher : she is the real enemy mascot of this game. Specifically designed to remind us about the janitor. Her face make to giving fright and sprouting meme. Aid by huge horde of rowdy and unruly porcelain children. Truly a force to be reckon with.
Her level is far more complex and creepy than hunter's forest represents how an education personal are far more intelligent than a hillbilly brute. Her first part of school building is armed to the teeth with booby traps and deadly pranks because that is the area vicious student reside while the area teacher reside(library, science room, music room) are clear of traps.
Her long neck ability have 3 purpose. 1. Given the last game female boss have japanese theme. She is supposed to revoked a Japanese feel of yokai called rokurokubi. A long neck lady. 2. Uncanny Valley effect to spook you of and to make you never feel safe in her school house because at any moment she can lunge her neck to catch you at any position. Adding pressure and uneasy feeling to players. 3. Sinister surveillance theme. Teacher supposed to look after student and control their behaviour but when this theme get in to the wrong hand it's give you a big brother is watching you vibe.
Overall her level is pretty impressive. Complex but not confusing. Danger come from enemies and traps alike with perfect balance of stealth and puzzle. And when it's come of fears. She's represent a childhood fear of school with nostalgic factors and warped environment to give you a big creep. Sadistic but intelligent teacher, cruel and violent bullies, painful pranks and humiliation, all kind of old school punishment. Its represent these things beautifully.
And old wooden school with escape routes in almost every nook and cranny give me a big anime haunted school feels. But ultimately feel western overall.
Also she never been defeated. Because its you who decided to trespass her domain. And since mono and six destroy many of her students she have a full right to retaliate at you. And her final stage in music room nailed her puzzle boss status. Unlike hunter who you can defeat with just run and hide. You need your skill and brain to pass her. Intense, smart and breath taking just like your final test.
And another reason she not being defeat is she's a professional at take care children. It's her job to take down any bad kids and she's no joke at her job. Also she is new mascot so she given a pass.
And when we save six in school toilet is like a nod that bullies in movies like bullying other student in restroom. Classic.
And like every mid boss in little nightmare franchise survive. Twin chef, butler, teacher.
submitted by Tatarkingdom to LittleNightmares [link] [comments]

I am new here, this is going to be extremely long- or, My week of Hell.

CW: Self Harm. Kind of unintentional, but it's still self-harm. I am seeing a therapist, and I fully intend to bring it up with him when I talk to him next. I labeled the part in bold if you want to skip it too.
Alright, that's out of the way. I am new here, let me know if I'm doing anything wrong here and I can amend it. I formatted this for another sub and used T-rex fossil names but it didn't work there, so I might miss some things when I reformat it. Also, this is going to be extremely long because this is one continuous story that lasted 6 days. I'm talking like 4,000 words long. You've been warned. Skip to Saturday if you want the uber-drama part.
Alright, let's get started. I chose the "New User" flair, but any of the "advice wanted" ones work. Seriously, I don't know if I'm the "Just No" here, if this is actually an SO problem, or any of the others. And I'm a fan of "give it to me straight" so go for it if you want.
Let's set the stage with characters. We got my SO. We've been together for 7 years, engaged for 3, and I haven't married him yet because I should have posted here about 6 years ago. He's 27. I'll just call his family in-laws cause they basically are. FIL is in his late 50s, and MIL is in her mid 50s. There are two sisters, older- 29 and younger-24. We'll call them SIL-Y and SIL-O for younger and older. My SO has his own car, in his own name and all that. The family only has one car for the three people that live there.
Monday, November 16th, I wake up to my SO coming up with a look that meant something was wrong- very wrong. Someone died. It was his grandma, mom's mom. He's not super close with any of his family, but a death is a death, and this was his first family one. I've lost all my grandparents, so I know how stuff goes. So we discuss what we want to do, and he says they are having an in-person service and that he wants to go. Now, this is COVID times and we had to travel to a different state- we live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I wasn't keen on that, but it's not my grandma, I'm his support. So I decide I'll make the 8 hour trip with him and I'll be there for him. Get in at around 11 pm, and everyone is asleep. We settle in and sleep too after talking to the sleepy SIL-O about where we are staying. BIG DEAL THOUGH- we finally get to sleep together in the same room, after 7 years. MIL and FIL wanted us to be married before that, cause super Christian, but they didn't have enough beds for everyone.
Tuesday: So we wake up, and most people aren't around. SIL-O is somewhere around, MIL is with her dad (the grandpa), FIL is outside doing yard work, and the SIL-Y is still in Oregon. SO is working too, as he has a remote job. I'm just reading some of a book I brought. I do a few things, feed the cat, help with dishes, and it's a pretty chill time. The parents get home around 3 pm, I say my greetings and then just hang with my guy. They want to order Chinese food, that's fine by me, cause it's a favorite of mine. I tell them what I want, they put the order in. I have dinner with them, and they talk about local people that I don't know- I'm not from the area, I'm from a small western Pennsylvania town, and this is some small Connecticut town. I guess there was a divorce in the extended family, and FIL called the guy a bastard for leaving his wife- without many details besides all the kids moved out. That's how FIL is- basically, he's a pushover to his wife, but a bully to other people. It's pretty uneventful, and afterward, I just hang with my guy. They want my SO to pick up SIL-Y at an airport on Thursday 2 hours away at 5 am. SO is fine with that.
SIL-O wants to come along when we pick up SIL-Y so she can meet up with her boyfriend in a city 2 hours out of the way. Not a problem, my SO says. I kinda raised an eyebrow. She has been diagnosed with BPD, and she can be... a bit much. She's got a problem with alcohol and weed- she relies on both to deal with her issues and well... her family. But she's getting help... unlike the rest of the family. She also says he'll cut our hair if we want, which we both could use. We agree to that too, cause I've been wanting a haircut. She also suggests I dye my hair green, but even though that's a dream of mine, I... don't think that's something I should do before a service. For the rest of the night, we just chill and read.
