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On Pakistan's treatment of minorities and a defense of CAA

In the light of recent events, I decided to compile some evidence regarding the treatment of Hindus and other minorities in Pakistan. People are requested to pitch in and suggest more evidence if it is not here, so that it serves as a reference point in discussions.

Forced conversions of Hindus

Hindus treated worse than 3rd Class Citizens by the Pakistani Govt.

Hinduphobia among the Pakistani people

Make no mistake, the people of Pakistan are as complicit in this crime as the Govt., if not more.

Hinduphobic hatred harbored by Govt. sponsored Pakistani school textbooks

I'm posting a few of the hundred hate filled lies, do read the full sources given after this :

"Before the Arab conquest people were fed up with the teachings of Buddhists & Hindus."

"Before Islam people lived in untold misery."

The Muslims of Pakistan provided all facilities to the Hindus and the Sikhs who left for India. But the Hindus and the Sikhs looted the Muslims in India with both hands and they attacked their caravans, buses and railway trains.

Therefore, about one million Muslims were martyred on their way to Pakistan.

The religion of Hindus did not teach them good things, Hindus did not respect women.

The Hindu has always been an enemy of Islam.

The foundation of the Hindu setup was based on injustice and cruelty.

The Hindus who had always been opportunists cooperated with the British.

''Religious minorities are often portrayed as inferior or second-class citizens who have been granted limited rights and privileges by generous Pakistani Muslims, for which they should be grateful,'' the report said.

Sources :
Link 1
Link 2

Extinction of Kalash People (Indo-Aryans in Pakistan practicing ancient form of Hinduism) by Muslims of Pakistan

They are not even leaving the tiny minority (3000 people) of Kalash people alone from their cancerous ideology of Jihad.

Other Kalasha activists said they were historically disdained by Muslims as “infidels,” along with a separate group of Kalasha in Afghanistan’s Nurestan province across the border.
According to local leaders, in 2002 a Spanish researcher living in the valley, Jordi Magraner, was found dead with his throat slit, along with two local residents. In 2009, a Greek scholar who helped build the Kalasha school, Athanasion Larounis, was kidnapped by Afghan Taliban forces but eventually freed and returned to Greece.
The larger clash here is the competition between a long-dominant culture with relaxed, secular values and an aggressively expanding faith with strict rules and conservative moral views.
One Kalasha farmer complained of hate speech broadcast through local mosque loudspeakers.
Girls are “easily converted” by Muslim visitors who woo and marry them. (Love Jihad, anyone?)
“We are free and open-minded people. We don’t interfere in our children’s decisions to be a Kalasha or Muslim,” Gul said. “But our community is shrinking. I fear that very soon, there will be no Kalasha left in this valley.” (Exactly what is happening slowly in India).
Source: http://archive.li/yXzKB

A Defense of CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act)

Under the Citizenship Amendment Act of 2019, people who entered India from Pakistan, Afghanistan or Bangladesh by 31 December 2014, and had suffered "religious persecution or fear of religious persecution" in their country of origin, were made eligible for citizenship.

In the view of the plethora of evidence regarding the heinous treatment of minorities in neighboring Islamic theocracies, the CAA is a step in the right direction as it gives citizenship to our ancestral brethren from across the border, not only as a humanitarian gesture, but also owing to our ancient heritage.

A Nation is not merely a vessel for abstract ideas in a geographical territory, but a people tied by common culture, history, tradition and blood. All Dharmic traditions (Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism) were born in India and insofar, it should be our duty to protect them from persecution.

Furthermore, we have a long history of giving refuge to persecuted minorities from Parsis (Zoroastrians) in Gujarat, fleeing the persecution by Muslims in Iran, to Jews in Kerala, fleeing the destruction of the Second Temple.

India has also bore the brunt of Islamic invasion destroying its ancient culture and heritage and committing unspeakable atrocities. We shouldn't let the mistakes of the past repeat again in regards to the persecution faced by our Dharmic brethren across the border, by the same mind virus of Islam.