Wednesday: We get up, SO does some remote work but can't focus. His family stresses him out due to their... demanding nature. MIL had this idea that she wanted to give me the diamond from her engagement ring. I... really don't want it, and I'm incredibly uncomfortable with this idea. She is very manipulative and says stuff like "(name) would like if you did (thing) for them" when in reality she wants it done for her. She tried to present this as a gift, but I'm wary of this kind of stuff, cause it attaches strings to me- I grew up with an alcoholic father, so I have my fair share of family issues. I wiggle my way out by saying that the Chinese food didn't sit well with me- it didn't, I have some gallbladder issues. She was also having meatloaf for dinner with her dad, which I hate meatloaf and I can't really eat meatloaf due to gallbladder issues. Chinese I'll deal with the pain... not meatloaf. She doesn't like that part and says "It's not about you" and I just kinda say "oh okay sorry" I'm a mouse of a person usually. Plus she scares me. But I still get out of it, so MIL and SIL-O.
I get a text from my sister about what Pennsylvania just did- They essentially said you must quarantine for 2 weeks if you go out of state or have a negative test. This starts on Friday. The service in on Friday, we leave Sunday morning to take SIL-Y back to the airport at 3 am, get to the airport at 5 am, and back to Pittsburgh by 12 or so, just in time for the Steelers game. Anyways, I immediately am all "Fuck, we have didn't plan for this, and we have no food back home, and we don't know where to get a COVID test around this area." I tell SIL-O that "we can't have haircuts from her boyfriend, sorry" and she has a bit of a fit. She said, "but he made time for you!" I explain as calmly as I can that Pennsylvania just put out new rules and we want to make sure we test negative. She kinda is angry, but comes back 20 minutes later and apologizes. I accept it, and we move on. We do agree to take her, but we won't get out of the car.
SO and I go out to the garden shop he used to work at, spend some time talking to his old boss and coworkers, and I as a gift from my family to theirs, get some Amaryllis for his parents. This was something I had planned on doing and had been asked to do the PA COVID news, but I still have some guilt about it. Return home, chill, parents come home, love the flowers. Apparently, it was grandma's favorite flower. Score. Afterward, we eat dinner that SIL-O made dinner but not as a family. We eat and watch a movie with her, then go to bed at 10 cause we need to leave at 3 am.
At one point during the day, MIL told SO that he will read some bible verses at the ceremony. Not asks. Tells. Corinthians something, I grew up on a farm and I was too busy to go to church. He practices it and just goes with it. Oh also, he's told he's a pallbearer too. Not asked. Told.
Thursday: I wake up in gallbladder pain at 3, tell SO, hey, I can't go cause I didn't sleep well. He understands and had said I don't need to go. He leaves to go pick up SIL-Y with SIL-O, and I sleep. I wake up to him returning, the parents are gone. He said that it was pretty ugly cause SIL-Y didn't like that they went 2 hours out of the way for SIL-O. I wake up, SIL-Y says hi, and then goes to the basement room with a bedroom. So it's just me and SO for a bit. We chill, SO takes SIL-Y to the grocery store... and the liquor store, cause SIL-Y is basically a Wine Aunt and whines if she doesn't get her way. I stay behind and chill cause I need it. They get home, SIL-Y starts cooking vegetarian lasagna, cause she's a vegetarian, SO and I hang out. MIL had picked up FIL and SIL-O, we eat dinner- it's great, but the cheese is not a great thing for me. Family argument happens, like every dinner, I just sit quietly. Afterward, we go for a walk, cause walks help with my pain and gets me away from the family. We get back, people are all chilling in their rooms, so we do too. Bedtime.
Friday: The service is today. I get pantyhose from SIL-Y cause I didn't have any to bring with me and didn't have time to get any. Roll out of bed, get dressed, make sure it's appropriate cause I have only one black dress and it's borderline little black dress, the hop in SO's car. It's me, SO, SIL-O and SIL-Y in his car, MIL and FIL in their car. SIL-O asks if she can vape CBD, SIL-Y tells her no, SO mediates, as he always does, and allows her. I sit quietly. Both the sisters put on headphones. Get to the service. Social distancing, masks, all that. Good. I hang out in the back, apart from SO due to lack of seating. He reads his bit, SIL-Y reads her bit she wrote up, and MIL tries to push SIL-O to go up with SIL-Y but she's bawling and doesn't want to. SIL-O does not like her mom At All, and MIL doesn't really respect the whole BPD thing. So when MIL hugs her, she just sobs more. I stay standing and as far away from that as possible. There's only immediate family there, so it's pretty sparse- the grandparents had two girls together, plus Grandma had one from a previous marriage. MIL and her sister are there, their half-sister is in Germany unable to attend. The aunt's twins (one dude, one chick) are there, with their SO, and a few other people. Less than 20 people in total.
During the service, I have two missed calls from my house- the phone was silent, but my watch buzzed to let me know. I go outside afterward and call- everything is fine, my dad just wanted to know what was up. Oops, forgot to tell them that the service was today. Meet up with people, drive to the burial plot. Along the way, I find out my sister is in the ER with an allergic reaction to Claritin. Ironic. She's in an entirely different state from PA or CT, but I still wanted to make sure she's okay. Also, my mom lost her cell phone, so I had to help her get into the joint account we have and find it so she can talk to my sister. All in between the service, burial and get together afterward. People find out, say sorry about my sister, but she recovers and is released. Burial happens, nice weather so it goes fast. Then the get-together. Masks all off, and lots of alcohol- in fact no non-alcoholic beverages besides water. I don't drink, I have a long line of alcoholics in my family so I just don't even tempt it. My fiance also respects this and doesn't drink at the party either- he's too uncomfortable to drink there. We keep our masks on too, but we immediately get told to take them off by MIL. Yes, she's conservative. So is the FIL, the grandpa, and the grandma was some big shot in the local Republican government. So is the aunt, her husband, and her son and maybe daughter. SILs are ultra-liberal, but of different flavors- SIL-Y is "I want to be cool and woke liberal" and SIL-O is "artsy Liberal." SO and I are "we just want healthcare and intelligent advisors liberal." But besides this, politics don't come up.
Anyway, this is uneventful. I talk to the uncle, the chick cousin's boyfriend, and the dude cousin. Mostly I play with the dog and follow SO around. Eat some food that's not great for my gallbladder too. After a couple of hours, around 3 pm, we get ready to leave. Gather the sisters, go home. Parents get home. Sit quietly and talk to people- this stresses me out cause FIL is drunk and I get stressed around drunk people (lol alcoholism in my family does that), but I just say bits here and there. Pittsburgh comes up- with the age-old question of "is it a Mid-Atlantic City, or is it Mid-West?" I say it's neither, it's Appalachia. SIL-Y says Appalachia isn't a culture, it's a region. I say "oooooh yes it is, it's got folklore, music, an accent- all of that". She says "no it's the same as Eastern Washington and Oregon cause it has the same demographics (white people are all the same or whatever), I know cause I lived in a town outside of Pittsburgh for 6 months and read Hillbilly Elegy!" I get a bit uppity and say "SIL-Y, I've lived in Appalachia for 28 years of my life, it's absolutely a culture." She gets a bit huffy and goes downstairs. I continue to sit there and talk with the parents, Steelers come up, and then SO and I take a walk so I can blow off steam.
During the walk, I tell him his family is stressing me out- MIL is being overbearing to me, FIL being drunk, SIL-Y being condescending to me, and SIL-O being... well... BPD and all over the place- usually talking about her boyfriend. We get back in, decide to have a snack. SIL-Y comes up, has a snack with SO and me. I have a piece of pastry, and the platter and dome it came in are empty. I throw the platter away, and SIL-Y gives me a weird look. I go to throw the dome away, and she comes rushing over and says "Oh that's recyclable don't throw that away!" Except... it's not. It's the wrong shape, only bottles and jugs really get recycled anymore. I tell her that it isn't and she insists "Yes it is! See this number here? 1's are recyclable! You just need to wash it!" So I just say "plastic recycling is a very complicated issue. Do you know where your recycling goes?" And she gets huffy and says "Oh it goes to Seattle! It would make me feel much better if you would just recycle this!" and walks out of the room. But I know she's wrong. You see, I studied environmental science in college, and I have been keeping up with the mess that is plastic recycling. China shut off imports, most plastic goes to landfills, is burned, or to another developing country- I could write a dissertation on it. Instead, have an NPR article on it. Anyways, SO knows that I know this, I put the dome down by the sink, and we go back outside for another walk where he admits it was a hilarious interaction- and I agree, hilariously frustrating. She basically "mansplained" something I know very well- all while being wrong. We come back in, and go to bed.
Saturday- DRAMA EXPLOSION DAY- So the diamond thing got moved to today. Before we leave, MIL tells us about some fancy place she went to that's also an event venue. She raises her voice and gets uncomfortably close when she says the word "wedding" when explaining what kinds of events they do. She also totally breaks HIPA by telling us about a patient at this medical place she works, but whatever. Anyways, MIL is going to use SO's vehicle to take me to it. SO says absolutely not, it's his car, he'll drive. I'm thankful, I like him around. SIL-O comes along too cause she wants some CBD oil at a store- she had lied to SO and said it was tampons. We stop, SIL-O goes in, and MIL rants about how SIL-O's therapist and doctor won't tell her about stuff and they want to kick her out in April. MIL's phone dies, so she starts using SO's to coordinate stuff with people. SIL-O comes back in the car. We stop at the jewelry place. The Jeweler is a cool dude, I'm big into gems and geology, so we discuss some neat things. But MIL is trying to backseat what we do with it- she wants me to have a ring- I do not have an engagement ring, cause I wanted to live together over a stinking ring, and I'm too active and I stick my hands in rocks, dirt, mud, and water to pick, catch, and touch things in nature. She left, and we went back to discussing what to do with it- pendants, not rings. In the end, I just took the diamond with me... cause I don't want it. But saying no isn't a possibility with this lady.
MIL also decides she wants to cook lunch for her dad. That's fine, he just lost his wife. We stop at the grocery store to get some food, and, I stay in the vehicle, SO goes in to use the bathroom and get me Advil cause I had a killer headache and period cramps... and SIL-O walks off to a random bookstore down the road? He comes out, I tell him, and he's just frustrated. But when MIL comes out, ooooh boy. So we drive to one, but they don't think she's there, so they go to another one. Turns out she was at the first one. They squabble, but then we get to the grandpas. I say hi, go to the bathroom, and just sit on the cool bathroom waiting for the meds to kick in. MIL tries to get me to help her cook, but I'm too crappy feeling. SIL-O helps instead. I come out, talk to the grandpa more, and talk to SO. We explore the house while they eat, and then we go and talk some more. Anything to stay away from MIL.
We leave, and then MIL starts rushing us to order dinner for us because the Thai place has a lunch special. She also insists she pays for all of us, but we need to keep the order for 5 people under 50. SO says he can cover himself and me, don't worry. She gets huffy and insists she pays for everyone, I say "I don't need anything then, my gallbladder has been hurting." She raises her voice and says "you don't want anything?!" I say I'm not feeling well. Then they sit there trying to figure out what everyone wants, and they start arguing over what to get SIL-Y. I actually for once, raise my voice and say "We need to remember that SILs are vegetarian and so we need to accommodate them. Also, SO and I are fine, really, we can cover ourselves." I also mention I'll get some green curry so I just blend in. MIL goes between quiet and back seat driving. There's a point where she freaks out cause she thought a car was merging into the lane we were in and she starts screaming about said car that was merging into the lane next to us. This causes a huge fight and she starts screaming about how she feels personally attacked.
(This is the self-harm part!) During this, I have a mini panic attack from all this, and for the first time in like 15 years, I dig my fingernails into my arm that I bleed and leave nasty marks. I grew up with my parents fighting and yelling is something that can cause panic in me. As a teen, if I felt trapped it would sometimes lead to me scratching myself like this. But since then I have learned healthy coping mechanisms like walking, communication, and all that jazz. But here, I felt trapped in the yelling, and I had no other healthy outlet in that vehicle. I'm in long sleeves though, so I hide it. We order food from the Thai place, and it takes three damn calls to get the order in due to this argument about payment and what people want, I felt so bad for the person on the other side. The rest of the ride home, I just keep SIL-O talking about her boyfriend and 90 Day Fiance because it's amusing, and it keeps MIL from talking. SO gets a text from SIL-Y asking why we're late, I answer it and let her know it's my fault cause I took too long at the jewelry place.