People have also cited the bill destroying some abstract 'secular' fabric of the country. To give some historical context, the Indian Founders didn't include the word 'Secularism' in the constitution, it was added by the tyrant Indira Gandhi during emergency, against the will of the people. The Founders did not want a rootless, degenerate Indian state devoid of guiding principles, they instead preferred Omnism, which is the respect for all religions.

For instance, a state sponsored effort to bring an "Indic Renaissance", by promoting Sanskrit, Ancient Indian art, literature, Science and Math and financing archaeological endeavors to corroborate our cultural history can be seen as intermingling of state and "religion", but that shouldn't hinder these projects just to uphold an abstract concept alien to the Indic mind.

This is because Hinduism is not merely a religion in India, but also it's cultural heritage and has a much wider definition to be comparable to Abrahmic religions governed by a single book, for which the concept of Secularism arose in the west, while Indian history was guided by the concept of Omnism, despite religion often being intermingled with empires. This is precisely why even Nehru and Ambedkar disagreed for a complete wall of separation between state and religion.

Here are a few great videos discussing the legal aspects of CAA and NRC in detail and how it is Constitutionally valid.
submitted by Sa_mJack to IndiaSpeaks [link] [comments]

Resources for ex-muslims and pre-ex-muslims

Most muslims know very little of their own religion. They know only the rituals and festivals. They are aware of the various فرقہ / sect and the differences. Most have not read Quran in their own language. On the internet there are plenty of resources and you may be looking for some in Indian languages to help your friends learn about these.
Islam's theory is made up 3 aspects:
  1. Quran, which is the direct word of God, as spoken to Prophet Muhammed (via Jibreel) https://quran.com/
  2. The Hadees, which are the collected stories/actions/sayings of the prophet as narrated by a chain of narrators. Note that Hadees is not relevation and there is some room to disagree with Hadees. Shias have a different set of Hadees and do not have the concept of Sahih, and can disagree or challenge Hadith (theoretically) https://sunnah.com/
  3. Sirat Rasul-ullah, the Biography of the prophet. https://www.justislam.co.uk/images/Ibn%20Ishaq%20-%20Sirat%20Rasul%20Allah.pdf
All three are necessary to understand Islam. Without the biography, the chronology of the Quran and context of verses is missing and much of the intent is lost. Hadees gives particular applications of some verses and provides an insight into how the prophet would have addressed a given situation.
In general, I prefer ex-muslim sources from folks who have deeply studied their religion and are familiar with key Islamic precepts and familiarity of Arabic. Only when a ex-muslim source is not available, non-muslim sources should be used. Although if the subject matter is handled objectively, the narrator's background should not be important but personally I detect a bit of bias from non-muslim (Christian and Hindu) narrators.
Short videos on various aspects of Islam:
  1. Apostate Prophet: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzREuchzOqiawpEpvEM0Tyg
  2. Origin of Islam and early Qiblas pointing to Petra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EaopH_EPfc
  3. Women's situation in an Islamic Theocracy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuQZ19Om1JA&t=1967s
  4. I would also suggest Ayaan Sirsi Ali's videos on Islam.

Hindi/Urdu resources:
  1. Pakistani Mulhid: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtc_cSy8GsWK_gMGytienvg
  2. Ex-muslim spartacus: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvrqvhjYNlQK4qZFrEHmhKw
  3. Ghailib Kamal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa-Cj4VrargmJBOgy_pGlpQ
  4. Abullah Gondal has a facebook page and is probably one of the most intellectual exmuslims from the subcontinent. He also appears on the 3 channels above
  5. Islam for dummies (30 parts, chronological order, biographical): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWLQu4ZqJVM&t=1s
  1. India has a lot more freedom of speech compared to any other Muslim country and we should probably create support network for exmuslims. Right now, all Indic resources are from Pakistanis in hiding.
  2. I see the odd phenomenon of Hindus being the primary supporters of exmuslim channels. That's OK if you want to help but for Allah's sake (lol) do not make this into an Arnab style debate. Muslims are victims of Islam, they deserve your kindness and support. Drop the saffron flag for a few seconds and help them live freely per their beliefs. Do not attack muslims. Do not try to reconvert them. Provide protection if they are attacked.
submitted by no_face to IndianExmuslims [link] [comments]