We get the food, we get to the house, I pull SIL-O aside and show her my scratches, cause she's had self-harm issues too. I start crying and just say I can't deal with this I just want to go home. She gives me a hug. I go to SO's room, calm down and clean up after sobbing a bit, he comes in and comforts me and kisses my scratches, and go out and eat Thai food. Uneventful. SIL-Y asks SO if he can drive her to the tavern she used to work at later, and he says no, we need to be up early- it's about 5 right now, and we didn't want to run after her late at night cause we need to all get up at 3 am! We chill, and 7 PM comes around. SIL-Y starts on him again, this time trying to guilt-trip him. She says "but you took SIL-O 2 hours out of the way, this is just a 5-minute drive!" and "My friend drove up here to meet me!" (Then why don't you get your friend to pick you up?) But we'd have to also pick her up at ??? o'clock, because SO is the mediator in this family. He says no. Once, twice. Oh great, now MIL and SIL-Y are yelling at him to just take her and stop being so selfish.
I. Fucking. Snap. All week, SO has been doing things for others, driving them places, buying things, sharing things. He said no. He means no. So I come out out of his room and stand next to him and say loudly "SIL-Y do you really want to go out drinking tonight?! We have to be up at 3 am!" I wanted to also say "SO said no, he means no." But before I can, she says "what the fuck is your problem Megraptor?!" And MIL, like a motherfucking T. rex, comes running out of their room and tells me to back off and blocks me in the hall. I run out of the house, no shoes on, and just run off the property and have a breakdown. I was sick and tired of watching my SO be bullied. I cry and sob and SO comes out. I tell him I can't be around his family and I can't watch him be bullied and become a spinless person like his dad. I told him that I have resorted to self-harm, something I haven't done in years. I told him they scare me, and I want to leave and go home. I tell him I don't think I can continue this relationship if I have to be around them. He goes in, grabs me a coat and shoes, and we walk around and discuss what happened. I call my sister, talk to her a bit too. We figure out solutions to scenarios like if they kick us out, try and talk to us, etc. We return around 9ish, which means we missed this 8 pm family video call that was going on. By then FIL has come home from work then. I scurry to the room, and just kinda sit there. SO talks to FIL, and SO comes in, and says "we've been asked to leave immediately." In a way, I was happy to gtfoutta there. But it was 9, and we were 8 hours away from Pittsburgh.
We pack quickly. I forgot a pair of socks, him a pair of boots. SIL-O said she'll mail anything we forgot, and gave me a big hug- the only person to say bye to me. I tell her to keep in touch, and she's the only one in there I really like right now, and that I have my own issues with PTSD and such- weird how the one with BPD is the most reasonable one to me... We leave. We discuss what happened, how he feels. He just wishes it didn't blow up, and hopes he work things out with SIL-Y. I agree- I say they were dogpiling him and I hated to watch that so I stepped in... and got us kicked out. They don't need to like me though, but I'm sure I'll be demonized after this. I felt awful about that part, but he doesn't seem too beat up over it. He's kept his family distant since we moved out and us together. We drive for 8 hours until 4:30 am, and we get home. And then crash.
Sunday: Wake up with two cats on me. Have a cup of tea. Tell my parents the story- they aren't surprised as they have met MIL and FIL before. I watch the Steelers game with SO. 10-0, he owes me a Steeler's jersey for the Thanksgiving game. I owe him scratch-made chocolate chip cookies with nuts from a silly bet- if he didn't cry at the service, he got cookies. If he did, he got cookies- always cookies. We'll figure that out.
So congrats if you got through this mess. You can have cookies too if you read it all.
TL;DR This is the first time that I'm treated like actual family instead of a guest by my SO's family. And I hate every second of it. Basically, MIL was trying to make me an extension of her, like she has the rest of the family. Instead, I defend boundaries and get kicked out, with tons of drama in between.
submitted by Megraptor to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

The State of the Race

Hello there!
This is a "scorechart" for the 2020-2021 Oscar Season. Enjoy.
Best Picture Studio Noms Wins
Nomadland Searchlight 48 23
Promising Young Woman Focus 36 5
Minari A24 33 6
First Cow A24 29 2
The Trial of the Chicago 7 Netflix 26 3
Sound of Metal Amazon 24 1
Da 5 Bloods Netflix 23 2
Never Rarely Sometimes Always Focus 19 1
Mank Netflix 16 2
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom Netflix 15 3
One Night in Miami Amazon 14
I’m Thinking of Ending Things Netflix 13
Soul Disney 12
The Father Sony Picture Classics 10
Lovers Rock Amazon 8 1
Palm Springs Neon/Hulu 5
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm Amazon 4
Judas and the Black Messiah Warner Bros. 4
The Forty-Year-Old Version Netflix 4
Mangrove Amazon 3 1
Hamilton Disney+ 3
News of the World Universal 3
The Assistant Bleecker Street 3
The rest of Small Axe Amazon 2 1
Another Round Samuel Goldwyn 2
Saint Maud 2
Tenet Warner Bros. 2
About Endlessness 1
Bacurau 1
Black Bear Momentum 1
Collective 1
Dick Johnson Is Dead Netflix 1
Driveways FilmRise 1
Hillbilly Elegy Netflix 1
Malcolm & Marie Netflix 1
Martin Eden 1
Miss Juneteenth Kanopy 1
Music Vertical Entertainment 1
Nine Days 1
On the Rocks A24 1
Palm Springs Neon 1
Possessor Neon 1
Relic IFC 1
Rocks 1
Sylvie's Love Amazon 1
The Invisible Man Universal 1
The King of Staten Island Universal 1
The Mauritanian STX 1
The Midnight Sky Netflix 1
The Personal History of David Copperfield Disney 1
The Prom Netflix 1
The Twentieth Century 1
The United States vs. Billie Holiday Hulu 1
The Vast of Night Amazon 1
This Is Not a Burial, It's A Resurrection 1
Time Amazon 1
Tommaso Kino Lorber 1
Vitalina Varela 1
Best Director Film Noms Wins
Chloé Zhao Nomadland 50 38
Emerald Fennell Promising Young Woman 26
Lee Isaac Chung Minari 22
David Fincher Mank 18
Kelly Reichardt First Cow 17
Aaron Sorkin The Trial of the Chicago 7 16
Regina King One Night in Miami 15 3
Spike Lee Da 5 Bloods 15 3
Steve McQueen Lovers Rock 9 2
Darius Marder Sound of Metal 9 1
Steve McQueen Mangrove 6 2
Eliza Hittman Never Rarely Sometimes Always 6
Florian Zeller The Father 6
Steve McQueen The rest of Small Axe 5 2
George C. Wolfe Ma Rainey's Black Bottom 3
Pete Docter (and Kemp Powers) Soul 3
Charlie Kaufman I'm Thinking of Ending Things 2
Brandon Cronenberg Possessor 1
Christopher Nolan Tenet 1
Kevin Macdonald The Mauritanian 1
Lee Daniels The United States vs. Billie Holiday 1
Leigh Whannell The Invisible Man 1
Pedro Costa* Vitalina Varela 1
Radha Blank The Forty-Year-Old Version 1
Rose Glass Saint Maud 1
Shaka King Judas and The Black Messiah 1
Sam Levinson Malcolm & Marie 1
Sofia Coppola On the Rocks 1
Ron Howard Hillbilly Elegy 1
Best Actor Film Noms Wins
Riz Ahmed Sound of Metal 48 16
Chadwick Boseman Ma Rainey's Black Bottom 46 16
Delroy Lindo Da 5 Bloods 35 9
Anthony Hopkins The Father 28 3
Steven Yeun† Minari 24 2
Gary Oldman Mank 16
Mads Mikkelsen Another Round 6 1
Kingsley Ben-Adir† One Night in Miami 3
Sacha Baron Cohen Borat Subsequent Moviefilm 3
Adarsh Gourav The White Tiger 2
Andy Samberg Palm Springs 2
Ben Affleck The Way Back 2
Dev Patel The Personal History of David Copperfield 2
John Magaro First Cow 2
Lin-Manuel Miranda Hamilton 2
Luca Marinelli* Martin Eden 2
Tahar Rahim The Mauritanian 2
Tom Hanks News of the World 2
Hugh Jackman Bad Education 1
James Corden The Prom 1
Jesse Plemons I'm Thinking of Endings Things 1
Jim Parsons The Boys in the Band 1
John David Washington Malcolm & Marie 1
John David Washington Tenet 1
Jude Law The Nest 1
Leslie Odom Jr. Hamilton 1
Ralph Fiennes The Dig 1
Rob Morgan Bull 1
Winston Duke Nine Days 1
Best Actress Film Noms Wins
Frances McDormand Nomadland 44 18
Carey Mulligan Promising Young Woman 41 16
Viola Davis Ma Rainey's Black Bottom 40 3
Vanessa Kirby Pieces of a Woman 24 2
Sidney Flanigan Never Rarely Sometimes Always 16 2
Jessie Buckley I'm Thinking of Ending Things 10 1
Elisabeth Moss The Invisible Man 7
Nicole Beharie Miss Juneteenth 6 1
Carrie Coon The Nest 5
Sophia Loren The Life Ahead 4 1
Zendaya Malcolm & Marie 3 1
Amy Adams† Hillbilly Elegy 3
Andra Day The United States vs. Billie Holiday 3
Julia Garner The Assistant 3
Michelle Pfeiffer French Exit 3
Anya Taylor-Joy Emma. 2
Aubrey Plaza Black Bear 2
Elisabeth Moss Shirley 2
Kate Winslet Ammonite 2
Morfydd Clark Saint Maud 2
Han Ye-ri† Minari 2
Vitalina Varela* Vitalina Varela 1 1
Amaia Aberasturi Coven 1
Eliza Scanlen Babyteeth 1
Evan Rachel Wood Kajillionaire 1
Hong Chau* Driveways 1
Kate Hudson Music 1
Margot Robbie Birds of Prey 1
Meryl Streep The Prom 1
Rashida Jones On the Rocks 1
Robin Wright Land 1
Rosamund Pike I Care a Lot 1
Best Supporting Actor Film Noms Wins
Paul Raci Sound of Metal 36 17
Sacha Baron Cohen The Trial of the Chicago 7 31 6
Leslie Odom Jr. One Night in Miami 29 10
Bill Murray On the Rocks 24
Chadwick Boseman Da 5 Bloods 22 4
Daniel Kaluuya Judas and the Black Messiah 11 3
David Strathairn Nomadland 7
Bo Burnham Promising Young Woman 6
Brian Dennehy† Driveways 5
Glynn Turman Ma Rainey's Black Bottom 4 1
Mark Rylance The Trial of the Chicago 7 4
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II The Trial of the Chicago 7 3 1
Alan Kim† Minari 3
Frank Langella The Trial of the Chicago 7 3
Ben Mendelsohn Babyteeth 2
Bill Burr The King of Staten Island 2
Colman Domingo Ma Rainey's Black Bottom 2
Jared Leto The Little Things 2
Orion Lee First Cow 2
Aldis Hodge One Night in Miami 1 1
Shaun Parkes Mangrove 1 1
Benedict Wong Nine Days 1
Clarke Peters Da 5 Bloods 1
Demián Bichir Land 1
JK Simmons Palm Springs 1
Keegan-Michael Key Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey 1
Keegan-Michael Key The Prom 1
Peter Macdissi Uncle Frank 1
Shia LaBeouf Pieces of a Woman 1
Stanley Tucci Supernova 1
Timothy Simons Yes God Yes 1
Best Supporting Actress Film Noms Wins
Youn Yuh-jung† Minari 46 22
Maria Bakalova† Borat Subsequent Moviefilm 41 16
Amanda Seyfried Mank 36 3
Olivia Colman The Father 24
Ellen Burstyn Pieces of a Woman 18 3
Glenn Close† Hillbilly Elegy 10 2
Olivia Cooke Sound of Metal 6 1