On Pakistan's Treatment of Minorities and a Defense of CAA

In the light of recent events, I decided to compile some evidence regarding the treatment of Hindus and other minorities in Pakistan. People are requested to pitch in and suggest more evidence if it is not here, so that it serves as a reference point in discussions.

Forced conversions of Hindus

Hindus treated worse than 3rd Class Citizens by the Pakistani Govt.

Hinduphobia among the Pakistani people

Make no mistake, the people of Pakistan are as complicit in this crime as the Govt., if not more.

Hinduphobic hatred harbored by Govt. sponsored Pakistani school textbooks

I'm posting a few of the hundred hate filled lies, do read the full sources given after this :

"Before the Arab conquest people were fed up with the teachings of Buddhists & Hindus."

"Before Islam people lived in untold misery."

The Muslims of Pakistan provided all facilities to the Hindus and the Sikhs who left for India. But the Hindus and the Sikhs looted the Muslims in India with both hands and they attacked their caravans, buses and railway trains.

Therefore, about one million Muslims were martyred on their way to Pakistan.

The religion of Hindus did not teach them good things, Hindus did not respect women.

The Hindu has always been an enemy of Islam.

The foundation of the Hindu setup was based on injustice and cruelty.

The Hindus who had always been opportunists cooperated with the British.

''Religious minorities are often portrayed as inferior or second-class citizens who have been granted limited rights and privileges by generous Pakistani Muslims, for which they should be grateful,'' the report said.

Sources :
Link 1
Link 2

Extinction of Kalash People (Indo-Aryans in Pakistan practicing ancient form of Hinduism) by Muslims of Pakistan

They are not even leaving the tiny minority (3000 people) of Kalash people alone from their cancerous ideology of Jihad.

Other Kalasha activists said they were historically disdained by Muslims as “infidels,” along with a separate group of Kalasha in Afghanistan’s Nurestan province across the border.
According to local leaders, in 2002 a Spanish researcher living in the valley, Jordi Magraner, was found dead with his throat slit, along with two local residents. In 2009, a Greek scholar who helped build the Kalasha school, Athanasion Larounis, was kidnapped by Afghan Taliban forces but eventually freed and returned to Greece.
The larger clash here is the competition between a long-dominant culture with relaxed, secular values and an aggressively expanding faith with strict rules and conservative moral views.
One Kalasha farmer complained of hate speech broadcast through local mosque loudspeakers.
Girls are “easily converted” by Muslim visitors who woo and marry them. (Love Jihad, anyone?)
“We are free and open-minded people. We don’t interfere in our children’s decisions to be a Kalasha or Muslim,” Gul said. “But our community is shrinking. I fear that very soon, there will be no Kalasha left in this valley.” (Exactly what is happening slowly in India).
Source: http://archive.li/yXzKB

A Defense of CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act)

Under the Citizenship Amendment Act of 2019, people who entered India from Pakistan, Afghanistan or Bangladesh by 31 December 2014, and had suffered "religious persecution or fear of religious persecution" in their country of origin, were made eligible for citizenship.

In the view of the plethora of evidence regarding the heinous treatment of minorities in neighboring Islamic theocracies, the CAA is a step in the right direction as it gives citizenship to our ancestral brethren from across the border, not only as a humanitarian gesture, but also owing to our ancient heritage.

A Nation is not merely a vessel for abstract ideas in a geographical territory, but a people tied by common culture, history, tradition and blood. All Dharmic traditions (Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism) were born in India and insofar, it should be our duty to protect them from persecution.