Helena Zengel News of the World 6
Talia Ryder Never Rarely Sometimes Always 4
Toni Collette I'm Thinking of Ending Things 4
Candice Bergen Let Them All Talk 2
Jodie Foster The Mauritanian 2
Saoirse Ronan Ammonite 2
Swankie Nomadland 2
Alexis Chikaeze Miss Juneteenth 1
Dominique Fishback Judas And The Black Messiah 1
Essie Davis Babyteeth 1
Jane Adams She Dies Tomorrow 1
Jennifer Ehle Saint Maud 1
Lesley Manville Let Him Go 1
Letitia Wright Mangrove 1
Mia Goth Emma. 1
Nicole Kidman The Prom 1
Sharlene Whyte Education 1
Sônia Braga Bacurau 1
Valerie Mahaffey French Exit 1
Zazie Beetz Nine Days 1
Best Original Screenplay Noms Wins
Promising Young Woman 38 16
The Trial of the Chicago 7 30 5
Minari 26 10
Mank 19
Never Rarely Sometimes Always 18 5
Sound of Metal 12
Palm Springs 8
Da 5 Bloods 7
Soul 6
The Forty-Year-Old Version 4 2
Fourteen 1 1
Malcolm & Marie 1 1
Possessor 1 1
Another Round 1
Driveways 1
His House 1
Nine Days 1
On the Rocks 1
Saint Maud 1
The Twentieth Century 1
The Vast of Night 1
Best Adapted Screenplay Noms Wins
Nomadland 33 12
First Cow 27 5
I'm Thinking of Ending Things 26 9
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom 21 3
One Night in Miami 21
The Father 14 2
News of the World 5 1
Emma. 3
The Life Ahead 2 1
The Personal History of David Copperfield 1 1
Bad Education 1
Hillbilly Elegy 1
Mangrove 1
Martin Eden 1
Pieces of a Woman 1
Shirley 1
Best International Film Noms Wins Submitted by Shortlist
Another Round 32 13 Denmark
Bacurau 27 4
La Llorona 17 2 Guetamala
Beanpole* 15 1
Minari 14 8
Collective 13 1 Romania
The Life Ahead 11 3
Martin Eden* 8 1
Two of Us 6 France
Night of Kings 5 1 Ivory Coast
I'm No Longer Here 5 Mexico
The Painted Bird* 4
The Mole Agent 4 Chile
Vitalina Varela* 4 Portugal
A Sun 3 1 Taiwan
And Then We Danced* 3 1
I Carry You with Me 3
Dear Comrades! 2 Russia
Ema 2
The Platform 2
Quo Vadis, Aida? 2 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm 1 1
His House 1 1
Identifying Features 1 1
Jumbo 1 1
Notturno 1 1
Open Door 1 1 Albania
76 Days 1
About Endlessness 1
Apples 1 Greece
Atlantis 1 Ukraine
Cuties 1
Dry Wind 1
Innocence 1
Jallikattu 1 India
Leap 1 China
Los Fuertes 1
My Little Sister 1 Switzerland
Preparations to be Together for an Unknown Period of Time 1 Hungary
Song without a Name 1 Peru
Sputnik 1
Summer of 85 1
System Crasher 1
The Twentieth Century 1
The Weasels’ Tale 1
The Weeping Woman 1
The Whistlers 1
Tigertail 1
To the Ends of the Earth 1
Tove 1 Finland
Undine 1
Better Days 0 Hong Kong
Charlatan 0 Czech Republic
Sun Children 0 Iran
Hope 0 Norway
The Man Who Sold His Skin 0 Tunisia
Best Score/Music Composer Noms Wins Shortlist
Soul Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross, Jon Batiste 34 24
Mank Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross 26 2
Tenet Ludwig Göransson 24 5
Minari Emile Mosseri 23 3
Da 5 Bloods Terence Blanchard 14 1
The Midnight Sky Alexandre Desplat 12
News of the World James Newton Howard 10 1
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom Branford Marsalis 5 1
First Cow William Tyler 3
One Night in Miami Terence Blanchard 3
Wonder Woman 1984 Hans Zimmer 3
The Invisible Man Benjamin Wallfisch 2 1
Ammonite Dustin O'Halloran, Volker Bertelmann 2
Lovers Rock Mica Levi 2
Nomadland Ludovico Einaudi 2
Pieces of a Woman Howard Shore 2
Shirley Tamar-kali 2
Hamilton Lin-Manuel Miranda 1 1
Antebellum Nate Wonder, Roman GianArthur 1
Blizzard of Souls Lolita Ritmanis 1
David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet Steven Price 1
David Byrne's American Utopia David Byrne 1
Enola Holmes Daniel Pamberton 1
Farmageddon Tom Howe 1
Fukushima 50 Tarō Iwashiro 1
Gretel & Hansel Robin Coudert 1
I’m Thinking of Ending Things Jay Wadley 1
Onward Mychael and Jeff Danna 1
Palm Springs Matthew Compton 1
Sound of Metal Nicolas Becker, Abraham Marder 1
Swallow Nathan Halpern 1
The 24th Alex Heffes 1
The Call fo the Wild John Powell 1
The Croods 2: A New Age Mark Mothersbaugh 1
The Dark and the Wicked Tom Schraeder 1
The Devil All the Time Danny Bensi, Saunder Jurriaans 1
The Empty Man Christopher Young, Lustmord 1
The Glorias Elliot Goldenthal 1
The Life Ahead Gabriel Yared 1
The Lost Husband Sherri Chung 1
The New Mutants Mark Snow 1
The Personal History of David Copperfield Christopher Willis 1
The Old Guard Volker Bertelmann, Dustin O'Halloran 1
The Trial of the Chicago 7 Daniel Pemberton 1
Wild Mountain Thyme Amelia Warner 1
Wolfwalkers Bruno Coulais, Kila 1
Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey John Debney 0
Mulan Harry Gregson-Williams 0
The Little Things Thomas Newman 0
Best Cinematography Director of Photography Noms Wins
Nomadland Joshua James Richards 39 26
Mank Erik Messerschmidt 32 5
Tenet Hoyte van Hoytema 21 3
News of the World Dariusz Wolski 13
Lovers Rock Shabier Kirchner 11 3
First Cow Christopher Blauvelt 11 1
Da 5 Bloods Newton Thomas Sigel 10
Minari Lachlan Milne 4
Vitalina Varela* Leonardo Simões 3 1
The Midnight Sky Martin Ruhe 3
The rest of Small Axe Shabier Kirchner 2 2
The Vast of Night M. I. Littin-Menz 2 1
Emma. Christopher Blauvelt 2
I’m Thinking of Ending Things Łukasz Żal 2
Never Rarely Sometimes Always Hélène Louvart 2
One Night in Miami Tami Reiker 2
Ammonite Stéphane Fontaine 1
Beanpole Ksenia Sereda 1
Bull Shabier Kirchner 1
Gretel & Hansel Galo Olivares 1
Gunda Egil Håskjold Larsen, Viktor Kossakovsky 1
Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey Remi Adefarasin 1
Promising Young Woman Benjamin Kračun 1
She Dies Tomorrow Jay Keitel 1
Sound of Metal Daniël Bouquet 1
The Assistant Michael Latham 1
Best Documentary Noms Wins Shortlist
Time 39 12
Dick Johnson Is Dead 32 8
Collective 25 7
Boys State 17 4
Crip Camp 16 1
All In: The Fight for Democracy 8 3
The Truffle Hunters 8 1
The Painter and the Thief 7 2
My Octopus Teacher 7 1
The Social Dilemma 7 1
Gunda 5
Athlete A 4
City Hall 4
David Byrne’s American Utopia 4
A Thousand Cuts 3 1
The Dissident 3 1
David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet 2 1
Miss Americana 2 1
A Secret Love 2
Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets 2
Softie 2
Welcome to Chechnya 2
Beastie Boys Story 1 1
The Way I See It 1 1
You Don’t Nomi 1 1
76 Days 1
A Most Beautiful Thing 1
Acasa, My Home 1
Belushi 1
Circus of Books 1
Class Action Park 1
Coup 53 1
Diana Kennedy: Nothing Fancy 1
Feels Good Man 1
John Lewis: Good Trouble 1
Mr. Soul! 1
Our Time Machine 1
Reunited 1
Rewind 1
Rising Phoenix 1
Sky Blossom: Diaries of the Next Greatest Generation 1
The Fight 1
The Go-Go's 1
The History of the Seattle Mariners: Supercut Edition 1
The Mole Agent 1
The Reason I Jump 1
You Cannot Kill David Arquette 1
Notturno 0
Best Animated Film Noms Wins
Soul 42 17
Wolfwalkers 39 12
Onward 24
Over the Moon 23
The Wolf House 9 1
Weathering with You* 8 1
The Croods 2: A New Age 8
Farmageddon* 5
The Willoughbys 3
Demon Slayer 2
Ride Your Wave 2
Trolls World Tour 2
Lupin III: The First 1 1
Accidental Luxuriance of the Translucent Watery Rebus 1
Justice League Dark: Apokolips War 1
Marona’s Fantastic Tale 1
No. 7 Cherry Lane 1
Scoob! 1
World of Tomorrow Episode Three 1
Best Editing Noms Wins
Nomadland 20 8
The Trial of the Chicago 7 21 7
Tenet 15 2
Mank 12
I'm Thinking of Ending Things 9 3
Sound of Metal 7 1
The Father 7 1
The Invisible Man 5 1
Da 5 Bloods 5
One Night in Miami 3
Never Rarely Sometimes Always 2
Promising Young Woman 2
Time 2
Black Bear 1
Breasts 1
First Cow 1
Hamilton 1
I Carry You with Me 1
Lovers Rock 1
Minari 1
News of the World 1
Palm Springs 1
Residue 1
Wander Darkly 1
Best Production Design Noms Wins
Mank 22 15
Emma. 12 2
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom 11
Tenet 8
The Personal History of David Copperfield 8
I'm Thinking of Ending Things 5
News of the World 5
First Cow 4 1
One Night in Miami 4
Promising Young Woman 3
Sylvie's Love 2 1
Da 5 Bloods 2
Lovers Rock 2
The Midnight Sky 2
The Prom 2
Beanpole 1
Birds of Prey 1
Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey 1
Judas and the Black Messiah 1
Mulan 1
Shirley 1
The Trial of the Chicago 7 1
Best Costume Design Noms Wins
Emma. 12 5
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom 12 3
Mank 12
Birds of Prey 8 1
The Personal History of David Copperfield 5
First Cow 3
Mulan 3
Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey 2
Sylvie's Love 2
Waiting for the Barbarians 1 1
One Night in Miami 1
Promising Young Woman 1
The Trial of the Chicago 7 1
Wonder Woman 1984 1
Best Visual Effects Noms Wins Shortlist
Tenet 19 11
The Invisible Man 14 4
The Midnight Sky 14
Birds of Prey 8
Greyhound 6
Wonder Woman 1984 6
Possessor 4 1
Mank 4
Mulan 4
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
I'm Thinking of Ending Things 1
Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey 1
Sputnik 1
The One and Only Ivan 1
Bloodshot 0
Love and Monsters 0
Soul 0
Welcome to Chechnya 0
Best Sound Noms Wins
Sound of Metal 9 7
Mank 5
Da 5 Bloods 4
Tenet 4
Soul 2
The Invisible Man 2
The United States vs. Billie Holiday 1 1
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom 1
News of the World 1
Nomadland 1
Possessor 1
The Midnight Sky 1
The Prom 1
The Trial of the Chicago 7 1
The Vast of Night 1
Best Original Song Film Noms Wins Shortlist
Speak Now One Night in Miami 14 7
Rocket to the Moon Over the Moon 9
Seen The Life Ahead 7 2
Husavik Eurovision Song Contest 7 1
Hear My Voice The Trial of the Chicago 7 6
Wuhan Flu Borat Subsequent Moviefilm 4 1
Wear Your Crown The Prom 4
Just Sing Trolls World Tour 3 1
Everybody Cries The Outpost 3
Fight for You Judas and the Black Messiah 3
Only the Young Miss Americana 3
Poverty Porn The Forty-Year-Old Version 3
Tigress & Tweed The United States vs. Billie Holiday 3
Turntables All In: The Fight for Democracy 3
Free The One and Only Ivan 2
Staring at a Mountain Never Rarely Sometimes Always 2
The Plan Tenet 2
Never Break Giving Voice 1 1
Boss Bitch Birds of Prey 1
Carried Me With You Onward 1
Feel the Thunder The Croods: A New Age 1
How Can I Tell You? Nasrin 1
Identical On the Rocks 1
(If Only You Could) Save Me Mank 1
I'll Be Singing Wild Mountain Thyme 1
Loyal Brave True Mulan 1
Rain Song Minari 1
See What You've Done Belly of the Beast 1
Stand for Hope Two by Two: Overboard! 1
The Future The Way I See It 1
The Other Side Trolls World Tour 1
This Day Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey 1
Green Sound of Metal 0
Make It Work Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey 0
Show Me Your Soul Mr. Soul 0
Best Makeup and Hairstyling Noms Wins Shortlist
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom 6 2