Furthermore, we have a long history of giving refuge to persecuted minorities from Parsis (Zoroastrians) in Gujarat, fleeing the persecution by Muslims in Iran, to Jews in Kerala, fleeing the destruction of the Second Temple.

India has also bore the brunt of Islamic invasion destroying its ancient culture and heritage and committing unspeakable atrocities. We shouldn't let the mistakes of the past repeat again in regards to the persecution faced by our Dharmic brethren across the border, by the same mind virus of Islam.

People have also cited the bill destroying some abstract 'secular' fabric of the country. To give some historical context, the Indian Founders didn't include the word 'Secularism' in the constitution, it was added by the tyrant Indira Gandhi during emergency, against the will of the people. The Founders did not want a rootless, degenerate Indian state devoid of guiding principles, they instead preferred Omnism, which is the respect for all religions.

For instance, a state sponsored effort to bring an "Indic Renaissance", by promoting Sanskrit, Ancient Indian art, literature, Science and Math and financing archaeological endeavors to corroborate our cultural history can be seen as intermingling of state and "religion", but that shouldn't hinder these projects just to uphold an abstract concept alien to the Indic mind.

This is because Hinduism is not merely a religion in India, but also it's cultural heritage and has a much wider definition to be comparable to Abrahmic religions governed by a single book, for which the concept of Secularism arose in the west, while Indian history was guided by the concept of Omnism, despite religion often being intermingled with empires. This is precisely why even Nehru and Ambedkar disagreed for a complete wall of separation between state and religion.

Here are a few great videos discussing the legal aspects of CAA and NRC in detail and how it is Constitutionally valid.
submitted by Sa_mJack to indianews [link] [comments]

Surah Fatiha mp3 Audio With Urdu and English Translation

urah Fatiha also named Surah al Fatiha or al Fatiha is the first surah of the Holy Quran which is the last book of Allah Almighty. The word al Fatiha means “The Opening” and this is because surah Fatiha opens the Holy Quran as it is the first surah of the Holy Quran. Some other names of surah Fatiha are Umm al Quran (the mother of Quran) and Umm al Kitab (the mother of the book) and many other names are also written in the books. .........
submitted by qurantilawat786 to u/qurantilawat786 [link] [comments]

Surah Fatiha Arabic with Urdu and English Translation


Surah Fatiha meaning and other names:

Surah Fatiha also named Surah al Fatiha or al Fatiha is the first surah of the Holy Quran which is the last book of Allah Almighty. The word al Fatiha means “The Opening” and this is because surah Fatiha opens the Holy Quran as it is the first surah of the Holy Quran. Some other names of surah Fatiha are Umm al Quran (the mother of Quran) and Umm al Kitab (the mother of the book) and many other names are also written in the books.
submitted by qurantilawat786 to u/qurantilawat786 [link] [comments]

On Pakistan's Treatment of Minorities and a Defense of CAA

In the light of recent events, I decided to compile some evidence regarding the treatment of Hindus and other minorities in Pakistan. People are requested to pitch in and suggest more evidence if it is not here, so that it serves as a reference point in discussions.

Forced conversions of Hindus

Hindus treated worse than 3rd Class Citizens by the Pakistani Govt.

Hinduphobia among the Pakistani people

Make no mistake, the people of Pakistan are as complicit in this crime as the Govt., if not more.

Hinduphobic hatred harbored by Govt. sponsored Pakistani school textbooks

I'm posting a few of the hundred hate filled lies, do read the full sources given after this :

"Before the Arab conquest people were fed up with the teachings of Buddhists & Hindus."

"Before Islam people lived in untold misery."

The Muslims of Pakistan provided all facilities to the Hindus and the Sikhs who left for India. But the Hindus and the Sikhs looted the Muslims in India with both hands and they attacked their caravans, buses and railway trains.

Therefore, about one million Muslims were martyred on their way to Pakistan.

The religion of Hindus did not teach them good things, Hindus did not respect women.

The Hindu has always been an enemy of Islam.

The foundation of the Hindu setup was based on injustice and cruelty.