Mank 5 1
Birds of Prey 5 1
Emma. 4
Hillbilly Elegy 3
Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey 2
Promising Young Woman 2
I’m Thinking of Ending Things 1 1
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm 1
One Night in Miami 1
Possessor 1
The United States vs. Billie Holiday 1
Wonder Woman 1984 1
Pinocchio 0
The Glorias 0
The Little Things 0
Best Ensemble Noms Wins
The Trial of the Chicago 7 22 8
Da 5 Bloods 17 2
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom 16 8
One Night in Miami 16 8
Minari 12 1
Mangrove 3 2
Promising Young Woman 3
Judas and the Black Messiah 2
The Prom 2
Birds of Prey 1
Hillbilly Elegy 1
I’m Thinking of Ending Things 1
La Llorona 1
Mank 1
Palm Springs 1
Sound of Metal 1
The Glorias 1
The King of Staten Island 1
The Personal History of David Copperfield 1
Uncle Frank 1
The 62 groups included so far:
Votes transferred from last season:
The 42 groups yet to vote:
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what is hillbilly music called video

Hillbilly Music from Rock N Roll Legends - YouTube Calling Hillbilly Chicks - YouTube LEGACASTER AND THE HILLBILLY TRIO - CALL THE DEEJAY Kitty Daisy & Lewis - Hillbilly Music - SUNDAY BEST ... Hillbilly Jim Training tune. What is it called?? - YouTube Hillbilly Mountain Banjo n Fiddle music .. BY MARK SALONA ... Hillbillys in LOVE (Prank Call) - YouTube Chinaman, Drunk Guy, Officer Martin & Howard Stern call a ... Race Records and Hillbilly Music - YouTube

-Founder of Hillbilly-1st recording. Showed the world that hillbilly music would sell-Song, "The Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane" Published as sheet music in 1923-1ST Recorded by a White Southerner-Was a minstrel song written in the perspective of a Freed Slave-Sentimental Portrayal. 1st POV-Looking bach to old days Hillbilly music definition, folk music combined with elements of popular music in which the banjo, fiddle, and guitar are principal instruments: a type of music that originated in mountain regions of the southern U.S. See more. Hillbilly music is now sometimes used to describe old-time music. As early as the the 1920s, there were records by a band called the Beverly Hillbillies and the Delmore Brothers recorded the "Hillbilly Boogie" in 1946. Content is copyright by Hillbilly-Music.com except where noted. Articles and photos attributed to others are used by this site with the owner's permission and require you to obtain permission to re-use or reprint. Except where noted, all information is from the collection and archives of Hillbilly-Music.com. Hillbilly-Music.com P.O. Box 576245 Chapter 1 examines the origins of traditional music and how instrumental the fiddle and banjo were in that development. Chapter 2 looks closely into the careers of recording artists who recorded what would later be called hillbilly music. Chapter 3 examines the string band and the naming of the hillbilly genre. “Hillbilly music” appeared in the 1920s, when at least two southern mountain groups called themselves the Hill Billies. Their style of music included stringed instruments accompanied by nasal So, commercial country music came to be called “hillbilly music,” a name given to it by country pianist Al Hopkins in the 1920s. The term “country & western” was used in the heyday of the Articles indicate the group (called the "hillbilly band of swing", or, playing hillbilly music in swing tempo) began appearing over a series of radio stations in Iowa such as WMT in Cedar Rapids, KRNT in Des Moines and in September 1939, over WIRE in Indianapolis. Country music was originally called “hillbilly music”. In the 1940s, Ernest Tubb helped re-brand this type of music “country music”. In an interview about this, Tubb stated, “Hillbilly, that’s what the press used to call it, ‘hillbilly music’. Wayne "The Train" Hancock has been called "the master of hillbilly swing," a "roots Renaissance man," a "country singer's country singer" and… Hillbilly Rawhide 3,990 listeners

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Hillbilly Music from Rock N Roll Legends - YouTube

What is this song? Trying to find the name of this tune. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... 0:00 Buddy Holly & Bob Montgomery - Gotta Get You Near Me Blues (1954)1:50 Eddie Cochran & Hank Cochran - Mr Fiddle (1955)4:08 Bill Haley & The Saddlemen - J... 32 Count - 4 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Song: Get Yer Cowboy On by Sean Patrick McGraw - Choreo: Maxwell -- Performance: Golden Slippers BANJO AND FIDDLE INSTRUMENTAL called BINDU . It is an original melody written and recorded by Mark Salona. Copyright @ 2014 for this music video. Thanks for... Kitty Daisy & Lewis - Hillbilly Music - Concert du 24 Avril 2010 à Aulnoye-Aymeries - 9eme Foire aux Disques et BD LACHE PAS LA PATATE - Famous prank call victims archiveCall by AntiVenom9808 Call the Deejay...and Rock the Joint’ is a stompin’ highlight dedicated to he who’s droppin’ down these words (cheers & beers buddies!). It’s a Don Woody sou... SUBSCRIBE / LIKE / RATE / COMMENT=====About The Video:A LIVE PRANK CALL ON BLOGTV, While on a "dateline" we find this country guy w...

what is hillbilly music called

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