The Hindus who had always been opportunists cooperated with the British.

''Religious minorities are often portrayed as inferior or second-class citizens who have been granted limited rights and privileges by generous Pakistani Muslims, for which they should be grateful,'' the report said.

Sources :
Link 1
Link 2

Extinction of Kalash People (Indo-Aryans in Pakistan practicing ancient form of Hinduism) by Muslims of Pakistan

They are not even leaving the tiny minority (3000 people) of Kalash people alone from their cancerous ideology of Jihad.

Other Kalasha activists said they were historically disdained by Muslims as “infidels,” along with a separate group of Kalasha in Afghanistan’s Nurestan province across the border.
According to local leaders, in 2002 a Spanish researcher living in the valley, Jordi Magraner, was found dead with his throat slit, along with two local residents. In 2009, a Greek scholar who helped build the Kalasha school, Athanasion Larounis, was kidnapped by Afghan Taliban forces but eventually freed and returned to Greece.
The larger clash here is the competition between a long-dominant culture with relaxed, secular values and an aggressively expanding faith with strict rules and conservative moral views.
One Kalasha farmer complained of hate speech broadcast through local mosque loudspeakers.
Girls are “easily converted” by Muslim visitors who woo and marry them. (Love Jihad, anyone?)
“We are free and open-minded people. We don’t interfere in our children’s decisions to be a Kalasha or Muslim,” Gul said. “But our community is shrinking. I fear that very soon, there will be no Kalasha left in this valley.” (Exactly what is happening slowly in India).
Source: http://archive.li/yXzKB

A Defense of CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act)

Under the Citizenship Amendment Act of 2019, people who entered India from Pakistan, Afghanistan or Bangladesh by 31 December 2014, and had suffered "religious persecution or fear of religious persecution" in their country of origin, were made eligible for citizenship.

In the view of the plethora of evidence regarding the heinous treatment of minorities in neighboring Islamic theocracies, the CAA is a step in the right direction as it gives citizenship to our ancestral brethren from across the border, not only as a humanitarian gesture, but also owing to our ancient heritage.

A Nation is not merely a vessel for abstract ideas in a geographical territory, but a people tied by common culture, history, tradition and blood. All Dharmic traditions (Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism) were born in India and insofar, it should be our duty to protect them from persecution.

Furthermore, we have a long history of giving refuge to persecuted minorities from Parsis (Zoroastrians) in Gujarat, fleeing the persecution by Muslims in Iran, to Jews in Kerala, fleeing the destruction of the Second Temple.

India has also bore the brunt of Islamic invasion destroying its ancient culture and heritage and committing unspeakable atrocities. We shouldn't let the mistakes of the past repeat again in regards to the persecution faced by our Dharmic brethren across the border, by the same mind virus of Islam.

People have also cited the bill destroying some abstract 'secular' fabric of the country. To give some historical context, the Indian Founders didn't include the word 'Secularism' in the constitution, it was added by the tyrant Indira Gandhi during emergency, against the will of the people. The Founders did not want a rootless, degenerate Indian state devoid of guiding principles, they instead preferred Omnism, which is the respect for all religions.

For instance, a state sponsored effort to bring an "Indic Renaissance", by promoting Sanskrit, Ancient Indian art, literature, Science and Math and financing archaeological endeavors to corroborate our cultural history can be seen as intermingling of state and "religion", but that shouldn't hinder these projects just to uphold an abstract concept alien to the Indic mind.

This is because Hinduism is not merely a religion in India, but also it's cultural heritage and has a much wider definition to be comparable to Abrahmic religions governed by a single book, for which the concept of Secularism arose in the west, while Indian history was guided by the concept of Omnism, despite religion often being intermingled with empires. This is precisely why even Nehru and Ambedkar disagreed for a complete wall of separation between state and religion.

Here are a few great videos discussing the legal aspects of CAA and NRC in detail and how it is Constitutionally valid.
submitted by Sa_mJack to politicalhinduism [link] [comments]

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